This is my friend Pavliku from CZ during a rock trip.Taken by Fillip.
Submitted by: charman on 2006-06-08 Views: 1855 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
a nice day in spain in january, a time when snowflakes are falling at home... 8a...
Submitted by: ailuj on 2006-03-07 Views: 2266 | Comments: 0
... del chorro... awesome place to be! had a great time also at the camino del rey ; )
Submitted by: ailuj on 2006-01-30 Views: 1540 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
A view of the waterfall and Camino del Rey at El Chorro. I don't think I'd belay from something that rickety. Like most postcards, the enormous electrical facility to the right has been left out of the photo. Bring earplugs to get any sleep while you're there!
Submitted by: girldrifter on 2005-12-02 Views: 1720 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Some thin edges on the lower part of this route make it interesting.
Submitted by: kajsurfer on 2005-11-30 Views: 738 | Comments: 0
Butty's by the river after a stroll down the gorge then a bit of hot slab.
Submitted by: kajsurfer on 2005-11-30 Views: 765 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Someone would go to prison for bolting this route in Blighty!!
Submitted by: kajsurfer on 2005-11-30 Views: 783 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Wishing someone had left a few draws clipped and checking out the pendulum.
Submitted by: kajsurfer on 2005-11-30 Views: 613 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Listen to the bongos drift up from the squat below and climb towards the vultures, circling.
Submitted by: kajsurfer on 2005-11-30 Views: 647 | Comments: 0
Craig delicately positions his dainty feet before launching up another 6b move.
Submitted by: kajsurfer on 2005-11-30 Views: 621 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
What you doin' Jonny? Aaah ,just hangin' around!
Submitted by: kajsurfer on 2005-11-30 Views: 709 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Kaj reaches the end of his first 7a+ lead and some thank god handjams to remind him of home!
Submitted by: kajsurfer on 2005-11-29 Views: 873 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Kaj dipping for the camera on the last day before flying home to a grey wet Yorkshire. 25/11/05.
Submitted by: kajsurfer on 2005-11-29 Views: 730 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Who else has seen the dancing dog? Jonny samples Las Encantadas on his way home.
Submitted by: kajsurfer on 2005-11-29 Views: 1537 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
A freak shower, the only one in 5 days, made the crux a little more exciting!
Submitted by: kajsurfer on 2005-11-28 Views: 779 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
My wife (has username ksenia here at RC) - Number One - El Chorro - Spain. October 2005
Submitted by: mikki33 on 2005-11-23 Views: 905 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Juancho en el paso clave de Fran sin nata 7b en Desplomilandia (el chorro) Bonito sitio ideal para escalr en verano.
escalador: Juancho Foto: Paco Camara: minolta z3
Submitted by: juanchet on 2005-10-02 Views: 1082 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
El Chorro never seizes to amaze with its natural beauty, not to mention its hundreds of amazing routes.
Submitted by: mcpsimon on 2005-08-24 Views: 619 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
A fun climb only a short walk away from the hostel (that doesnt include walking through leaking train tunnels). Taken by a crazy californian named Adrien we met in Madrid.
Submitted by: mcpsimon on 2005-08-12 Views: 678 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Otra toma del mismo bloque, a ver si esta vez se ve bien.
No es un paso duro, solo me gusto la foto y la colgue...
Submitted by: caniodelchorro on 2005-06-30 Views: 822 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Un techo muy interesante, se pude uno dar la caņa que quiera, son unos 10 a 15 metros o mas, donde puedes currartelo...
Submitted by: caniodelchorro on 2005-06-30 Views: 855 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Little brown baby, 5.11d. Really beatiful, but so far no luck - a bit above my level too. But If you visit el chorro, you should go for it.
Submitted by: janjaf on 2005-06-20 Views: 1190 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This tiny tooth sticks up in front of the headwall at escalera. the rotuer on it are 5.3 and 5.8, but the exposure is unbelieveable. And makes for a great photo op.
Submitted by: janjaf on 2005-06-20 Views: 1044 | Comments: 0
johnnym on the first ascent of Mitad Hombre Mitad Galleta (Half Man Half Biscuit) 5.10d/5.11a (E5 5c - no gear) back in about '93. I had no conception of what the locals thought of "the crazy Brits" - there was quite a crowd around when I started up the route. At the lower off, I looked round only to find the locals had fled, not wanting to see a Brit dive headfirst onto the very hard floor. Who needs bolts anyway ...sheeeeesh!!!
Submitted by: johnnym on 2004-12-05 | Last Modified: 2013-01-28 Views: 880 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Bigwallollie concentrating for his next move. Picture taken in February 2004. Camera Minolta dynax 3xi with Tamron 28-300 lense.
Submitted by: popol on 2004-07-20 Views: 1441 | Votes: 23 | Comments: 11