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Quarry Cliffs 30-40'
Here is a picture of the actual rock on Belle isle (unlike the ones currently posted). to make it to the middle section, there is a two wire bridge and there are some bolted routes established but as you can see, it's easy to top rope too
Submitted by: one900johnnyk on 2003-01-05 Views: 3865 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 0
"Crescent Crack," at Crescent Rocks, outside of Berryville, Virginia.
Submitted by: bryan on 2002-02-26 Views: 10560 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 2
"Shoulder Blade," at Crescent Rocks, outside of Berryville, Virginia.
Submitted by: bryan on 2002-02-26 Views: 10154 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 2
"Shoulder Blade," Crescent Rocks, outside of Berryville, Virginia. This is the crux move. The sloping fingertip holds on this slight overhang are about as wide as a pencil.
Submitted by: bryan on 2002-02-26 Views: 859 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
Bryan's first 5.10+ route. Crescent Rocks outside of Berryville, Virginia.
Submitted by: bryan on 2002-02-26 Views: 828 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
at the quarry...
Submitted by: maslarkr on 2007-06-06 | Last Modified: 2007-06-18 Views: 1861 | Comments: 0
Some climbing/bouldering up high... just havin a good time :-|)
Submitted by: BlackDiamondX on 2008-01-22 Views: 3777 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Submitted by: jeff89k on 2011-03-21 Views: 3040 | Comments: 0
Travis on the Whale
Submitted by: jeff89k on 2011-03-21 Views: 3297 | Comments: 0
Start boulder traverse two feet before picture starts.
Submitted by: mattpat5670 on 2013-12-10 Views: 2053 | Comments: 0
Submitted by: mattpat5670 on 2013-11-19 Views: 1636 | Comments: 0