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This was the incredible light shed upon the Fishers muddy towers as the sun set across the valley. Not a great sunset but surreal lighting is definitely worth it!
Submitted by: altelis on 2006-02-13 Views: 2262 | Comments: 0
Aaron finsihing off the A0 bolt ladder before the crumbly balzy lead of the 5.8 chimney
Submitted by: altelis on 2006-02-13 Views: 2372 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
One of my favorite places in the world.
Photo: Pinkly
Submitted by: pinkly_taurus on 2006-01-01 Views: 1198 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
This is where you start to get scared on the approach hike...
Submitted by: atg200 on 2003-08-11 Views: 939 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
The Fisher Towers have their own, very cool, aura about them...
Submitted by: pbjosh on 2002-12-31 Views: 892 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
This is a shot of the King Fisher in Utah. I didn't get to climb it then, but I will someday.
Submitted by: addiroids on 2002-10-30 Views: 839 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 2
This is the imposing and huge north face of the Kingfisher. A couple of sick routes ascend the middle and right side of the face, and the upper part of Colorado NE ridge climbs the left skyline.
Submitted by: atg200 on 2002-07-25 Views: 1474 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
This is from an aborted attempt on the King Fisher in January. Most snow I had seen in the "des" is a long time. Bailed after a few more pitches as it was cold as hell and started snowing.
Submitted by: feelio on 2002-06-05 Views: 1330 | Votes: 73 | Comments: 27
Andrew Gram leading the first pitch bolt ladder on the Colorado NE Ridge of the Kingfisher. Lots of manky pins, rivets, bolts, and assorted trinkets on this pitch.
Submitted by: atg200 on 2001-11-27 Views: 917 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0