Stefan squeezing and high-stepping up the Sixth Easy Piece - a fun V1 at the Santee Boulders.
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-08-15 Views: 2337 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
I actually ended up on the other side of the lens for this one. I passed off the camera to Stefan and he fired off a bunch of shots while I ran a few laps on this classic, thin V1.
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-08-15 Views: 2117 | Comment: 1
This sandbaggy V2 takes a lot of balance and finesse. Stefan shows us how it's done.
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-08-15 Views: 1841 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Stefan liebacks up the big sidepull after the commiting lunge.
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-08-15 Views: 2159 | Votes: 18 | Comments: 7
Brent crimps on some small edges on the Warm-Up boulder in Santee.
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-07-20 Views: 1511 | Comment: 1
Alisha slaps for the next sidepull on a problem on the W. end of the Warm-Up boulder in Santee.
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-07-20 Views: 1731 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 5
The south face of V-Rock entertains the friction conniseur's with difficult smears and scary topouts.
Submitted by: illusiondweller on 2006-04-27 | Last Modified: 2010-07-11 Views: 1938 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Requiring somewhat delicate balance this is the start to a traverse along the bottom of more difficult problems. This is also the opening sequence to the severe Eppi's Lunge above. Photo: BVB collection
Submitted by: illusiondweller on 2006-04-27 | Last Modified: 2010-07-10 Views: 1458 | Comments: 2
Work through the bottom crux section and you'll find yourself at a point of no return! Photo: unknown
lil bouldering in santee - i had just started climbing - purchased a crash pad shortly after this trip
Submitted by: surfceo on 2006-03-21 Views: 1185 | Comments: 0
Melissa eyes the rail at the top of the 10a problem on Lieback Rock. Santee Boulders, San Diego, CA
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2009-09-29 Views: 3779 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Jason crimps hard on the good 1/2-pad crimps of "Walkman" at the Santee Boulders.
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-02-23 Views: 1566 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Jason crimps hard on the good 1/2-pad crimps of "Walkman" at the Santee Boulders.
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-02-23 Views: 1587 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Lyndsie working the Masochist crack with some serious focus and devotion. Didn't quite get it yet, but getting closer everyday.
Submitted by: thinman on 2006-02-11 Views: 1849 | Votes: 22 | Comments: 11
Another photo-topo from the guide I'm working on. Ratings, descriptions, and quality rankings are my opnion alone. If you disagree, please comment here. Thanks!
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-02-08 Views: 3722 | Comments: 4
A photo-topo from the guide I'm putting together for the Santee Boulders. The ratings, descriptions, and quality rankings are my opinion. If you disagree, please post a comment and let me know what you think they should be. Thanks!
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-02-08 Views: 3549 | Comments: 4
A photo-topo from the guide I'm putting together for the Santee Boulders. The ratings, descriptions, and quality rankings are my opinion. If you disagree, please post a comment and let me know what you think they should be. Thanks!
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-02-08 Views: 3232 | Comments: 2
has every problem wired. But I guess that's what happens when you do a problem 1000+ times in your life. Dick is no exception.
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-02-07 Views: 1705 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 5
Submitted by: dachy on 2005-12-07 | Last Modified: 2012-05-24 Views: 1475 | Comments: 0
Beehive boulder in the morning. This is a pic of my friend during his first day of bouldering. The girl was also out for her first day (and did fabulous).
Photo's contrast was altered post-shot.
Original photo by Justin Kerr.
Submitted by: thinman on 2005-11-30 Views: 1690 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
This was taken from Santee boulders on a winter evening.It may sound cliche, but the sky really looked like it was on fire.
Submitted by: map on 2005-11-08 Views: 819 | Comments: 3
me doing a small yet intermediate level lieback problem
Submitted by: jacobg on 2005-10-28 Views: 984 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Me on a fun 10+ slab problem on the Amphitheater boulder. Taken by Cris Benton, this pic offers a fresh perspective of Santee in the late afternoon.
Submitted by: charlie_benton on 2005-10-21 Views: 2704 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
This picture is an experiment with contrast/colour tones. It was taken around 7:30 in the morning so the shadows were pretty horizontal which added to the effect that I manipulated. For the climb I used the lieback route, without actually liebacking it, then dyno'ed to the ledge that I am hanging from. Photo taken by Justin Kerr
Submitted by: thinman on 2005-10-11 Views: 2170 | Votes: 52 | Comments: 17
My friend Steven warming up on a thin 5.8 slab at the Amphitheater in Santee. Photo taken by Cris Benton
Submitted by: charlie_benton on 2005-10-09 Views: 1716 | Votes: 15 | Comments: 8