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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Your search returned 0 categories and 10 photos


I feel sssuper, thanks for asssking....

Average Rating = 0.00/5 I feel sssuper, thanks for asssking....

Newbie shows off her hard-earned war wounds after battling this sheer and sharp 10d.
Submitted by: newbierockstar on 2005-11-05 | Last Modified: 2006-11-15
Views: 1299 | Comments: 2
Instead of walking on eggshells...

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Instead of walking on eggshells...

...I prefer climbing on glass shards. Newbie earns her first flappers on this sharp and thin 10d at Legoland near Canberra.
Submitted by: newbierockstar on 2005-10-31
Views: 1839 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Oops.... There Goes My Entrails!

Average Rating = 2.60/5 Oops.... There Goes My Entrails!

Belayed by what looks like his intestines, Kachoong pushes every ounch of slab technique out of his bag of treacle for this holdless 5.11b/c.
Submitted by: kachoong on 2005-10-27
Views: 1254 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 6
Hey, shouldn't you be watching??

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Hey, shouldn't you be watching??

Kachoong takes a short (VERY short, I hope!!) break from watching his climber to sneak a smile for the camera...
Submitted by: newbierockstar on 2005-10-24
Views: 893 | Comments: 0
Here's lookin' at you, kid....

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Here's lookin' at you, kid....

Kachoong makes easy work of a no-holds barred route...make that "no-holds available" route....This picture is deceiving, but this 11b climb is a super-thin technical masterpeice.
Submitted by: newbierockstar on 2005-10-23
Views: 598 | Comments: 0
Delicate Moves

Average Rating = 3.57/5 Delicate Moves

To gain the first carrot on this newly established climb, Kachoong uses precise movements to highball to the first bolt at about 16 feet.
Submitted by: kachoong on 2005-10-23 | Last Modified: 2009-02-09
Views: 1250 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 3
Chris Ling on Rocketman (18)

Average Rating = 3.25/5 Chris Ling on Rocketman (18)

Rocketman is a fantastic diagonal finger crack situated in the Cloisters at Orroral Ridge, ACT, Australia. Photo taken Oct. 1998
Submitted by: kachoong on 2004-09-01
Views: 1476 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Hanging on Pecker

Average Rating = 3.67/5 Hanging on Pecker

This is Matt trying his luck on the Possible New Route Vertigo Alternate. This shot is taken in the middle of the climb where you have to use two peckers in a row to move up. Photo taken By Geoff Gibson
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2004-03-22
Views: 1422 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
The Route

Average Rating = 3.33/5 The Route

This is the hopefully new route put up on 21 Mar 04 by Matt, Dave and Geoff. Matt lead the climb onsight and did it well without falling and all clean Aid. The climb is graded M5. If anyone knows if the route is already climbed PM me and I will remove the route and photo.
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2004-03-22
Views: 1079 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 4
Into The Crux

Average Rating = 3.92/5 Into The Crux

Geoff Gibson is leading Vertigo an A2 climb and is just going into the crux of the climb and the crux goes for 25m until you top out
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2004-03-21
Views: 1182 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 3