Jeff working another classic problem at the School house spot.
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-08-12 Views: 1361 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
This 4star tiered roof problem moves through big moves on great holds to finish with a rather exciting top out. Located to the left of the AUM wall about 50yards left of the pit viper cave. V3 Climber: JR Photo: JD
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-08-07 Views: 1300 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
making my way across some younger sandstone, great pockets and pinchers at the end on the left
Submitted by: lossinsantafe on 2004-07-31 Views: 957 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
moving past the crux on the traverse, watching for choss to fly in my face.
Submitted by: lossinsantafe on 2004-07-31 Views: 1041 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
SS on two low side pulls, go straight up to large slooper, match and move out left via crimps upto Jugs!
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-20 Views: 1031 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Check out the little friends who will take you to the top of this phenominal climb. Climber: JRice Photo:JD V5
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 907 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Eye of the Bull (Ojo de la Vaca). Here is the move in action with sights set on entering the key hold to succeed on this climb. Climber: JRice Photo: JD
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 834 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
Seen is the finish to the pump-fest sleeper traverse. Pit Viper is the thin crack in the foreground of the boulder. V6 climber:JD
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 650 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 7
Alpha is the direct left line on the AUM wall. This rock is similar to the beautiful Red River Gorge-like pocket walls. Choose 1 of the 2 distinct starts (low,high) to this common finish. Climber: Jman V3
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 809 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
The right line on the AUM wall moving through pockets and ledges to this final move. Climber: jrice Photo: JD V3
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 645 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 2
The name is the move. Start low on pockets, find the clever lever and rock to a sidepull crimp, finishing through small holds to half moon side pull jug. Top out..........optional! climber:Jrice photo: JD V5
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 611 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
30ft Traverse right to left, beginning same as Even Flow, Clever Lever through "eyes" jugs and a multitude of interesting holds. Good warm up. Climber: Hollywood Reese V3
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 666 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Crimpfest starting on pockets moving right to undercling to face crimps and top out. Climber: JD V6
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 597 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
Top out to Even Flow and Clever Lever. Tall (60ft)
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 582 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
The start to even flow (V6). Pocket start crossing to crimp (pic), slopers, undercling and then crimper finish.
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 628 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Located in the Arroyo are the 2 king boulders, both holding many excellent lines from moderate to difficult. V3 FA everybody
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 546 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Eye of the Bull is located on the East side of the canyon and takes a direct line up a phenominal granite-like black sandstone boulder. Be ready to fly. V4 FA Jordan Rice
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 562 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
Begin on slot and crimper crossing to side crimp, throw to single pad ledge (photo) to 5ft final throw to finish. V9
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 536 | Votes: 9 | Comment: 1
East side of canyon, flowing sloper traverse on bomber rock. v-- proj in cave. V3
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 423 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 0
Sloper fun starting on deep 2finger pocket located inside pit viper cave. V2 FA JD
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 422 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Long 50ft sloper traverse of the entire pit viper cave. Crux is the f--king pump. photo: Jordan Rice , climber Jeff drumm V6
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 471 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 5
Powerful low traverse opposite of separated from the source finishing with a reversed throw to mantle. Photo: JD, Climber: J.Rice V4
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 381 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
Start on sloper, pocket, and heel hook. Find the ideal state to manuever through the slopers to jugs and open top out. Great warm up. Photo: JD, Climber: J.Rice. V2
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 383 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Many variations to this start, though this move is standard. Crimp, throw, and stick. climber: Reese photo: wyatt. V2
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 425 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
This is the lower of two symbiotic traverses on the farside boulders. Harder than it looks. Finish up between the two "eyes". FA Jared Photo: wyatt V5
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 526 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2