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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by epic_ed

Your search returned 0 categories and 39 photos


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Erica on the poi balls

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Erica on the poi balls

Posting these because Erica has been missing in Pakistan for nearly a week (7/15/05). I was fortunate to meet her and Pierre in Yosemite in June of '04 and, like others have commented, that was a memorable summer for the duo. Realm of the Flying Monkeys, Zodiac in a day, and many others that I've heard about. Erica has an unforgettable smile and her laughter is contageous. I hope we'll all get to see her again soon, and share many more moments of carefree, unbridled joy...the way she always seemed to be no matter the circumstances.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2005-07-16
Views: 2010 | Comments: 4
Erica and Pierre ready to blast Zodiac IAD

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Erica and Pierre ready to blast Zodiac IAD

June of '04. Erica and Pierre were familiar faces to all who spent the summer in Camp 4 and around Yosemite Valley. Good people, fun times, and some great accomplishments for both of them. This is a shot of their mini base camp before sending Zodiac in a day in late June. I spent some time with them at the base that night and shared a few meals with them in Camp 4. Erica may look like she's hamming it up a little, but honestly, the ear-to-ear grin on her face is nearly permanent. Her joy for climbing and sucking the marrow out of life is very contageous.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2005-07-16
Views: 1857 | Comment: 1
Settin' up for the dyno...

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Settin' up for the dyno...

Kaitlyn's first time at the gym. She didn't like it nearly as much as going ourdoors -- thank God. Here, she shows how [i]easy[/i] it can be. Notice...the 4 y/old doesn't even bother to put on the climbing shoes and easily cranks the V4 sit-start dyno in her sandals. Bunch of damn chuffers that put up those routes...
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2005-05-03
Views: 1845 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 4
Today, Watson Lake, tomorrow...

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Today, Watson Lake, tomorrow...

Kaityln, my step daughter, roping up for her first climb ever at Time Zone Wall. With the enthusiasm she had, no doubt there will be others.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-11-12
Views: 2785 | Comment: 1
Special Aiducation

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Special Aiducation

I finally finished this practice aid route. It's nothing to brag about, but it does offer a place for the beginning aid climber to go to work out the systems. Total route height is only about 45', but I broke it into two pitches, each anchor with three well-space 3/8" bolts to mimmic a big wall belay. Bring the haul bag and portaledge and figure it all out here. You'll only need rivet hangers for pro, and the top anchor has a chain/rappel ring to get you back to the ground quickly. My rope is hanging from the first belay anchor and the route starts out down and to the left of it (hidden by bush). Second pitch tops out up and right of the rope, at the area in the sun just below the lip of the formation.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-09-08
Views: 1751 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 8

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Spew-fest

Not sure what kind of shizzle BobD is trowling out to Art, but I'm sure it was a good story. Pheenixx is also pictured in the background -- seemingly unfazed by the amount of mindless blather going on around her.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-09-08
Views: 1602 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
What a party!

Average Rating = 0.00/5 What a party!

Saturday nights bon fire brought out all the creatins. Including none other than the "Verm", himself. Geoff (climbingcowboy) and his wife Robin are also willing participants in this mug shot.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-09-07 | Last Modified: 2006-11-14
Views: 1455 | Comment: 1
Hanging out near the top of P2, Zodiac

Average Rating = 3.67/5 Hanging out near the top of P2, Zodiac

AS I was nearing the top of P2 on Zodiac, a couple of guys were rappeling the route after trying to free a few pitches higher up. Turns out it was Rob Miller and Chris Van Leuven who had been trying to free the nipple pitch. Chris snapped this picture while I was waiting just a couple of moves below the anchor. Thanks for the photo, Chris!
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-09-03 | Last Modified: 2006-11-17
Views: 2217 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 4
Lil monster (Kaitlyn) at Mather Point

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Lil monster (Kaitlyn) at Mather Point

Finally got up to the Grand Canyon with my fiance, the mother-in-law-to-be, and my step-daughter. It's pretty cool when the non-stop ramblings of a 4 y/o come to a screeching halt and are reduce to a single word. "Wow."
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-09-01
Views: 1059 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Early morning on Organasm

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Early morning on Organasm

I think I needed an extra cup of coffee when this was taken. I led P1 of Organasm and Jeff knocked off P2 as Ken took this photo. Nothing like a team of three knocking of a four pitch aid route. The roof pitch is excellent practice to test your roof leading/cleaning skills. Be sure to bring plenty of #2's and don't tackle that roof without having an idea of how to clean it. It's not nice to take a gumby aid climber up there and have him/her try to figure it out on the fly...pardon that pun.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-08-30
Views: 1099 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Pooch (Phoenix) in my office/gear room

