Que ruta mas loca...foto del hueso billetes
Submitted by: hleomor on 2006-11-03 Views: 1455 | Comment: 1
This is a photo of Tyson? from Canada, crankin down.
Submitted by: liktoclmb on 2006-10-09 Views: 1395 | Comments: 2
en la penultima placa, a punto de acabar felicidad,
Submitted by: tony_saltillo on 2007-04-09 Views: 1382 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
esta es la entrada del cañon de san cristobal en monterrey tal vez se ve un poco pequeño.
Submitted by: chacha on 2007-04-21 Views: 1317 | Comments: 0
This route is probably EL Salto's most famous testpiece; its one of the easier routes in the Cave so it gets a lot of traffic. Its pumpy as hell but a couple tricky rests makes the route managable.
Submitted by: dreday3000 on 2006-07-06 Views: 1665 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Nosferatu is la cueva del tecolote's most popular route (partially becuase it's one of the easiest lines in the cave. Thought this shot captures a bit of the atmosphere of the place; steep, dark, and remote.
Submitted by: dreday3000 on 2006-07-06 Views: 1661 | Comments: 2
Antes de empezar a puntiar hay que tirar el miedo.. estoy en las rutas a la derecha antes de tomar el camino para la cueva
Submitted by: mexboulder on 2006-06-28 Views: 1310 | Comments: 0
Long move to the slot at the crux of Nosferatus
Submitted by: maracas on 2006-05-30 Views: 1734 | Comments: 0
Roskin redpointing El Techo, working to keep his sponsorship.
Submitted by: maracas on 2006-05-30 Views: 1542 | Comments: 0
He almost has the route dialed, probably will send it soon.
Submitted by: maracas on 2006-05-30 Views: 1534 | Comments: 0
Escalando en el salto..............................................
Submitted by: deskamps on 2006-02-09 Views: 1090 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Andres the day he repointed Kika Shredder, he´s only 16 so more to come is expected.
Submitted by: maracas on 2006-01-30 Views: 1112 | Votes: 19 | Comments: 7
ruta desplomada,con buenos agarres todoel tiempo ,salida movimientos ricos a encuñada de puño mano derecha ,mano izquierda abrazando la tufa atravesandote ala derecha
Submitted by: jorge14 on 2006-01-25 Views: 1011 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 4
LA ENCADENE AL SEPTIMO PEGE,AGARRES BUENOS TODO LA VIA,mucha resistol ,mucha adominal ,muchos moviemitnos en la cueva hay que prepararse un chingo para este tipo de vias.
Submitted by: jorge14 on 2006-01-25 Views: 857 | Comments: 0
la entrada es sencilla,hay que buscar los agarees mas buenos para no bombearse ,esta foto esta tomada antes de llegar ala cinta de una pulgada color rojo que esta con un prusik sobre una estalatita que es la primera proteccion
Submitted by: jorge14 on 2006-01-25 Views: 902 | Comment: 1
ruta facil para calentar y empezar las vias cabronas de este lugar esta FOTO ME LA TOMO MARISA YA QUE ESTOY BAJANDO DE LA RUTA ESTA MUY RICA
Submitted by: jorge14 on 2006-01-25 Views: 775 | Comment: 1
Still out of my league... I could only protect the 3 first bolts... This only means one thing... I need to keep training. Nosferatu: I'll be back to get you!
Submitted by: keazah on 2005-11-01 Views: 1099 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
This place is really great! And the rock is just screaming for you to get climbing :P
Submitted by: keazah on 2005-11-01 Views: 1136 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Escalando en la cuevita del salto. Es la ruta mas facil de la cueva
Submitted by: juanjo on 2005-09-16 Views: 1372 | Comment: 1
this rout is very cool!!!!! and is very continius and very fan rout becase is a litlee overgine
Submitted by: potrerowachy on 2005-09-09 Views: 1003 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
Un buen 11b con agarres muy buenos y un buen desplome...
Submitted by: gollum on 2007-04-16 Views: 1241 | Comments: 0
Un 11c en la parte que esta entre las dos cuevas, no conozco el nombre de la ruta
Submitted by: gollum on 2007-04-16 Views: 1123 | Comments: 0
Filip the "Steel Pole" on the pumpy .11b warm up at Las Animas, I think the name is Ramones Mushroom, because of the huge tufa it ends on
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2008-01-31 | Last Modified: 2008-02-01 Views: 1427 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Denise en tufalien, se la pelo un buen, jeje pero al final saco el power y se puso una pedota en la noche para celebrar...
Submitted by: elpollo on 2005-03-25 Views: 1282 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
To get to the anchos , first you take two tufas to hug of this column , the next is not a problem
Submitted by: james_climber on 2005-01-29 Views: 629 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0