Your search returned 0 categories and 12 photos
My first real aid route and it was a beauty. Lots of exposure, but easy placements and safe climbing. A great intro!!!
Submitted by: jamesmc2 on 2006-10-04 Views: 2253 | Comments: 0
Me on the WF of leaning tower, I shaved my head for good luck I guess it worked.
Submitted by: bluefunk on 2006-09-05 Views: 1891 | Comments: 0
Getting ready to start the first pitch on the Tower. Already exposed and the climbing hasn't even started, what a great route!!!
Submitted by: bluefunk on 2006-09-05 Views: 1591 | Comments: 0
Me on the West Face of Leaning Tower, I think it is the third pitch.
Submitted by: bluefunk on 2006-08-07 Views: 1196 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
as it was, back in the day........Steep..................and heavy.
Submitted by: nefarious1 on 2006-03-13 Views: 998 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
First pitch, west face of leaning tower. I soloed this route as my first wall.
Submitted by: matty on 2005-10-17 Views: 830 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Juggin' the first 2 pitches on the leaning tower. The bottom section is steep and you are jugging about 50ft out from the wall.
Submitted by: coclimber26 on 2004-09-24 Views: 770 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 5
This is me climbing the traverse from Guano ledge, on Leaning Tower, WestFace. The traverse pitch finishes with an awesome bombay flare; great for ballsy leapfroggin'. After this, link the next pitch starting with two or three hook moves (or 5.6 free they say) into a left traversing bolt ladder, putting you almost right above Guano Ledge again.
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-02-01 Views: 856 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
This is the C2(F) traverse leaving Guano Ledge to enter the upper half of the West Face Route on Leaning Tower.
The fixed gear I was hoping for right after the lower out was missing on the day I actually summitted this.
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-01-24 Views: 877 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
Looking down at bivy gear on Ahwahnee Ledge, and my partner Bob Boggs who is belaying me.
Submitted by: Paul_Y on 2007-01-14 Views: 2148 | Comment: 1
Me jugging on Leaning Tower a pitch or two from the top.
Submitted by: bluefunk on 2007-04-18 Views: 2275 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 4
Bolt start of West Face
Submitted by: cobbledik on 2010-08-31 Views: 1765 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0