I pull the crux a little differently, I guess: I go high with my left hand first, then match with my right. That way I get to keep my right on the great flake-undercling as long as possible!
(Rubin and Rick looking on)
Submitted by: gkinsey on 2006-10-28 Views: 2375 | Comments: 0
donw in the black mined hills of dakota there lived a young boy named a rocky racoon
Submitted by: steepfriends on 2006-10-27 Views: 1548 | Comments: 0
It was a mild weathered day deep in the hellacious heart of Stoney point, a land littered with scoundrels and boulders. I came across a fella from Switzerland, who was on a trip around the world. One climb at a time.
Submitted by: pulleypopper on 2006-10-11 Views: 2424 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Jeremy on Crowd Pleaser in the late morning with nobody around
Submitted by: jlawrence on 2006-08-25 Views: 1419 | Comments: 0
steve nailing the heel hook on crowd pleaser
Submitted by: mountianhighman on 2006-08-24 Views: 2349 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
#2 in the series of my new problem at Stoney Point. Lay back to heel hook.
Submitted by: the_shoe on 2006-07-28 Views: 1289 | Comments: 0
Third in my series called Sandstone Yoga. Here out of the heel hook seting up for the Dyno to the rail.
Submitted by: the_shoe on 2006-07-28 Views: 1193 | Comments: 0
Final shot in the series. Grabing the rail after dyno. From here reach high for a sloper to a crimp bumb and close out the problem. This problem is good fun.
Submitted by: the_shoe on 2006-07-28 Views: 1480 | Comments: 0
Sometimes it's nice to get out and play....enjoyin a Stoney day.
Submitted by: jeffstephan on 2006-07-27 Views: 1351 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 2
A hot steamy afternoon on one of my favorite problems at Stoney Point.
Submitted by: the_shoe on 2006-07-27 Views: 1176 | Comment: 1
Pancaking my face to the wall just about to scramble to find some property for my right foot. Tough because of your positioning you can't see your feet. Then reach for a crimp with your right hand to finish out the move.
Submitted by: the_shoe on 2006-07-27 Views: 1201 | Comment: 1
This is a variation of a V1 problem that climbs the Arete head on, on side pulls. Thought this problem goes a little tougher at maybe V2-V3. (see the rest of the series)
Submitted by: the_shoe on 2006-07-27 Views: 1268 | Comments: 0
We found this cool little spire on the way down the hill at the end of the day. Not a hard climb by any means but it had an awesome view at the top. Still a good 60 feet to deck however so don’t do anything stupid.
Submitted by: dfrb26dett on 2006-07-24 Views: 1044 | Comment: 1
This is a cool little spot on the north-west side of stoney. Great view and a good breeze to help cool you off after the climb up.
Submitted by: dfrb26dett on 2006-07-24 Views: 1173 | Comments: 0
Just having fun at the top of stoney pt, this whole 40 character thing is annoying
Submitted by: crshbrn84 on 2006-07-10 Views: 1451 | Comments: 0
Wedge boulder in the Canyon Boulders. Always a good warm up to run laps on.
Submitted by: the_shoe on 2006-06-17 Views: 1412 | Comments: 0
Fun, short, tuff mantle problem V4 with sit start. I think one of the most classic lower grade problems.
Submitted by: the_shoe on 2006-06-13 Views: 1393 | Comments: 0
Fun North Face route on Turlock, keep reachin' it's there!!
Submitted by: badlucky on 2006-06-01 Views: 1418 | Comments: 2
Caught this lizard showing my buddy how it's done.
Submitted by: badlucky on 2006-05-31 Views: 1452 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
This is my 6 year old daughter Natalie, on our home wall.
Submitted by: guiles on 2006-01-24 Views: 1114 | Comments: 3
Here is a sequense of me almost sending "leaping lizard". Photos by Tan.
Submitted by: carlosfnavas on 2006-01-19 Views: 2122 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
This is the Lion boulder at Stoney Point, also known as the Power Glide Boulder. It is around the backside, near the trail and next to Split Rock
Submitted by: jynckx on 2005-12-22 Views: 3705 | Comment: 1
I don't now much about the routes here but I do know one thing, they ROCKED
Submitted by: kevbrown31086 on 2005-11-24 Views: 1192 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
It took me a few trys at the route but I findly may it.
Submitted by: kevbrown31086 on 2005-11-24 Views: 988 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Matt just before throwing to a slopey topout on Slinky at Wishing Well boulder in Old Country.
Submitted by: jeffstephan on 2005-11-06 Views: 1053 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1