Me falling from a route at the Metrosexual cave, Cala Barques, Mallorca.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2008-06-15 Views: 3342 | Comments: 0
Me bouldering at Sierra de los Padres last week.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2007-01-22 Views: 1870 | Comments: 2
Getting ready to tackle the roof crux of some unknown route at Barker (probably between 10c and 11a). It must have been bolted recently as it's not listed in the current guide. Barker has hundreds of routes ranging from 5.5 to 5.13. It's not all sport, there are several short trad climbs worth doing. It's possible to climb there year-round (fall and spring are the best times). Not much else to do other than climb, unless you particularly enjoy watching cows graze.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2007-10-01 Views: 2931 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
This is me on some arete at Barker (four hours from Buenos Aires, Argentina) this past weekend. This is a growing crag, it looks like most routes have been bolted recently. It was late in the day so the picture is not as clear as I hoped it would be. About the route, it's rated a 5+ French (whatever that means), I'd say it's probably a 5.9 or 5.10a. The third bolt is a bit scary because of the possibility of decking (fortunately the belayer is a competent guy).
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2007-02-06 Views: 2855 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
socialclimber on the rounded arete of Submarine Boulder (v4). We had a great Sunday at Castle Hill. I just wish I had a better camera, was a better photographer and could have finished that problem like he did!
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2007-03-26 Views: 1009 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
Me on a three-star v2 problem on the other side of the Ode to Joy boulder. A must-do as well as Ode to Joy.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2007-03-26 Views: 1208 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Me finishing Como Moto Monkey Man, probably the hardest route I've done at Barker.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2007-05-10 Views: 1697 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Ready to clip after the low crux of Black Snake.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2007-05-21 Views: 1373 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Nice landscape, wish that route was twice as long! This is the closest rock to where I live, a four-hour drive on a Saturday morning.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2007-05-28 Views: 1812 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Me trying to clip the anchors of Vicious Circles. It was a hot summer day with not much friction, which made it a delicate move. That attempt wasn't a clean ascent, but I managed it on the next one. You can see the crux section between the first and second bolt. Getting to that first slopey pocket was a dyno for me, and I had to go up to the third pocket to clip the second bolt.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2007-09-06 Views: 4056 | Comments: 0
Getting up the roof, the most enjoyable part of the route. It's much easier than the crux moves to get to the ledge below.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2007-09-10 Views: 3292 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Seen at the second pullout entrance, Red Rocks.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2008-04-24 Views: 1681 | Comment: 1
Me failing to send a route named Metrosexual in Cala Barques. It was an awkward fall but it didn't really hurt. I took some long falls on some of the routes (30 to 40 feet).
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2008-06-18 Views: 5386 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 16
Me bouldering at Corona del Mar. Perfect weather, Santa Ana winds, dry holds.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2008-10-20 Views: 5430 | Comments: 0
Gorgeus spring day in Balcarce. If you look closely you'll see Rubio taking a nap under the roof.
Submitted by: crackmeup on 2008-10-28 Views: 2285 | Comments: 0