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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Your search returned 0 categories and 49 photos


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kevin miller

Average Rating = 3.00/5 kevin miller

topping out.. and getting a great view of the city!!
Submitted by: gush on 2006-03-26
Views: 1939 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Kole cranking thru the crux on Sidewinder

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Kole cranking thru the crux on Sidewinder

This is one of the Peak's best cracks. It is fairly different, it winds around and up and as it does, it goes from near horizontal to overhung, from hands to fingers! Sonso45 took on olympus digital 030106.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-03-01
Views: 1506 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Dustin on Shalaylay near the end

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Dustin on Shalaylay near the end

An awesome climb, this thing defeats me at this spot every time so far. Wonderful day with good friends. Sonso45 took with olympus digital on 030106.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-03-01
Views: 1575 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
South Gully

Average Rating = 0.00/5 South Gully

This easy trad route (5.3) starts at the Sundeck boulder about half way up Pinnacle Peak. Not a fan of the granite in the McDowells, I was pleasantly surprised with Pinnacle Peak. I will be back for some hard sport slabs and trad cracks. Great spot considering that it is a half hour drive and a short uphill hike.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-01-26
Views: 1726 | Comments: 0
Easy Multipitch Outing in Phoenix

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Easy Multipitch Outing in Phoenix

This was a great day spent on Pinnacle Peak. Three of us took the easiest route up (fourth class, 5.3). Bolted belays and easy climbing makes it a nice beginner outing. We also broke it into three pitches so I could stop here and give a more attentive belay to the new climber.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-01-23
Views: 1473 | Comments: 0
Profile Pic

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Profile Pic

First outdoor climb ever. Last jug before the summit.
Submitted by: pwonger on 2005-08-24
Views: 1121 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Good Vibrations 5.10+

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Good Vibrations 5.10+

I am flashing this easy 5.10+. I did not have the strength to skip the retro bolts.It gets a little flakey up there. Fun bolted lieback crack moves.
Submitted by: joshklingbeil on 2005-03-06
Views: 1583 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 8
Sidewinder 5.11-

Average Rating = 3.73/5 Sidewinder 5.11-

Josh Klingbeil on Sidewinder 5.11-. This is one of the best cracks in the Phoenix area. If your hanging out at Pinnacle Peak jump on it. Photo by Erin.
Submitted by: joshklingbeil on 2005-03-06 | Last Modified: 2006-11-14
Views: 1377 | Votes: 15 | Comments: 18
Punk on Mickey Mantle

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Punk on Mickey Mantle

This was my first climb on Mickey Mantle, I'm just about to pull the crux here. It was a fun climb with some great exposure.
Submitted by: punkclimber52 on 2004-11-28
Views: 1436 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Dale Fox on Shalayly Direct 5.11c.

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Dale Fox on Shalayly Direct 5.11c.

This is another must do 3 star climb in the Phoenix Area.
Submitted by: joshklingbeil on 2004-11-22
Views: 1587 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
Dale skips the wanker retro bolts on Loafers Choice 10a.

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Dale skips the wanker retro bolts on Loafers Choice 10a.

Dale lets us know how he feels by skiping the newly added bolts on Loafer's Choice. Pinnacle Peak, Arizona.
Submitted by: joshklingbeil on 2004-11-22
Views: 1528 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 8
Face Smear

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Face Smear

This is route is on the extreme end of cactus flower. Its a fun little 30 foot section with either a 5.6 or so start on the side, or a more difficult 5.9 of so direct start.
Submitted by: omeier on 2004-09-02
Views: 1448 | Comments: 0
Sidewinder 11-

Average Rating = 3.70/5 Sidewinder 11-

Sidewinder was the first recognized 5.11 in phoenix. The oldest is Beegee and was thought to be hard 5.10 at the time.The crack to the right is Deliverance 11c. It use to have 5 bolts but purists choped the top 2 1/4 inchers because they interfered with sidewinder. This photo was taken by Dale Fox on my onsite attemped.
Submitted by: joshklingbeil on 2004-06-25
Views: 1619 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 3
Don't forget your extra large Lockers.

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Don't forget your extra large Lockers.

Some of the largest bolts that you will ever see at a climbing area are at the top of Lost Nuts at Pinnacle Peak. Lost Nuts and its neighboring route are probably two of the least climbed routes at Pinnacle Peak besides Bear Route. I couldn't even clip a standard oval biner onto one of these behemoths. Other routes at Pinnacle Peak still await bolt replacement such as the bolt shown in the lower left corner of this picture. This 1/4 inch bolt and two others of similar quality can be found on Deliverance.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2004-06-08
Views: 1677 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 9
Pinnacle Peak

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Pinnacle Peak

Shot of the South side of Pinnacle Peak on a sunny Sunday in February
Submitted by: tylerm on 2004-05-03
Views: 1622 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Pinnacle Peak Police.

Average Rating = 3.67/5 Pinnacle Peak Police.

Originally rated 5.8, a hold busted at the beginning making this climb much harder. Thin 5.10 moves lead to basketball zenolith and easier crack moves.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2004-01-22
Views: 1087 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Crack climb

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Crack climb

This is a route right of corona club. Not sure what it goes at. This is rom working it.
Submitted by: xcire on 2004-01-16
Views: 1498 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Never Never Land.

Average Rating = 3.60/5 Never Never Land.

If you're seeking some solitude from the crowds at Pinnacle Peak, climb this route on the left side of the South Face.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-12-19
Views: 1317 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Silhouette of Chutes and Ladders.

Average Rating = 3.17/5 Silhouette of Chutes and Ladders.

In the gully to the right of the main peak is this good route that doesn't often get done.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-10-27
Views: 1061 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Final Headwall Moves.

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Final Headwall Moves.

This route offers nice exposure at a moderate grade. The final moves up the headwall feature classic knob pulling.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-10-27
Views: 830 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Climbing the arete.

Average Rating = 4.08/5 Climbing the arete.

The initial crack section seems to be the hardest part of this climb but the mental climbing above can be sketchy.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-10-23
Views: 1016 | Votes: 14 | Comments: 13
Climbing the thin edges of Loafer's Choice.

Average Rating = 3.72/5 Climbing the thin edges of Loafer's Choice.

Very nice climbing for an urban park. Unfortunately we've lost the freedom to climb on the Lower East Wall. At least the rest of the park is open for now.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-10-21
Views: 1640 | Votes: 18 | Comments: 9
Climbing on the naked edge.

Average Rating = 3.89/5 Climbing on the naked edge.

Encroaching subdivisions and golf courses are the only thing that detract from this excellent climb.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-10-21
Views: 2300 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 4
Unknown climber top rope soloing.

Average Rating = 3.62/5 Unknown climber top rope soloing.

Climber enjoys the moves on the naked edge while bulldozer awaits its next task of tearing up more desert.
Submitted by: climblouisiana on 2003-10-21
Views: 1530 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 4
Y-Crack before dusk - Pinnacle Peak

Average Rating = 3.79/5 Y-Crack before dusk - Pinnacle Peak

I managed to escape from work early on a Thursday so my wife and I could hit a few routes on Cactus Flower wall. On the hike back to the car, I noticed that Y-Crack boulder was nicely lit from the sun, so I grabbed this shot. The crack which yeilds the moniker for this formation can be slightly noticed on the right side of the clump-o-rocks. Not only is Pinnacle Peak close enough for an after work climb, but it's a very well run park as well. Thank goodness they saved this place.
Submitted by: hangdoggypound on 2003-10-11
Views: 1850 | Votes: 15 | Comments: 5
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