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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by missedyno

Your search returned 0 categories and 55 photos


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Average Rating = 0.00/5 SHENANIGANS

After a fun day of ice climbing @ Bancroft, ON. Time to climb a telephone pole - I am always interested in shenanigans. Realized later that not even including gear, my outfit is over $1K. Bling bling. Does this qualify as dry tooling?
Submitted by: missedyno on 2009-01-03
Views: 3299 | Comments: 0
crankin in squish

Average Rating = 0.00/5 crankin in squish

dynamic move on a problem that has something to do with lemons. one of my favourites in squamish, tucked away out of sight.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2008-12-18 | Last Modified: 2009-01-13
Views: 2704 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 "old and serious" top out

as close to slab climbing as i need to get
Submitted by: missedyno on 2008-12-18
Views: 2433 | Comments: 0
smooth shrimp

Average Rating = 4.00/5 smooth shrimp

lead me to your crimpy lowball traverse!
Submitted by: missedyno on 2008-12-18
Views: 2545 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
sending shots fired

Average Rating = 0.00/5 sending shots fired

the send of shots fired before they blow up this boulder. excited spotter is my hottie hot friend yen, this was taken june or july 2007
Submitted by: missedyno on 2007-11-30
Views: 2088 | Comments: 3
my only picture in joshua tree

Average Rating = 3.50/5 my only picture in joshua tree

i spent a bit over two weeks in joshua tree, and i have a number of pictures of other people, but this was the only time i handed my camera over and got someone else to take some pictures of me.
so there you go, just a picture of me close to the ground in j-tree.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2006-04-03 | Last Modified: 2006-12-10
Views: 2795 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 5
working on center el murray

Average Rating = 3.00/5 working on center el murray

i was having a bit of a blah day and wasn't really feeling inspired. the guys were working on this problem, and i dropped by to try it out. here i am trying to stick the crossover to the jug. not sure if i'm even capable of the throw at the end, but i'll be going back to try for sure.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2006-02-14
Views: 1834 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
jessica sending the violator

Average Rating = 0.00/5 jessica sending the violator

i've moved into the obed on the next stage of my roadtrip. here i am redpointing violator at south clear creek.
this route has quickly become a favourite and i'm glad i can hang my own draws and push through the pump to the end.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2006-01-25
Views: 2085 | Comments: 0
surprising myself on gadget direct

Average Rating = 0.00/5 surprising myself on gadget direct

i really didn't think this was the problem for me, but brought my tall friend jay over to work it. i figured i'd be the spotter but it looked like fun so i tried it out.
here i am, just got the two campus moves out from the stand start. at this point i got my feet up and my friend put the camera down to spot slash hold the extra pad over the rock just beside this line.
it was a lot of fun and i was really surprised that i got it since i don't have many opportunities to campus. i think we counted 7 hand moves and 3 foot moves for the entire problem, which is inverse to the sorts of problems i normally climb.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2006-01-17
Views: 1353 | Comments: 2
working the sequence on mulletino

Average Rating = 0.00/5 working the sequence on mulletino

during my stay at horsepens, mulletino was adopted as my project. here i am working it on the warmest day of my visit.
after this move i get a solid toe hook around the corner and bump to a jug. this is the move where i feel like a starfish glued to the underside of the rock. much fun ensues.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2006-01-17
Views: 1525 | Comments: 5
we found a white squirrel

Average Rating = 0.00/5 we found a white squirrel

hey look at this! brevard is known for its white squirrels but it took us a few days of searching to find this little guy, who subsequently posed for the pic!
Submitted by: missedyno on 2005-12-19
Views: 798 | Comments: 0
wary of the southern sandstone topout

Average Rating = 2.80/5 wary of the southern sandstone topout

my first time climbing outdoors for a few months, and my first time climbing on my roadtrip. i made it to the top of this problem and shyed away from topping out. it's good to have projects anyway - no worries!

thanks to andrew for taking the picture!
Submitted by: missedyno on 2005-12-18
Views: 1136 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 4
jessica in kamouraska

Average Rating = 0.00/5 jessica in kamouraska

jessica speaks of herself in the third person as she leads a 10a in Kamouraska, Quebec. it was a very fun route with a bit of everything - crimpers, jugs, a crackline and don't forget the crappy undercling.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2005-09-22
Views: 1615 | Comments: 0
Jessica bouldering at the Blackjack boulders in Rumney

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Jessica bouldering at the Blackjack boulders in Rumney

I have no idea what particular problem this is, but it was a lot of fun - crimpy holds and bad feet to start. Photo was taken in July of 2005. We didn't have a guidebook, but just had fun figuring out the problems we could find. What you can't see in the picture is that i'm covered in citronella spray as an attempt to ward off the indiscriminating mosquitos.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2005-09-20
Views: 1956 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
Working The Lowdown - V4

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Working The Lowdown - V4

The lowdown quickly became my project for the trip. This was one of many attempts when I was quite close to finishing.
Here I am about to slap the sloper to prepare for the mantle finish.
Photo by John (johnfromohio) who we met down there.
i ended up completing the problem later in the day, after dark with a headlamp to see where i was going.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2005-01-04
Views: 1460 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Jessica needing to improve route-finding skills

