The final burly move of Dirty Rotten Scoundrel(left) V9 at Cactus Heaven.
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2009-02-24 Views: 3304 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
This is the arete section to trancendence. Im moving into the crux section were you most move off the one finger to the nasty slopper then to the large pocket to finish. Your about 15 feet off the deck at this point. Project Climber:jrice Photo by:jdrumm
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-08-12 Views: 2010 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Jeff working another classic problem at the School house spot.
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-08-12 Views: 1360 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
This 4star tiered roof problem moves through big moves on great holds to finish with a rather exciting top out. Located to the left of the AUM wall about 50yards left of the pit viper cave. V3 Climber: JR Photo: JD
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-08-07 Views: 1299 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Exactly what you have to have to top out this baby. Short, technical, and tenuous. Climber: JR Photo: JD
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-08-01 Views: 1487 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 7
Sweet line up bomb rock with quite unique holds. Great problem from sit to top. Climber: JR
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-08-01 Views: 2146 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
Seen here is a pic of less than half of the entire roof at the Grotto. It is about 20-25ft tall, with most of the straight up roof problems on the left end. Photo:JR
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-31 Views: 1043 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 3
This route climbs out the prominent line of crimps, pockets, and slots to the top. Sit start on slot and corner cruising through some easy moves to crimp rail and this move (pic); extend yourself to the pinch and to another good slot throwing to jugs to begin the top out. Bomber movement. We need someone to come send!!!
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-31 Views: 1009 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 4
Hierophant starts as seen on soapbar ledge moving left through desperate moves to gastons and crimpers to huge move to the top. SICK but beautiful!!! Climber: JR Photo: JD
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-31 Views: 918 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 3
Shown is the project "Hierophant" viewed from the right. Maybe you can detect the difficulty of this climb? Photo: JR
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-31 Views: 1269 | Votes: 8 | Comment: 1
This nice line begins on the right side of boulder on sidepull through a series of bumps and tension moves to the high topout grabbing the "bullet hold" on top. Climb it and you'll understand. Photo: JR Climber: JD
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-31 Views: 1568 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
SS on two low side pulls, go straight up to large slooper, match and move out left via crimps upto Jugs!
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-20 Views: 1030 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Check out the little friends who will take you to the top of this phenominal climb. Climber: JRice Photo:JD V5
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 907 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Eye of the Bull (Ojo de la Vaca). Here is the move in action with sights set on entering the key hold to succeed on this climb. Climber: JRice Photo: JD
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 833 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
Seen is the finish to the pump-fest sleeper traverse. Pit Viper is the thin crack in the foreground of the boulder. V6 climber:JD
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 650 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 7
Alpha is the direct left line on the AUM wall. This rock is similar to the beautiful Red River Gorge-like pocket walls. Choose 1 of the 2 distinct starts (low,high) to this common finish. Climber: Jman V3
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 809 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
The right line on the AUM wall moving through pockets and ledges to this final move. Climber: jrice Photo: JD V3
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 645 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 2
The name is the move. Start low on pockets, find the clever lever and rock to a sidepull crimp, finishing through small holds to half moon side pull jug. Top out..........optional! climber:Jrice photo: JD V5
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 611 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
30ft Traverse right to left, beginning same as Even Flow, Clever Lever through "eyes" jugs and a multitude of interesting holds. Good warm up. Climber: Hollywood Reese V3
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 666 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Crimpfest starting on pockets moving right to undercling to face crimps and top out. Climber: JD V6
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 597 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
Top out to Even Flow and Clever Lever. Tall (60ft)
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 582 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
The start to even flow (V6). Pocket start crossing to crimp (pic), slopers, undercling and then crimper finish.
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-19 Views: 628 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Located in the Arroyo are the 2 king boulders, both holding many excellent lines from moderate to difficult. V3 FA everybody
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 546 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Eye of the Bull is located on the East side of the canyon and takes a direct line up a phenominal granite-like black sandstone boulder. Be ready to fly. V4 FA Jordan Rice
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 561 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
Begin on slot and crimper crossing to side crimp, throw to single pad ledge (photo) to 5ft final throw to finish. V9
Submitted by: spreadlight on 2004-07-17 Views: 536 | Votes: 9 | Comment: 1