Climber: Me(Stuart Wallace)
Date: 31/07/2005
This is a classic 3* 30m pitch around the corner from the main wall. The start is interesting as you have to swing aroung an arete to get on route, the penalty for failure is a dunk in the sea.
Submitted by: nomad on 2006-01-10 Views: 2032 | Votes: 41 | Comments: 22
A photo of myself on Run of The Arrows on Gola Island off the coast of Donegal. Taken 31 July 2005.
Submitted by: nomad on 2005-08-04 Views: 1361 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 3
Paddy Clarke in the dihedral of Run of the Arrows at Gola Island. Was just looking through old photos I had taken and came across this.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2005-06-28 Views: 1158 | Votes: 19 | Comments: 3
Paddy Clarke on Run of the Arrows in Gola Island, just found this in a pile of old photos I had taken.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2005-06-28 Views: 1163 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 2
Gilles on a HVS at Gola Island, off the coast of Donegal, Ireland.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2005-06-28 Views: 933 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 3
Paddy Clarke on a route at Gola Isalnd, off the coast of Donegal, Ireland.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2005-06-28 Views: 1759 | Votes: 25 | Comment: 1
Brian Jester on a route at Mail Wall on Gola Island, Ireland.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2004-09-08 Views: 1785 | Votes: 22 | Comments: 10
Paddy Clarke on the beautiful Gripple wall area on Gola Island, Ireland.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2004-08-05 Views: 972 | Votes: 24 | Comments: 21
Moonrise over a lake at Gola Island, off the coast of Donegal, Ireland
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2004-08-04 Views: 645 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Paddy racking up some airtime at the inland crag at Gola Island, Ireland.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2004-08-03 Views: 792 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
GIlles leading a VS at Gola Island, Ireland
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2004-08-03 Views: 669 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Gilles leading a vs at Gola Island, Ireland
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2004-08-03 Views: 1116 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Paddy Leading run of the Arrows at Main wall, Gola Island, Ireland
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2004-08-03 Views: 1113 | Votes: 69 | Comments: 31
Paddy peels of at the inland Crag, Gola Island, Ireland
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2004-08-03 Views: 710 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
It was the first route of the trip, think it's called Corner Boy (hs).
I hadn't been on real rock for just under a year, nice climb if a little wet.
Submitted by: honeybee on 2004-07-27 Views: 852 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This granite stack was first climbed by Andrzej Smialy and friends this summer.
Its on a small island called Owey off the coast of Donegal (near Gola), one has to get to the island by getting a lift from a local fisherman, a smaller boat is then nessacary to get to the base of the stack.Andrzej Smialy took the photos. Its nice to think that there is still such nice bits of rock unclimbed around the place.
Submitted by: theshortspan on 2003-10-30 Views: 1469 | Votes: 16 | Comments: 7
This is the first ascent of a new HVS on Gola Island, Ireland. Climbers Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg and Kevin Moroney. The route follows an awkard arete with crap protection. The same day we also put up a new E2 with I will hopefully get a picture up of.
Photo by Paddy Davey.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2003-07-25 Views: 708 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Staring speculatively at the crux move - Kevin Moroney and Phillip Schmidt-Wellenburgh climbing the classic Atlantic Storm [E3 6a] 5.11/12?, Gola Island, Donegal, Ireland. Thanks To Paddy Davy for the Photo!
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2003-05-18 Views: 1491 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 7
Kevin Moroney and Phillip Schmidt-Wellenburg On Castaway [E2-5c] Gola Island, Donegal, Ireland. Photo by Paddy Davy
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2003-05-17 Views: 897 | Votes: 35 | Comments: 13
Kevin Moroney and Phillip Schmitt-Wellenburg on Atlantic Storm [E3 6a] Main Face, Gola Island, Donegal, Ireland. Photo by Paddy Davy.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2003-05-17 Views: 853 | Votes: 32 | Comments: 20
This is one of my mentors :)
Rob, the dude who taught me to lead. This is taken on Elvis on Gola Island, i think its an E2 or E3
Submitted by: admin on 2002-08-20 Views: 590 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1