Climbing the lower section of House of the Homeless (5.8) Joshua Tree National Park near the Hall of Horrors.
Submitted by: m_bartosek on 2007-04-14 Views: 3075 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Tony Grice reaching for crystals on Jane's Addiction 11.b/c? This route seems to be a little tougher for the 'vertically challenged' crowd.. so I've heard
Submitted by: blv_2_achv on 2006-07-18 Views: 829 | Comments: 0
Climber on this fun roof in front of King Dome. This east side of King Dome can be seen from trail walking past the Hall of Horrors. Afternoon shade here today while all of Exorcist vicinity was in full sun. 20 May 2006
Submitted by: baja_topos on 2006-05-23 Views: 1058 | Comments: 0
Climber between the rusty bolts up the arete on the right end of the southwest face. 20 May 2006
Submitted by: baja_topos on 2006-05-23 Views: 801 | Comments: 0
Don't really know my way around J-tree so I'm not entirely sure where we were climbing, but it was a about a forty traverse with a really cool dyno to top it out towards the end of it; depending on which way you start it anyways. Photo was taken by Radical_James.
Submitted by: radical_james on 2006-05-20 Views: 799 | Comments: 0
My first trad lead... the perfect climb!
Submitted by: birdonawire on 2006-04-22 Views: 1297 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Steph tries to find the jam that will hold well enough to pull her through the crux of "Heart of Darkness" - a sweet JTree finger/tight hands splitter.
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-04-17 Views: 1903 | Votes: 18 | Comments: 9
A fish-eye view of "Heart of Darkness" at Sheep Pass in Joshua Tree.
Submitted by: trenchdigger on 2006-04-17 Views: 1440 | Comments: 0
Brenda on Planet Y.
Short but fun route.
Submitted by: talusbomb on 2006-03-08 Views: 1118 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Photo by Brenda,belay by Chris.
Submitted by: talusbomb on 2006-03-08 | Last Modified: 2007-08-17 Views: 967 | Comments: 0
Photoshop manipulation.
Greg Connor seconding Right On.
Original Photo taken in 1978.
Submitted by: cosmiccragsman on 2006-02-09 Views: 2517 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
This isnt really a mapped route but it is a good travers problem.
Submitted by: richardreed1 on 2006-01-18 Views: 735 | Comments: 0
George Hurley under this wonderful wall we unfortunately didn't try. Photo by Thomas Ribière.
Submitted by: thomasribiere on 2005-09-20 Views: 1531 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Me and my partner Caroline doing alien shadows on top on the climb.
Submitted by: nouseforaname on 2005-09-16 Views: 1220 | Comment: 1
Kent getting on the outside arete of Lip Sync, located to the right of the dihedral cracks of Quivering Lips. To his right near the middle is Zarmog the Dragon Man, which has two starts up a thin or a wide crack to a big ledge before continuing straight up. A route with two starts! It must be good!! Further right of that is the wide crack of The Ice Experience for those seeking offwidth and squeeze chimney enjoyment. This northwest face of North Horror Rock faces away from Sheep Pass Road, on the backside of House of the Homeless and Grit Roof. Formation on the far right is the northwest face of South Horror Rock, on the backside relative to Dog Day Afternoon and Lazy Day. Possible to tunnel through past Dog Day Afternoon, but easier just to walk around. 10 Mar 2007.
Submitted by: baja_topos on 2007-03-13 | Last Modified: 2007-04-30 Views: 1202 | Comments: 0
Rapping off WOTWS after a night ascent. Slab route with plenty of air between bolts.
Submitted by: hangerlessbolt on 2005-05-19 Views: 1336 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
This is a fun 3 pitch 5.8 route on Saddle Rock -- it starts as a delicate face climb, bolted Joshua Tree style, just barely-barely enough to keep you on
the edge of sheer terror. As you get to the crack, your delight of finally having abundant pro opportunities soon fades away, as the crack turns into rather steep and exceptionally brutal offwidth.
We did not notice anything orange about the route except for my orange shirt!
Photo: courtesy of Mick Brohan.
Submitted by: annak on 2005-04-25 Views: 1597 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
I found this little guy hanging out in a bush. Surprisingly, he was very tame and calm. After kickin it with us for a sec, I put him back on his way.
Submitted by: jcpace on 2005-04-20 Views: 1539 | Comments: 0
Jeff Pierce on Exorcist in the Hall of Horrors at J-Tree. Cruxy moves on perfect fingerlocks to start the climb and finishing with some fun and exciting face moves. A beautiful line with excellent gear and rock. Photo by Laura Sopko.
Submitted by: halepierce on 2005-04-20 Views: 859 | Comments: 0
This is me and my friend Richie (the one rapping my head) after climbing Negro girls and finishing the second pitch of WOWS in Jtree.
Submitted by: slamurai on 2005-03-31 Views: 725 | Comments: 0
Got a great climb up Planet X in josh and rapped in the last light of day...my partner got a great shot of the route and the rap all in one. Gotta love those desert days...
Submitted by: treddy on 2005-03-28 | Last Modified: 2006-12-03 Views: 1372 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
I was getting bored and cold belaying while my partner complained his way up the slab start of Right On; I turned to look elsewhere and was rather surprised to see an actual mountain. Luckily with my point and shoot digital I could keep my hand on the belay and take this picture. If anybody knows what this mountain is I'd really like to know.
Submitted by: snoopy138 on 2005-01-31 Views: 850 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
I pulled this many heads from this climb on Thanksgiving week 2010 and still left enough on the climb to do it as a fixed ladder.
Submitted by: cobbledik on 2010-11-29 Views: 1979 | Comments: 0
I liked the pink zebra stripes so much on my first couple of adventures, I had to stick to the same color coordination - quickdraws included. This pic was sometime around 1989/1990. Photo by Mark Niles.
Submitted by: michael on 2004-11-10 Views: 1842 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Follows seam right to bolt then two hook moves or 5.9 to the top.
Submitted by: cobbledik on 2010-11-29 Views: 1354 | Comments: 0