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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Your search returned 0 categories and 9 photos



Average Rating = 0.00/5 .

This isn't actually at gemini but it's close. It's not even a public climbing area. It's in a scout camp. It was the climbing wall the me and the staff would play on.
Submitted by: aarjonet on 2006-08-11
Views: 2064 | Comments: 0
Coldclimb Sends!

Average Rating = 3.14/5 Coldclimb Sends!

John sending the highine in style. Green pants, blue vest, and hat.
Submitted by: areyoumydude on 2005-11-25
Views: 1714 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 5
Dog Head

Average Rating = 2.20/5 Dog Head

This dog chased one lizard too many. We payed our respects and Seth kicked it back in the hole.
Submitted by: areyoumydude on 2005-11-25
Views: 1763 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
Who wears short shorts?

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Who wears short shorts?

Seth of Positive Resoles does. Here he is warming up for the highline.
Submitted by: areyoumydude on 2005-11-23
Views: 1556 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 5
80 foot long highline over

Average Rating = 0.00/5 80 foot long highline over "The Dog Hole"

This is Dylan sending the 80 foot dog hole highline, parallel to Gemini Bridges. Picture taken by ColdClimb from the poor man's helicopter (dead tree).
Submitted by: slacklinebuddha on 2005-11-07
Views: 1124 | Comments: 8
Slacking High

Average Rating = 3.78/5 Slacking High

Dylan (Slackinghigh) walks the Birthday Gap line at Slackfest Moab: 2005. Sorry to all you slackers who missed out!
Submitted by: coldclimb on 2005-11-07
Views: 1945 | Votes: 59 | Comments: 20
The Dog Hole

Average Rating = 2.91/5 The Dog Hole

One of our new highlines this year. It's 80' long.
Submitted by: areyoumydude on 2005-09-02
Views: 1363 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 4
High Over Moab

Average Rating = 3.82/5 High Over Moab

The La Sal mountains and Behind the Rocks form a senic background as Larry walks a 95' highline at Gemini Bridges. photo:NFC
Submitted by: theturtle on 2005-02-22
Views: 1172 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 4

Average Rating = 3.67/5 Skyline

You must become one with your surroundings.
Submitted by: theturtle on 2005-01-08
Views: 1044 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 4