This is the dome that the other pics refer to, If you look really carefully you can see the guy in blue 3/4 up the 140m face (and be super impressed at my incredible zoom). Spent the weekend there with the Mountain club, was fanbloodytastic. Usually the mountain club camps next to the lake but for some reason this time we camped next to the farmer's (Jaap) pool in his garden. He also had some impala boerewors and steak that was really tasty. Had a braai on the saturday evening which was really nice, since it was only my second meet it was good to get to know people.
Submitted by: thulani on 2006-08-02 Views: 2210 | Comments: 0
So as we where driving to the rock we saw this guy near the top so I got a picture. Looks pretty tricky I think that pitch is like a 21 but haven't been there myself so can't say where the crux is. Wellingtons is strange rock (a totally noob opinion) its very fingery, it would be impossible to trad as there are no cracks (almost) almost no jugs, when you find one you yell to your partner how excited you are to have found it then you hang on it for a bit and take a rest cause it's probably the only on on the pitch. 'spose you could use pitons for trad. No idea how pitons work personally.
Submitted by: thulani on 2006-08-02 Views: 1052 | Comment: 1
Okay so actually they where on a different route but they share most of the first pitches they just branch in different directions at the top. Sorry I can't remember the name of the actual route they where on. And since I can't remember the details I can submit the route either. There was a nest of baby owls on this route and while we where there the mother got rather uptight and swooped on one of the Wits climbers there they backed off after that. Neil was leading this pitch and the meet and his belayer was Lee who was out on a business trip from london and wanted to come climbing, he's only been climbing a couple years but has packed it in and climbs very impresively. Neil is spectacular too, makes it look easy and convinces you somehow that you think its easy too.
Submitted by: thulani on 2006-07-28 Views: 1194 | Comments: 0
Here is Dave, smearing like a champ. It was great to watch him climb, his technique is so fluid. Photo taken with one arm in a sling by Michelleh
Submitted by: michelleh on 2005-08-31 Views: 912 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Andrew on the first route of the weekend. Granite is rare in SA so a new rock type for all the first-timers. Photo: Michelleh
Submitted by: michelleh on 2005-08-30 Views: 802 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Life's tough in Africa! Photo: Michelleh
Submitted by: michelleh on 2005-08-30 Views: 813 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
Lovely route in Potgietersrus, ZA. Still a long way to go and already the view is amazing. To the North this wall is the only verticle structure as far as the eye can see.
Submitted by: gravical on 2004-02-06 Views: 869 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
Wide shot of the North Dome, of Welington's Dome. Owned by a local farmer who named the slab after his favourite drink Welington's VO Brandy. Great 140m route up obvious crack feature.
Submitted by: orgazmaguido on 2003-02-14 Views: 676 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
First pitch a 25m, 5.10a. Garth and Steve started they are the black specks. Jono and me followed. Seperate ropes. Steve made a lot of noise on this climb!!!
Submitted by: orgazmaguido on 2003-02-14 Views: 534 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Steve's doing some photogenic posing. (Note the rope!) But somewhere close to the middle of Big Dreamers. The okes below are Jono and me sweating in our shoes whilst Garth conducts his photo shoot.
Submitted by: orgazmaguido on 2003-02-14 Views: 493 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
If I remember correctly this is a hanging stance. There are a few on this route AND it gets unbelievably HOT. Be warned, we climbed this in winter and suffered. So wear your most comfy shoes and take water and snax. Really long sports multi-pitch.
Submitted by: orgazmaguido on 2003-02-14 Views: 522 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Yip a nice and comfy belay spot. Stoked! This stance is one pitch before the 5.10d and 5.11b crux. Which is probably more difficult now that Ogie has scuffed of some the best holds. *groan*
Submitted by: orgazmaguido on 2003-02-14 Views: 529 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Note the time of day!!! We started climbing this at 09h00 and topped out at sundown. Be warned this is a LONG route and some mates of mine have run into trouble. Rapping in the dark, not fun.
Submitted by: orgazmaguido on 2003-02-14 Views: 608 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Very nice 6-pitch sports climb on Where Eagles Dare at Wellington's Dome. Beautiful view over the plateau when looking back from the route.
Submitted by: djmicro on 2002-10-25 Views: 986 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
2nd Route from true left. Excellent 6-pitch sport route, with the option to continure on another route from after the 4 pitch. Photo by Wessel du Plooy with Tania Joubert in the backround, preparing for the climb on pitch 4.
Submitted by: gravical on 2002-10-10 Views: 728 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
This is the area which the 140m granite dome stands, Goat face on the left an Main Face On the far right, this photogragh was taken just 1km away on top of a 50m dome called Osophagus.
Submitted by: zerocool on 2002-04-25 Views: 748 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Very nice and big sportclimbing, Main face rises upto more than 150m, On the left you'll find Older Younger Wiser, You can see the dark looking crack hollow in the face(Big Dreamers Never Die)...
Submitted by: zerocool on 2002-04-18 Views: 679 | Comments: 0
This is a picture of the North West Face Of wellingtons dome taken by Trevor Epstein 2001.
Submitted by: gonzo on 2001-11-01 Views: 756 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Olser Slower Wiser SA17 5.10a.
Thats me arriving on the third pitch, with a sore neck after a sleep on cold hard ground :) Picture taken by Trevor Epstein 2001
Submitted by: gonzo on 2001-11-01 Views: 767 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 0