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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Your search returned 0 categories and 6 photos


Glenmacnass - Dice rib.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Glenmacnass - Dice rib.

Glenmacnass - Dice rib. Not an obvious feature as the most obvious feature is the lack of features. There is one small crimp for the left hand and a vague slopey rib for the right hand and foot from there its a matter of slapping and holding the top. taked by Dom from magazine
Submitted by: theshortspan on 2004-02-26
Views: 659 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Glenmacnass - Nemesis.

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Glenmacnass - Nemesis.

Glenmacnass - Nemesis. High, hard, long and complicated. The landing is good but boulder is high (20 feet). It will take a particular type of person to get excited about this project as it will take a lot of figuring out the moves, cleaning holds etc. The first move is a tricky slap to a relatively good hold after that there not a huge amount to aim for just the slopey lip and the odd crystal for the feet.
Submitted by: theshortspan on 2004-02-26
Views: 762 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Glenmacnass - Dice slap.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Glenmacnass - Dice slap.

Glenmacnass - Dice slap. It’s just one hard slap off a reasonable edge to a small crimp with no footholds worth mentioning. Easy if you’re strong enough, impossible otherwise. Not as impressive a line to look at as the others but a cool move.
Submitted by: theshortspan on 2004-02-26
Views: 1069 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Glenmacnass - The Full Rasher traverse.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Glenmacnass - The Full Rasher traverse.

Glenmacnass - The Full Rasher traverse. This will be a fine endurance outing without any particularly hard moves but lots of them. The Rasher is the traverse of the lip facing the river that looks vaguely like a rasher on its side. The complete traverse starts right on the other side of the boulder going up (and across) one arete down another (a fine problem in itself) and finally across the Rasher itself. The holds are always slopey and never good enough to get a good shake out. One to try after a holiday clipping bolts.
Submitted by: theshortspan on 2004-02-26
Views: 631 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Glendasan - prow of the Tank.

Average Rating = 3.40/5 Glendasan - prow of the Tank.

Glendasan - prow of the Tank. The prow of the Tank boulder above the mining village in Glendasan is formed where the two overhanging faces meet. To the right is 'Darkness before dawn' John Gaskins 8a+ and the hardest problem in Ireland. John used a camming device placed under the boulder to hold his mat in place on Darkness this would be worth doing on the prow as the landing below the sitstart is rocky. A very steep sitstart on some slopey holds leads to the lip after which there is still a good bit of work to do. There are also another two unclimbed problems on this boulder (the face to the left and the crack just to the right).
Submitted by: theshortspan on 2004-02-26
Views: 722 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Unclimbed project in Glenmacnass

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Unclimbed project in Glenmacnass

One of Doms slides, see Outsider magazine for a large print. The climber is John Gaskins and the problem repelled all comers (and will for another while methinks.)
Submitted by: theshortspan on 2003-10-26
Views: 506 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1