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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Your search returned 0 categories and 24 photos


Barry O'Dwyer on a Project Route

Average Rating = 4.12/5 Barry O'Dwyer on a Project Route

Barry O'Dwyer on a project rout e at Dalkey Quarry Ireland. The route take a thin path up and is quite overhanging in the last 6-7 meters.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2006-08-31
Views: 3039 | Votes: 9 | Comment: 1
Its not easy.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Its not easy.

Gary making his way up the awkward crack of the shield. The weather was so nice that the climbing was made even harder by the sweaty rock which sucked the chalk off your hand and made smearing nearly impossible.
Submitted by: shock on 2006-07-02
Views: 2475 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Out of the Groove

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Out of the Groove

Stuart traversing out from the groove onto the face on the last section of Gargoyles Groove Direct E1. A much better finish then the indirect version.
Submitted by: shock on 2006-07-02
Views: 1897 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Crinklewood

This photo was actually taken in Bray Head (not in Dalkey as stated) on an easy VS climb called 'Crinklewood'. Here, I'm belaying Bikesh from the 'Crow's Nest' - about 3/4ths the way up. Nice cold and rainy Irish weather!
Submitted by: carl_mogensen on 2006-05-29
Views: 1589 | Comments: 0
Up Slide Run

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Up Slide Run

Orla leading her first climb in Dalkey quarry after the winter break. The route goes up the slab then breaks right to finish over the overhang.
Submitted by: shock on 2006-04-23
Views: 1408 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Upper Cliffs

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Upper Cliffs

The upper cliffs of the quarry on a December evening
Submitted by: smitz on 2006-03-30
Views: 2283 | Comments: 2
Project Route - Dalkey Quarry

Average Rating = 3.38/5 Project Route - Dalkey Quarry

Barry O'Dwyer trying a project rout at Dalkey Quarry, Dublin, Ireland. Thin Moves followed by lots of Egyptians....
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2005-06-28
Views: 1540 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2
The Eliminates, Dalkey Quarry

Average Rating = 3.89/5 The Eliminates, Dalkey Quarry

Alaister on one of the eliminates at Dalkey Quarry, Ireland. Dublin city is visible in the background.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2004-07-28
Views: 1422 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 2

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Hyperion

Photo of Gráinne and I taken by Colin Another peach of a route up the right side of the White Wall. The second pitch is exposed and committing. Start at a slabby groove just right of the start to In Absentia. Finish climb by moving out left by committing long step onto the face. Climb the steep wall above to an ash tree belay. (better not to use the tree I think) [VS 4b,4c]
Submitted by: seanoloinsigh on 2004-06-02
Views: 1169 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Street Fighter

Average Rating = 3.67/5 Street Fighter

Fine steep climbing with good protection far away from the city centre. [ VS 4c] Photo taken by C. Burkley as the sunlight was fading.
Submitted by: seanoloinsigh on 2004-05-13
Views: 1119 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
The Masochist 5-11c

Average Rating = 3.80/5 The Masochist 5-11c

Kev Moroney on The Masochish in Dalkey Quarry, Ireland. The route is E3 6a, or about 5.11c? Please comment.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2004-05-05
Views: 1063 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 6
The Masochist [E3-6a]

Average Rating = 3.20/5 The Masochist [E3-6a]

Kev on the Masochist, in Dalkey quarry, E3-6a (Please Comment)
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2004-04-30
Views: 876 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Jamie on Poltergeist

Average Rating = 1.67/5 Jamie on Poltergeist

On a sunny day in march? We decided to top rope "the ghost" however what jamie climbed was poltergeist just beside the ghost.
Submitted by: nomad on 2004-03-16
Views: 701 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
A nice sunny day in Dalkey

Average Rating = 2.83/5 A nice sunny day in Dalkey

It wasnt actually that nice. It was freezing! This is me on Paradise lost in the only sunny spell of the day. Its a nice easy climb except for the broken glass in a crack half way up. Taken By: Stuart Wallace
Submitted by: shock on 2004-03-04
Views: 976 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Myself climbing Paradise

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Myself climbing Paradise

Myself (Stuart Wallace) climbing Paradise in Dalkey Quarrey, Dave Stacey is visable at the top.
Submitted by: nomad on 2004-02-28
Views: 1768 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Dave leading Yorkshire

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Dave leading Yorkshire

Dave Stacey leading Yourshire Pudding on a freezing day last week.
Submitted by: nomad on 2004-02-28
Views: 728 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Julia leading Levitation

Average Rating = 3.85/5 Julia leading Levitation

This is a Photo of Julia Greiner leading Levitation in Dalkey Quarry, Dublin, Ireland.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2003-06-17
Views: 1045 | Votes: 13 | Comment: 1
Julia Leading Winders Crack

Average Rating = 3.75/5 Julia Leading Winders Crack

Julia Greiner taking the lead on Winders Crack, in Dalkey Quarry, Dublin, Ireland.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2003-06-17
Views: 916 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Spailpin [E1 5c]

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Spailpin [E1 5c]

Spailpin - Dalkey Quarry, Dublin, Ireland [E1 5c] [5-11ish], Kevin Moroney & Andy Kelly climbing. Very nice slab climb with some tricky moves up a small ramp.
Submitted by: moroneyk on 2003-05-17
Views: 940 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Dalkey

Climbing at the upper cliffs at Dalkey Quarry, Dublin climbs ranging from HVS to E5
Submitted by: cass on 2002-09-27
Views: 1303 | Comments: 0
Variation on Streetfighter

Average Rating = 3.75/5 Variation on Streetfighter

A photo taken by Glynn Foster, of Domhnall Brannigan working a fingery English 6a-ish variation left of the classic crack 'Streetfighter' VS 4c. A balancy reachy rockover to start to a half oint edge, then keep the blinkers on as you crimp up a line left of the Streetfighter ramp - never actually got around to leading/soloing the route before leaving for Australia -reckon it would go at about E3 6a, but it's a bit contrived.
Submitted by: amygdala on 2002-09-17
Views: 964 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Drinkers Delight and Drinkers Direct

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Drinkers Delight and Drinkers Direct

Drinkers Delight and Drinkers Direct Dalkey
Submitted by: D3caf on 2009-05-08
Views: 2015 | Comments: 0
Yorkshire Pudding and Winders Crack Dalkey

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Yorkshire Pudding and Winders Crack Dalkey

Yorkshire Pudding and Winders Crack Dalkey
Submitted by: D3caf on 2009-05-08 | Last Modified: 2009-05-09
Views: 2862 | Comment: 1
Yorkshire Pudding and Winders Crack Dalkey

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Yorkshire Pudding and Winders Crack Dalkey

Yorkshire Pudding and Honeypot Crack Dalkey
Submitted by: D3caf on 2009-05-08 | Last Modified: 2009-05-09
Views: 3310 | Comments: 0