Your search returned 0 categories and 10 photos
Real long reaches to big holds after the crux of Procrastination (5.11+)
Submitted by: rsclimb on 2011-08-08 Views: 1829 | Comments: 0
Eaisier climbing along the arete near the finish of Procratination (5.11+)
Submitted by: rsclimb on 2011-08-08 Views: 1901 | Comments: 0
Bill's just below the 5.11a crux bulge of Full Sail. The awesome and unique Conglomerate rock offers a short but stiff crux at a bulge near the top. This bulge can be skipped to the left to keep the climb at 5.10a but the crux is right at a bolt so give it a go!
Submitted by: ijasonh on 2006-04-17 Views: 1999 | Comments: 0
I believe I'm on Refritos. P1 was almost a full 60 m to the bolts with poor pro. Photo by Pan.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-12-23 Views: 1189 | Comments: 0
Time for a new head shot. Me on top of P1 of Refritos?
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-12-23 Views: 1666 | Comment: 1
The photo shows the upper half of the main routes. Juniper overhang is in the center.
Submitted by: fritzd on 2005-11-12 Views: 2536 | Comments: 0
One of a great set of routes on the overhung, generally juggy Rad Wall. The conglomerate at this area is similar to that of Maple Canyon, with the distinction being El Rito has more "negative" holds resulting from cobbles that have fallen out of the matrix, wheras Maple is mostly slopes and cobbles sticking out of the matrix.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2004-07-13 Views: 1264 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Workin out the moves at El Rito on Stroke me 12a
El Rito is a conglomerate area with a bunch of sport routes. I was cruising half way up this 5.9 to see how difficult it was. Kind of forgot to put a spotter below.
Submitted by: escale on 2004-01-30 Views: 1249 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Lunch on th first ledge.
Submitted by: hippophone on 2007-10-21 Views: 1843 | Comments: 0