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Jessica needing to improve route-finding skills

The description of this route on mentions to start "just past a cave". Well that isn't included in the description in the guide book. i scared myself through a number of moves, yes THROUGH THE CAVE and took my first (very small) trad fall on a #2 friend when my handhold broke off. i ended up lowering off and we went back to get the cam the next day. Note to self: need to improve route finding skills
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-11-11
Views: 1571 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Here Kitty Kitty

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Here Kitty Kitty

Damian leading Here Kitty Kitty. You can see my nose in the bottom of the pic as I look up to belay him.
More importantly, you can see the chalkbag I made for him in action!
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-09-07
Views: 824 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Damian Warming up at Dog Wall

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Damian Warming up at Dog Wall

My last day in Red Rocks - the snow melted and we had beautiful clear skies. A lot of fun climbing at Dog Wall - I must say it was my best day on the entire trip - no pictures of me though, here's one of Damian warming up.
you can see edward the chalkbag in action there as well...
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-09-07
Views: 906 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Edward the Chalkbag

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Edward the Chalkbag

Another angle to see Edward - the bunny rabbit chalkbag. To make this bag I took apart a small stuffed animal, made a few design changes to accomodate a fleece liner, and also put pipe cleaners in the arms so they may be posed.
edward has seen many nice climbing areas, although he's always hanging upsidedown.
See another picture of Edward here.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-09-07
Views: 1366 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Edward the Chalkbag

Average Rating = 3.20/5 Edward the Chalkbag

Here's a pic of the chalkbag (named Edward) that I made for my partner. I made the bag earlier this year and am just getting around to uploading the pics.
When chalking up, his ears, arms and legs go flying and it's really quite humourous to watch. Seeing as how this is a decapitated rabbit, I am still confused when people say it's so "cute". See another photo of Edward here.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-09-07
Views: 1551 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 4
Damian climbing at mass production wall

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Damian climbing at mass production wall

Damian climbing something slabby on mass production wall, Red Rocks
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-23
Views: 1048 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Vega bonds

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Vega bonds

Starting up Vega bonds. Kind of a high up first clip...
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-23
Views: 982 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Black Corridor

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Black Corridor

Why why... we went to black corridor, one of the colder crags on our only warm sunny day of the trip. Here I am warming up on a 5.9 of some sort - Bonaire or Bon EZ. I forget, but it's the one to the left.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-23
Views: 961 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Warming up on De-Spare

Average Rating = 1.60/5 Warming up on De-Spare

Just a nice warm up climb first thing in the morning.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-23
Views: 1048 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Playing in the trees

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Playing in the trees

Why not... we couldn't find the crag that day and decided to go for a walk. Can't keep us from climbing something though!
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-23
Views: 1861 | Comments: 0
Attacked by a vicious kentucky killer caterpillar

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Attacked by a vicious kentucky killer caterpillar

About to gather my gear to move to the next route, I looked down to see, to my horror, that I was being attacked by a Killer Caterpillar! As I stood there paralyzed in fear, someone took a picture of me at my weakest moment.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-23
Views: 2966 | Comments: 7
Paul clipping on Stairway to Freebird

Average Rating = 3.62/5 Paul clipping on Stairway to Freebird

Having clipped the draw to the bolt seconds earlier, Paul eyes the clip he'd really like to make. I could see his left hand slowly losing it's place on the rock.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-23
Views: 1343 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 5
Damian playn' the Skin Flute

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Damian playn' the Skin Flute

Damian working through the crimpy technical low crux on Skin Flute (12a) - Oil Crack Wall, RRG Kentucky.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-23
Views: 1547 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Jessica on lord of the flies

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Jessica on lord of the flies

For some strange reason i had difficulty on this climb last year when I was new to leading outdoors. (well not new but definitely not good at it.) I came back to prove a point to this climb and led it with ease. Alot of ease. I was very happy.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-21
Views: 1553 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Leading Overlord

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Leading Overlord

My first 10b outdoor lead! I toproped this climb last season but for whatever reason it looked easy this time, and I had a great time leading it. What fun!
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-20
Views: 791 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Me climbing the arrowhead

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Me climbing the arrowhead

After clipping the rope, i hang out on a comfortable ledge for a very very long time looking at the next move. I really don't like aretes...
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-20
Views: 620 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Leading the Arrowhead

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Leading the Arrowhead

Here I am on the arrowhead, clipping my rope, and about to get seriously freaked out at the next move. Things are so different on lead...
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-20
Views: 762 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
fawkes on creature feature

Average Rating = 2.50/5 fawkes on creature feature

Finally my own butt shot of me pulling the roof on creature feature. Initially too much for me when I started leading, I sent this with ease. And had a lot of fun, too.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-20
Views: 1019 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Damian on Ro Shampo

