Mike made smooth work of this sporty classic at the Y.
Submitted by: tslater on 2009-05-31 Views: 2729 | Comments: 0
A cool steep climb on the brow of the cave. It's humbling when you see a guy in his mid-forties climb like this. Photo Tom Slater
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-09-29 Views: 4219 | Votes: 18 | Comments: 10
This is Hummingbird Wall (left) and the Z Cracks (right) high up in the Sonora Pass. Very beautiful place.
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-09-25 Views: 2283 | Comments: 0
This thing is a freak of nature.
Half the holds wobble, the other half are gone.
Oh yeah, and you belay from a small bush.
Photo Tom Slater
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-09-25 Views: 3844 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
The guidebook lists this beauty as possibly being the steepest .12a in the state. Any opinions? Doug Englekirk not really caring, just enjoying the downhill climb to the next clip.
Photo Tom Slater
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-09-25 Views: 3646 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
A thin move left to shallow foot bump (crux) gets the blood pumping a bit.
Submitted by: tslater on 2009-05-31 Views: 3513 | Comments: 0
Thin face to a plethora of seams and short cracks.
Submitted by: tslater on 2009-05-31 Views: 3007 | Comments: 0
I shot with a 10mm superwide angle to capture the atomosphere of the place. This crag has always been a favorite.
photo Tom Slater slatervision.com
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-09-06 Views: 5236 | Votes: 48 | Comments: 22
This is Tom Slater finishing the arete of Iron Eagle 5.7** , Roche Edges. The Green Dihedral is to the left and is pretty fun too. Photo Tod Tomlinson
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-09-05 Views: 2244 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
These are out on the point. I did a line in the middle of the picture. The cliff is almost 20 feet. You could almost TR the routes, enough cracks on top if you have gear. Otherwise... don't fall. You'll break your back and drown.
Submitted by: tslater on 2007-04-16 Views: 1865 | Comment: 1
What trad climbers dream about.
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-11-18 | Last Modified: 2008-12-22 Views: 1567 | Comments: 0
This is Brandon Thau (sitting) and Tom Slater after doing a fun new TR up the outside arete on Slate's Spire (directly below highest point of spire- Poseidon Adventure 5.7).
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-21 Views: 3737 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 5
Tom Slater takes a new line up the arete.
Photo By Jody Langford.
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-20 Views: 3386 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 3
Outdoor PVC, cable swage w/taped ends, textured rock paint, engraved summit name, pencil sharpener, summit log, pencil, sealed seams. Now if I can just not drop it into the Pacific... Only 10 parties have touched the summit in 11 years (spire is surrounded by the ocean).
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-18 Views: 1522 | Comments: 2
Only another 20 feet to go...
photo Tom Slater (more Matrix pics on slatervision.com - sierra climbing page.)
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-11 Views: 1952 | Votes: 17 | Comments: 17
It is pretty rad to watch.
photo Tom Slater
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-10 Views: 1521 | Comments: 0
This is a really great lieback climb, one of the best trad lines at Squarenail.
photo Tom Slater
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-09 Views: 2530 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 3
Probably one of the best beginner-moderate areas on the west side. Great rock and fun climbs 4 minutes from the car.
photo Brandon Thau
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-09 Views: 2396 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
This place was a suprise. Cool Tuolumne-style slab climbs just above Shaver Lake. Sweet!
This is the most obvious route that heads up a water streak on perfect rock.
photo Brandon Thau
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-09 Views: 2252 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Go Grahm Go!
Photo Tom Slater
visit Slatervision.com for more Matrix action
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Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-08 Views: 1601 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 5
Grahm Doe heading up into the roof.
Photo Tom Slater
see Slatervision.com for more Matrix action (give me a week)
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-08 Views: 1240 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Louie heading up the 5.10 column towards the roof.
Photo Tom Slater
see Slatervision.com for more Matrix action
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Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-08 Views: 1291 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 6
Steep, sweet incuts, killer rock, what else could you ask for but a shorter hike.
Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-08 Views: 1427 | Votes: 17 | Comments: 21
Don't worry Brandon, if you fall I'll give you a cupcake.
Photo Tom Slater
visit Slatervision.com for more Matrix action
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Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-08 Views: 1409 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Here is the main area.
Photo Tom Slater
visit Slatervision.com for more Matrix action
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Submitted by: tslater on 2006-05-08 Views: 1858 | Comments: 0