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There is my co-climber Milty. We are both fascibated by the cimbing in Jacksonhole and plan to come back again this summer. In fact this is where we started to climb... now we exercise at home in Slovakia. (lenka)
Submitted by: my_lenka on 2006-03-09 Views: 1042 | Comments: 0
I love this picture for what is shows: the scenery, the rock,... and the people looking just as if they belong to it all. You can't see that often. The climbers are trying do make one of the most difficult routes of the Rodeo Wall.
Submitted by: my_lenka on 2006-03-09 Views: 1033 | Comments: 0
A shot of the whole wall. This shot was taken from the parking area. If your in town to climb the in the Tetons, this is a great warm-up crag.
Submitted by: triznut on 2005-09-02 Views: 1498 | Comments: 0
This picture is of Matt Haney climbing a 10a, Copenhagen at the Rodeo Wall, two miles west from the Hoback Junction, just outside of Jackson, WY. Amazingly fun climb, good mix of crimps and overhangs. Crux is probably after the two overhanging areas and is basically just small crimps. Photographer is Jessica Hall.
Submitted by: sonic54 on 2004-07-09 Views: 571 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Felt a little stiff for a 5.9. It's just to the right of tendonblaster. The roof tward the bottom of the climb is definately the crux. You've got some small crimps and no great feet for the roof. Jessica Hall is the photographer.
Submitted by: sonic54 on 2004-07-09 Views: 707 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Great route. Rachael Haney takes the open toprope any chance she gets. Good mix of features. Photo taken by Jessica Hall.
Submitted by: sonic54 on 2004-07-09 Views: 1040 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
This picture was taken just as Rachael Haney was going over the first overhang on Copenhagen 10a at the rodeo wall (that's her in the background). The subject was one of the many wild flowers that garnish the approach and base of Rodeo Wall. Photographer is Jessica Hall.
Submitted by: sonic54 on 2004-07-09 Views: 1105 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
This is my wife Kelly cranking hard on this 10c at the Rodeo Crag- this sport wall is about 30 minutes out of Jackson, along the Snake River. It was very nice swimming after we were burned out.
Submitted by: nieder on 2003-12-11 Views: 664 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Submitted by: oscarlation on 2008-08-06 Views: 2317 | Comment: 1
Submitted by: A.Coady on 2009-06-04 Views: 1672 | Comments: 0