This is Whitey, the silent but vigilant partner. He was conceived on July 15, 2006. I'm his mommy. He was well equipped for the route.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2006-09-28 Views: 2747 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 4
You never know where you're going to find a good climbing partner. I'll search high and LOW. :-)
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2006-07-06 Views: 1744 | Comments: 2
Heading up the Angelica Couloir. It's rated as steep snow. When viewing the couloir from the North Ridge it loks very steep but when cramponing your way up it in good snow, it feels pretty mellow (maybe 45 degrees or so). Photo by Michael Rodenak
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2006-07-03 Views: 2142 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
The Red Gulley is stated as 3rd class. The gulley is mostly class 2, broken choss. We could see this from the base and were imediately drawn to the knobby slabs just right of the gulley. The hiking/climbing ranged from Class 2 to low 5th, with a high concentration on 4th class. A much safer/more fun alternative IMO. Photo by Michael Rodenak.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2006-06-14 Views: 1840 | Comments: 4
Ascending Ellingwood Ridge on LaPlata Peak. You can avoid the ridge that I'm climbing here by going either right or left. Fun route but lots of choss. Photo by Michael Rodenak.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2006-06-05 Views: 1685 | Comments: 0
Heading up North Star Couloir. Photo by Michael Rodenak.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2006-06-05 Views: 2284 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Jody and I traversing the ridge to South Arapaho. Photo by Michael Rodenak.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2006-06-05 Views: 1767 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Topped out on Jah Man 5/20/06. Photo by Jim Bodenhamer.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2006-05-23 Views: 2367 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 6
Me and my partner Michael starting the ridge on North Star Mountain (13k), 4/06. Northstar is located off of Hoosier Pass. From the summit, you can see Wheeler, Fletcher, Atlantic, Pacific, Quandary and many more peaks. Cool Peak.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2006-04-23 Views: 1184 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Me heading up Sniktau (13,234') before breakfast on 2/12/06. Photo by Randy Wong.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2006-02-13 Views: 997 | Comments: 0
The real me. . . The South Park me. . . With my candy and sports bra.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-12-30 Views: 795 | Comments: 4
I believe I'm on Refritos. P1 was almost a full 60 m to the bolts with poor pro. Photo by Pan.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-12-23 Views: 1189 | Comments: 0
Time for a new head shot. Me on top of P1 of Refritos?
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-12-23 Views: 1665 | Comment: 1
My son Austin lead this route with me soloing up beside him. Now, every time I'm near it, I always solo it. :-)
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-12-12 Views: 1696 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Heading towards Tyndal Glacier during the 1st snow of the year in 05.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-10-11 Views: 1181 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 5
Here I am on the 5.8 slab on P4. Photo by Randy Wong
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-09-08 Views: 1658 | Comments: 0
A butt shot of me on Young and the Rackless. I added this to add clarity to what P1 looks like for those of you trying to locate the climb.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-09-08 Views: 1969 | Comments: 3
Timstich took this shot of me on the approach to Notchtop. We climbed the Spiral Route to Morning on a very wet day, 8/21/05. The route ascends the leftmost skyline to the ledge. From there we traversed right up to another grassy ledge, unropped and climbed to the base of Morning which is just a wee bit below and right of the Notch. Fun times once again. I'm gonna miss ya Timmy Tim! :-(
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-08-24 Views: 1207 | Comments: 0
Dear Bill,
I am sorry for reading, stopping, taking pictures, drinking and eating on your land. It could be much, much worse though. At least I'm not fishing, kayaking, hunting and having sex out there too. Thanks for the photo op. A Randy Wong photo.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-08-11 Views: 1194 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 11
Here's a photo of Lover's Leap as seen from hwy 285. There is climbing all over Lover's Leap. There is enough climbing on Lover's Leap to in fact satisfy the 40 character quota. Photo by Lord Randy.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-08-08 Views: 2578 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
The wind just added to the fun of this Classic Garden of the Gods climb. Me on Montezuma's Tower. Photo by Craig.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-08-01 Views: 1307 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
Photo by Cindy Mitchel. My sons and I on our 4th of July Camping trip in a secret spot not too far from Grand Lake.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-07-18 Views: 1341 | Comments: 4
On the approach to Superstar and Starlight. We were headed to climb Superstar but opted for Starlight as the upper section of Superstar appeared to be melted out. Observation of Superstat from the top of Starlight prooved otherwise. Another fun climb with Tim!
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-07-06 Views: 1079 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Timstich (green helmet) and I on the approach to Starlight Couloir. Photo by Steven Rosenthal.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-07-05 Views: 1102 | Comments: 0
The shirt is meant to be sarcastic. It goes well with the food hanging out of my mouth. Photo by Gary A.
Submitted by: mother_sheep on 2005-06-24 Views: 1212 | Comments: 0