Average Rating = 2.75/5 Damian on Ro Shampo

Well of course there was a lineup for this classic fun climb. Damian led this without any real difficulty, fun to watch.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-04-20
Views: 672 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Damian on Winnebozo Warpath

Average Rating = 2.33/5 Damian on Winnebozo Warpath

During our recent trip to Squamish/Whistler, Roo (sunsation) showed us this small bolted wall very close to the road. We climbed all three routes as a cool down for the day. Pleasant climbing, closer to vertical than the slabby things we had been scaring ourselves on earlier.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2003-08-21
Views: 793 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Fawkes First Trad Lead

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Fawkes First Trad Lead

Well it's a 5.5 but it was my first 5.5 on trad. open book crack climb - decent placements. at the point in the picture i was madly shaking out while arguing with a placement (finally got it and it was a great placement!) unfortunately it was one of my last as at the top of the climb there is a small mantle move, i was hoping to find a placement above it - and that was the end of the climb. trad leading is fun.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2003-08-11
Views: 1163 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 5
Damian setting up a Rappell Anchor on Maneline

Average Rating = 3.25/5 Damian setting up a Rappell Anchor on Maneline

Like the description says... Hanging out on the top of the cliff getting the rappell anchor ready lower onto Maneline - Maneline Wall - Lion's Head Ontario.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2003-07-23
Views: 690 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
silhouette of damian

Average Rating = 3.20/5 silhouette of damian

Just a neat pic from a walk around our campground at Gatineau Park. Climbing trip to the Eardley Escarpment.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2003-07-23
Views: 566 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Racking up my Sport Draws - Ready to Lead

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Racking up my Sport Draws - Ready to Lead

At The Shrine crag on the Eardley Escarpment - Quebec. After doing a few routes, we talked to another couple that showed up and heard of the sandbagged quality of the routes at this crag in particular. I'd have to agree.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2003-07-23
Views: 909 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
About to Rappell onto Maneline - Lions Head Ontario

Average Rating = 2.67/5 About to Rappell onto Maneline - Lions Head Ontario

Just about to rappell onto Maneline - Lions Head Ontario. A great route - pumpy start. Like how I just blend into the backround.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2003-07-23
Views: 1535 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Born Again Climber

Average Rating = 2.80/5 Born Again Climber

Went for a hike in Halfway Dump Park - just north of Lion's Head. Found a little tunnel problem that started in a cave and then gave birth to you out of the rock. I thought it was only suitable to come out head first.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2003-07-23
Views: 993 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 3
On Rappel at Old Baldy - Ontario

Average Rating = 3.25/5 On Rappel at Old Baldy - Ontario

Rappelling off our last climb of the day - enjoying the view as the sun went down.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2003-07-23
Views: 796 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2 gang in the rumney parking lot

Average Rating = 0.00/5 gang in the rumney parking lot

Ah, the gang's all here. Kind of a where's waldo effect, let's see who can identify everyone! This was Saturday morning as we all met and discussed climbs to do. Photo by fawkes' partner damian.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2002-10-29
Views: 538 | Comments: 3
Dom's lone spotter

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Dom's lone spotter

OK OK, so rob was right, he was the only one spotting Dom. But Dom did super well on the deck problem and we all spotted him with our faith from somewhere on the beach.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2002-10-29
Views: 576 | Comments: 3
the morning we left

Average Rating = 3.54/5 the morning we left

I love this picture almost as much as the photographer. Damian took this shot Monday morning as we packed up. The clouds cleared and good for all of you that made it out climbing. we had a great drive home. Thanks again for the hospitality, Juliana's family.... (picture nicer in original form, PM me if you'd like a copy, I had to squish it down to fit it on the DB.)
Submitted by: missedyno on 2002-10-29
Views: 819 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 6
Deck problem vs. fawkes n her sox

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Deck problem vs. fawkes n her sox

then I had a shot at the problem. i was saying "are you guys spotting me?" i was thinking "hmmm my new camping socks really are warm, just not good looking...."
Submitted by: missedyno on 2002-10-29
Views: 689 | Comments: 4
Jules on (or off) the dock problem

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Jules on (or off) the dock problem

Lew's next challenge for us all was to traverse under the dock. There are other pics coming, but for now, juliana's dismount was by far the most colorful....
Submitted by: missedyno on 2002-10-29
Views: 652 | Comments: 4
sideshow tackles the deck problem

Average Rating = 0.00/5 sideshow tackles the deck problem

We've all heard now about the deck problem that happened Saturday morning at Jules' place. nick's great to travel with, we just made him into a pretzel shape and shoved him in with all our gear.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2002-10-29
Views: 471 | Comments: 6
reaching high on

Average Rating = 2.38/5 reaching high on "tommy t"

Not sure what wall this is on, but it's over by the very beginning start of the via ferratta.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2002-08-28
Views: 829 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 4
Fawkes on Bandolier 11a

Average Rating = 3.40/5 Fawkes on Bandolier 11a

Yeah yeah, sure I'm on TR but it's the first 11a I've finished without major difficulty. Very fun climb.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2002-07-11
Views: 931 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
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