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Pooch (Phoenix) in my office/gear room

The dog hears the clanging of gear and rustling of haul bags, and immediately comes running down the hall. "Where are we off to this time?" she seems to be asking in her expression. Willing and ready to go anywhere I'm headed, her mind has long out-willed her aging body's ability to tag along on most adventures. But, boy have we seen many good days on the trail, at the crag, and in the back country over the years. She's my favorite belay anchor and guardian of my lunch.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-08-30
Views: 1107 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 7
The Epic Mobile in Yosemite

Average Rating = 3.00/5 The Epic Mobile in Yosemite

The '95 4Runner has been as much a part of my "epic" lore as my climbing adventures. I've only had an emotional attachment to two vehicles in my life -- both Toyotas. This ride is my safety blanket while traveling and suits my needs better than any other vehicle possibly could. I'll keep sinking money into her until the wife cuts me off (money or nookie). I took this photo on the bridge over the Merced right next to El Cap Meadow.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-08-30
Views: 994 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Sunrise at the base of Zodiac

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Sunrise at the base of Zodiac

Getting ready to sort and pack the pigs before heading up the fixed lines. Can I get a Metolius sponsorship?
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-08-17
Views: 878 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Inside the ledge

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Inside the ledge

Was playing around with camera settings one morning from inside the portaledge and snapped a few macros. This one turned out OK.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-08-17
Views: 700 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Zodiac -- P2 bivy.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Zodiac -- P2 bivy.

Bivied at the top of P2 the first night on the wall. I don't recommend it. The ledge won't sit flush against the wall since there's a small dihedral just below and left of the anchors. Plus, you're gonna get soaked if it rains.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-08-17
Views: 879 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
El Cap, early summer morning

Average Rating = 3.83/5 El Cap, early summer morning

Eh -- this one turned out better than most. Same big lunk o' granite that has been posted hundreds of times, but from a little different perspective. Plus, can ya really get enough of the Cap'n?
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-08-11
Views: 815 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Big cams

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Big cams

Just so TedC doesn't feel lonely...some of us have size AND quantity. ;-)
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-07-10
Views: 1154 | Comments: 0
Insane and soloing

Average Rating = 3.75/5 Insane and soloing

Self-portrait from the top of P1, Moonlight Buttress. I took some serious shots, but none of them turned out worth a damn. Ah, well...goofy poses are my specialty anyway.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-06-11
Views: 1472 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 5
Whole lotta gear

Average Rating = 3.75/5 Whole lotta gear

Getting in touch with my artsy side by getting this photo of the stuff slung into the back of the Epic Mobile.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-05-02
Views: 1005 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 4
After comp chillin' at the booth

Average Rating = 3.00/5 After comp chillin' at the booth

Several dudes and dudettes came by the booth at the PBB while I was holding down the fort. I caught the back of John's head (fastestgun), the tip of Erica's A5 hat, way too much of Hillary's mug, at Curt looks pissed that I interrupted his quality time with a fresh Fat Tire. Tough crowd. ;-)
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-04-29
Views: 980 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Slacklining chickie

Average Rating = 2.90/5 Slacklining chickie

Slackline Bros. had a couple of lines set up at the PBB again this year. Snapped a few random candids and this is one that turned out well.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-04-27
Views: 1042 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 2
On the line

Average Rating = 2.33/5 On the line

Slackline Bros. had a couple of lines set up at the PBB again this year. Snapped a few random candids. No idea who the dude is.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-04-27
Views: 1203 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 4
The Epic Mobile

Average Rating = 3.33/5 The Epic Mobile

The ultimate weekend warrior, road trip, climbing mobile. If you see this ride at the crag, you know I'm sure to be around somewhere. Find me and say hi.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-04-13
Views: 928 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 5
Hoooowwl, Fury!

Average Rating = 2.38/5 Hoooowwl, Fury!

The little monster was a constant source of entertainment during the weekend, and Kristen insisted that she could make Fury "sing". Sounded like a shrill howl to me.... ;-)
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-02-04
Views: 812 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 2
Peter Pan?  Nope...just Meg.

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Peter Pan? Nope...just Meg.

Meg looking funny trying to get back on an 11a on Thin Wall. JTree gathering 1/04.
Submitted by: epic_ed on 2004-02-01
Views: 818 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 7
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