This is a guy we met (Dan) climbing at Pebble Beach. He gave us some good information and was nice enough to let me shoot a few pictures of him. Looked like a fun route with some thin fingers.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2006-09-15 Views: 3132 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 3
Samanatha pulls up to the crux on this relatively odd 5.9 move. There were a lot of people at the Gorge on Labor Day weekend but that didn't stop the fun!
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2006-09-10 Views: 2978 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
We woke up super early to climb Ancient Art and expected it to take a bit longer then it did! So we said "Heck lets try the Cobra too!". John (coldclimb) took a minute to figure out the moves but soon we was standing on the summit. It is an awesome feature although I thought it would be bigger!
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2006-06-30 Views: 2753 | Votes: 32 | Comments: 19
This was after climbing The Mace, which seemed harder to me then its 5.9 rating implied. We timed it right though to get the sunset from the summit.
The Cathedral Rocks and The Mace cast their shadows over the valley.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2006-06-21 Views: 1780 | Votes: 23 | Comments: 13
On our road trip we knew we would be right suckers if we skipped Zion. What an incredible place! We felt we didn't have the proper equipment (double ledge) for Prodigal Sun and so we chose a different route in Touchstone Wall. We started on the route at 9:30am in the blazing sun and were out of water by 3pm. The temperatures had reached 100 degrees that day and boy was it hot. We kept climbing through our dehydration and ate our only bit of food, a small grilled chicken sandwitch at about 4pm. We finally topped out on the route at 7:45pm or so and caught the last bit of sunset on the summit. We rapped down the route in the dark finally touching the ground again at 9pm. A good 11 and a half hours after we had started. We stumbled the the bus station where we were called Hero's by some nice tourists who gave us some water. To me they were the Hero's as I don't think I have ever been so thirsty in my life! Everyone keeps telling us that Touchstone would be a funace at this time of the year, but what the heck do they know.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2006-06-21 Views: 2067 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
One of stops on the roadtrip was Smith Rock where we stayed with Casey. We set up the highline on the first day after we climbed the Pioneer Route and then came back to walk the next day. While Casey was warming up and taking falls getting ready to make his first send on a highline another group was climbing the Pioneer Route. The guy taking a picture from the other side is a guide who led two other climbers up. He didn't fall on this walk and made it all the way across.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2006-06-13 Views: 4709 | Votes: 31 | Comments: 26
I jumped on this climb and got to the crux before deciding that trying it at my level without a group of spotters and a crashpad could end my current climbing trip early. So I went to take pics of John "trying" this problem. When he sends the problem on the second attempt! No Spotter, no beta, and no crashpad. Ballsy I say!
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2006-06-12 Views: 2041 | Votes: 25 | Comments: 15
We climbed up Snake Dike on Half Dome and how could you summit Half Dome without taking the obligatory hanging over 2000 feet of air shot? Gotta love Yosemite. Except the mass of Memorial Day Tourons. Could do without that!
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2006-06-06 Views: 2574 | Votes: 39 | Comments: 26
John didn't see much need for protection on most of this route as we head up during the first few pitches of Diedre. We started early in the morning and topped out mid afternoon on the top of The Chief. We had the route all to ourselves all day. Wonderful climbing and a totally awesome day.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2006-05-19 Views: 2678 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 10
Just arrived back from Thailand a few days ago and during the trip we stayed on Tonsai and Ao Nang for a few days. This was taken just after the sunset, the drivers will still take you to Railay long into the night. Anyone who has been to the area will probably recognize the phrase "Taxi Boat, Railay"
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2006-02-03 Views: 1243 | Votes: 23 | Comments: 15
This is another shot from our recent trip to Westchester to do some slacklining. This picture is to show how the line held up under our weight. This is John getting some good air off the line. The line is being held up by A-frames and bollards. Here is a link to the previous picture that shows the setup.
Link: Bollard Pic
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-12-30 Views: 1261 | Votes: 27 | Comments: 19
We had not actually set up a slackline yet on the ice ourselves and were wondering how it was going to go. We chipped the holes only once with an axe and a mountain axe. The first thing that happened is the dowells in the A-frame broke while my 230lb self was hopping on it. The second rigging was a charm though and we had a few good hours of fun on it.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-12-23 Views: 2124 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 12
We were looking for routes to do when i saw this guy doing this hard looking route at Ton Sai Bay. The wall becomes more and more overhanging the higher you go.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-06-27 Views: 875 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
This problem starts on the right stalactite and cruises to the one John (coldclimb) is moving to and then comes down the wall on the left. After going to Thailand for climbing we soon realized the only routes not overhanging were the beds we crawled out of in the morning.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-06-25 Views: 1286 | Votes: 17 | Comments: 3
John (coldclimb) working the roof in Tonsai pulling off some hard moves. Here he goes for the big hold off a two finger pocket.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-06-25 Views: 1070 | Votes: 13 | Comment: 1
Since my climbing partner Dane here was about 70-80lbs lighter than me we decided he needed to anchor down. After looking for an anchor spot for a while this is what we came up with. Worked like a charm!
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-05-16 Views: 1618 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
This is John (coldclimb) giving this tuff roof problem a try. To be honest he didnt send it, but he gave it a good effort!
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-05-10 Views: 1524 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 4
This is Michelle climbing at Puriton Creek on her first route there. The rock is not very good and you can hear it thump when you hit it. This route is about an 80 foot route with only 3 bolts on it before the anchor. Even for a 5.8 it was scary to lead it.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-05-10 Views: 826 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
This is my friend Dane setting up an anchor for us to try the overhanging 5.11 after climbing the 5.10b. The bolts were set up by a man named Steve Garvey and anyone who has climbed his routes up here know why you dont just shoot for the hard routes unless you are sure you can make the clips! There are only 2 bolts before he gets where he is now. The beautiful scenery is marred a bit by the passing vehicles which keep communication down to a minimum but make getting there super easy!
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-05-08 Views: 1575 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is a wonderful 5.11b that i decided to skip! He told me that he was unable to make it up last time but thought he would give it a shot and made it up with just a few takes. Next time on lead!
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-05-08 Views: 1737 | Comment: 1
The last few days were to beautiful to pass up so we took a trip up to Rainbow Peak. This peak was the dryest peak on the highway and was a joy to climb. There is a giant section of rock on the top of the peak that looked like it would be great to bring a rope up to and set some routes up. At the end i was taking in the great views.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-04-18 Views: 905 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 2
If you were standing on the top of South Suicide peak this is what you would see if you looked in all directions. I took these pictures and never got to make them into a panorama untill coldclimb was generous enough to do it from me! Thanks coldclimb for that :!
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-03-24 Views: 1261 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This picture is from the no strings attached comp held at the Alaska Rock Gym. Unfortunatly i did have the flash on so i got the particles but i really liked the route so i thought i would share it. She following the White route.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-03-22 Views: 1688 | Comments: 0
This is a picture of tyify meandering through this route. They seemed to be way off course by the time i took the camera out. Sorry Ty!
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-03-21 Views: 1008 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This was my first trip ice climbing and the gloves i had didnt matter. It was -6 and all the ice was brittle junk. This picture reminded me of how the whole day was. Cold and Icy.
Submitted by: prezwoodz on 2005-01-22 Views: 919 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0