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A Mule train headed for Plaza Argentina base camp on Aconcagua.
Submitted by: bluefunk on 2006-09-05 Views: 832 | Comments: 0
Pete and I drinkin some beer and eating steak and eggs after summiting Aconcagua at Plaza Argintina.
Submitted by: bluefunk on 2006-09-04 Views: 1097 | Comments: 0
George Bush and Arnold on the summit of Aconcagua looking for WMD's and Bin ladin
Submitted by: bluefunk on 2006-09-04 Views: 1741 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 11
Me and my friend Pete on the summit of Aconcagua.
Submitted by: bluefunk on 2006-08-07 Views: 527 | Comments: 0
A very heavy load going back to base camp after summiting Aconcagua.
Submitted by: bluefunk on 2006-08-07 Views: 801 | Comments: 0
Despues de 5 dias parados en plaza de mulas, se hace el ascenso en 3 dias , en el primer intento . Primer objetivo de la Expedicion regia de la escalada a la Norte-Sur del Aconcagua.
Submitted by: miguelguerra on 2006-03-12 Views: 712 | Comments: 0
Esta montaņa dificil por su altitud y climatologia, tiene en su ruta mas sencilla, el mas alto indice de muertos, no se confien, no esta tecnica, pero si dificil; subo esta imagen para todos los que dicen que no hice cumbre, si quieren analicenla, y la neta me vale un cacahuate.
Submitted by: cj_homer on 2005-10-29 Views: 893 | Comment: 1
That is Emmanuel, Olivier and I in the summit of Aconcagua. Rather thrashed.
Submitted by: namascar on 2007-04-06 Views: 1412 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0