This picture was taken in "El Cantil" a very particular climbing spot in Mexico because this zone is right in the middle of the city.
The climber is my friend Oscar Trias and the photographer is Daniel Tapia.
He was trying to send it but he fell in the next bolt,maybe the next time.
Submitted by: qk66 on 2006-07-28 Views: 2102 | Votes: 26 | Comments: 11
que buena foto tomada por mi mismo donde no solo sale el esclador jajajja
Submitted by: Milton on 2007-02-09 Views: 1208 | Comments: 0
comenzando el crux
Submitted by: Milton on 2007-01-25 Views: 1155 | Comments: 0
Climbing SuperNova, such a great 12b on El Cantil
Martin took the photo.
Submitted by: jimmymex on 2005-10-19 Views: 1127 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Hot day, great climb! James on its redpoint try.
Submitted by: jimmymex on 2005-10-13 Views: 873 | Comment: 1
the capital city has a nice place for climbing ,and even the rock there is hard ..
Submitted by: burzum on 2005-08-06 Views: 894 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Ralph is flashing this nice 12a, one of my favorite routes in Cantil. My and my friends call it supernovia (super girlfriend)
Submitted by: martiney50 on 2005-07-22 Views: 837 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 3
Here i am sitting on a spire looking for the perfect angle to get the nice shots of my friends
Submitted by: james_climber on 2005-05-28 Views: 579 | Comments: 0
Sin lugar a duda esta es una de las vias mas buenas de El Cantil , y tambien una de las cuales todo el dia tiene sol que en ocaciones es demasiado agobiante
Submitted by: james_climber on 2005-05-28 Views: 643 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 4
despues de un arduo dia de escalada al final el paso esta ņaņaresco
Submitted by: cobi on 2005-04-20 Views: 677 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This is a panoramic view from the sector ''Trasera de la pared sur''
Submitted by: charman on 2005-03-05 Views: 1295 | Comments: 0
This guy took his fears away and decided to climb it he sent it at the first try.
Submitted by: charman on 2005-03-05 Views: 909 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Im not sure what meaning could be given to it, nevertheless I really like the sort of ideas that spring up in my mind, caring, friendship and so on......
Submitted by: risos on 2004-12-21 Views: 990 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Just before falling and having a nice first flight on this new era
Submitted by: jorgin on 2004-09-30 Views: 1120 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 12
I was rappeling to clean out the route and there was someone paying a lot of attention to my safety.
Submitted by: bukel on 2004-08-07 Views: 1050 | Comments: 0
foto tomada por Eduardo Specia Z. el dia de la compe en El Cantil ,no se quien es el escalador pero aqui aparece llegando a la reunion de supernova
Submitted by: yayirobe on 2004-07-09 Views: 869 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 8
foto de Charly en la ruta final de la compe del cantil tomada por Eduardo Specia Z.
Submitted by: yayirobe on 2004-07-09 Views: 735 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
foto de Hugo tomada por yayo en la final de la compe del Cantil
Submitted by: yayirobe on 2004-07-09 Views: 729 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Hugo Leon Morales en Punto de Quiebra el dia de la compe del Cantil.
foto por yayo.
Submitted by: yayirobe on 2004-07-09 Views: 1339 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Hugo Leon en Punto de Quiebra ,la ruta de la final de avanzados en la compe del Cantil el 3 y 4 de Julio del 2004 , foto tomada por Eduardo Specia Zavala
Submitted by: yayirobe on 2004-07-07 Views: 938 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
This is a great route at least for me, it requires a lot of strength and some technique, but any way what is most impressing for me is that it was taken at noon and it has this "dawn" effect, I never thought a Palm Zire 71 could do that.
Thanks to Edith Muņoz who is the photographer.
Submitted by: saagax on 2004-03-30 Views: 1098 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
I find this picture very interesting, can any one tell me what was going on with the light?
Submitted by: saagax on 2004-03-30 Views: 842 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Do you remember these two? they used to have a couple of rings and when they touched each others ring they would turn into whatever "a giant eagle and a basket made of ice" or anything along those lines.... Better known as Sope y Toņo en Bernal, si dice el cantil pero no tienen el link para bernal y ya estoy arto de discutir con el moderador...
Submitted by: risos on 2004-03-23 Views: 749 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Its me in "ARbolito" route, one of my first routes.
Photo by Angel Herrera
Submitted by: ximiana on 2002-01-11 Views: 587 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This is my teacher of climb, he's Lacerta(JN) and, in this foto, he is in te "el techito" route.(5.11)
Photo by Angel Herrera
Submitted by: ximiana on 2002-01-11 Views: 621 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0