Another stellar route at New Joes. With blue skies and perfect temps we had the entire area to ourselfs. Climber is science.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2006-09-25 Views: 1702 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Bieng the one and only night I was able to hang out with Andy we did Car Bombs and drank beer. It made for a rough morning and hike up to the climb.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-12-01 Views: 609 | Comments: 0
Just finding the route was the hardest part. We racked up and started off on a bushy gully. Two pieces of pro in 30m.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-12-01 Views: 877 | Comments: 0
This is the view from my moms back yard. Not bad at all.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-12-01 Views: 1450 | Comments: 0
This is me feeling pretty good the night prior to climbing the NW Ridge of the Thumb with Chris (cdog).
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-12-01 Views: 624 | Comments: 0
Well the last roped pitch had a bit of everything. Bushes, cracks, funky dirty ledges, anything you can think of on a backcountry classic.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-12-01 Views: 970 | Comments: 0
Chris and I made it to the summit with all of our limbs. We were only missing my helmet (damn tree).
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-12-01 Views: 778 | Comments: 0
Perhaps drinking the night before with Andy was a bad idea. My stomache was in knots from the beer and bad food mix I had poured in a few hours prior.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-12-01 Views: 1186 | Comments: 0
This is what the tram looks like from the top of the Thumb. If you've ever ridden the Tram you know that's pretty damed high.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-12-01 Views: 1088 | Comments: 0
This was the last bit of technical down climbing, the rest was boulder hopping and the 2 mile walk back up the mountain to the car.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-12-01 Views: 2200 | Comments: 0
During one of my frequent rests on the hike back up to the car I noticed the remains of a fossil trapped in the limestone that makes up the top layer of Sandia Crest.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-12-01 Views: 1117 | Comments: 0
This is my first attempt of the day on White Rastafarian, my favorite line ever. I couldn't keep myself calm enough for the send. The next trip out to Josh it will go. =)
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-11-22 Views: 1156 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
After a full day of climbing Mike decides to give his fingers another reason to hate him. Super gritty, a lot like J-Tree, Chicken Tenders is rough on the hands if you peel.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-10-16 Views: 1036 | Comments: 0
Red Rocks is the only place I've ever seen this sign and wild burros. I took the picture from a moving car so the quality isnt the best.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-10-14 Views: 671 | Comment: 1
I took this during my first trip to Yosemite. That place sure lives up to the hype. I'm glad we drove in at night, otherwise we probably would have crashed into a tour bus after popping out of Wawona tunnel due to all of our gawking. Half Dome is just so damn impressive lording over the valley like the bad mammajamma it is.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-05-07 Views: 758 | Votes: 20 | Comments: 5
The guide I had for the Happies was totally worthless so my girlfriend and I just wandered around climbing anything that looked fun. At first this looked really hard but after a few tries it turned out to be kind of easy. Some very chalked up two finger pockets were sucker holds and could be skipped entirely. All in all a great first trip to Bishop.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2005-03-31 Views: 847 | Comment: 1
The best sport climb for its grade in Paynes. Don't forget to sign the register in the cave!
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2008-06-24 Views: 2852 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Just another of the amazing boulders to be found at Flock Hill.
Submitted by: hosebeats on 2008-06-24 Views: 2289 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0