My first trip to the Gunks, all I heard about was this boulder, "The Budah" Had to check itout! This the Andrew Variation. Thanx for the Pics Rivkah
Submitted by: conjond on 2006-09-11 | Last Modified: 2007-05-03 Views: 1705 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Me trying my luck on Even Lovely at the Sleepy Hollow area, Trapps Boulders. I needed more than luck though.
Submitted by: grimpiperx on 2006-04-19 Views: 2014 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
Me hitting the short deadpoint right before the crux Dyno on the Art of Nothing, V8 at the Gunks. One of my favorite problems in a beautiful setting, very Squamish like.
Submitted by: grimpiperx on 2006-04-19 Views: 1736 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Me on the very sandbagged(I think) Gill's Egg. A very strange type of dyno problem.
Submitted by: grimpiperx on 2006-04-19 Views: 1201 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
This highball, Million Dollar Problem, is right off the parking on the carriage road. It scared me enough to stay on the ground and take pictures.
Submitted by: jkarus on 2006-03-29 Views: 980 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
This was my first time to the gunks and upon finding this problem, I became gitty like a 10 year old girl. Very VERY technique intensive problem (good holds, shouldery and super aesthetic)
*side note* my foot isnt on the sidewall, it's on a small nub next to it
Submitted by: brad_man on 2005-07-11 Views: 1933 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
A classic problems for all to see............................
Submitted by: cmredmond on 2005-05-31 Views: 942 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
An unknown climber getting comfy under the roof during his flash of this classic highball.
Submitted by: gunksgoer on 2005-03-29 Views: 1103 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
So there i am on the carriage road one day around holloween 2003, and he picks up a jack o lantern, puts his chalkbag in it, ties it around his waist, and procedes to hike this highball V2. Good Stuff, i just had to snap a picture.
Submitted by: gunksgoer on 2005-03-29 Views: 1168 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
I took this picture a couple years ago on a nice afternoon late in the fall. Just recently I "rediscovered" It - man does jerseyclimber look different now.
Submitted by: gunksgoer on 2005-03-29 Views: 968 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Here's one of Kai Ju firing the dyno on the Gill Egg at the Gunks. Kai must have tried the move six or seven times before ripped skin forced him to move on... Gorgeous day, though.
On our way from The Dangler to High E, we did a drive-by burn on the Buddha. Chris didn't bother taking off his gear. How cool would it have been to shoot him setting a piece of gear?
Submitted by: edc on 2004-12-14 Views: 1264 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This is Zack on a variation to a cool problem in Cragswood. It is only a couple moves but it is no give-away.
Submitted by: tbenson on 2004-12-04 Views: 699 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
This is another photo of Zack on a variation to a cool problem in Cragswood.
Submitted by: tbenson on 2004-12-04 Views: 790 | Comments: 0
This is another photo of Zack sporting a hunting vest on a variation to a cool problem in Cragswood.
Submitted by: tbenson on 2004-12-04 Views: 1114 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is a VERY GOOD v6 or 7 in Cragswood. I saw some guys on it and thought I'd give it a try. I tried it three times and got half way, so I hope to go back and finish it!
Submitted by: evilmidget on 2004-11-05 Views: 885 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This is Justin on some unkown V8 out in Cragswood.
Submitted by: evilmidget on 2004-11-05 Views: 724 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
I can't climb the buddha, but i wanted to see if i can get on it. And i could, the only problem was that was about it. So have a chuckle at me struggling.
Submitted by: yannbuse on 2004-06-27 Views: 1027 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
smaller version of the same picture. I like this move.
Submitted by: defygravity on 2004-05-24 Views: 997 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
My buddy Andy climbing on the Buddha. He has since done the V9 version.
Submitted by: jonapprill on 2004-05-23 Views: 904 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
The buddha is a diesel problem,also very popular amoung boulders at the gunks.It a slopy problem that makes you want to squeeze the juice out of the rock..It goes at a v-7+
Submitted by: pablily on 2004-04-21 Views: 936 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Chris Tartaglia cranking for yet another bad hold on a problem somewhere above the Carriage Road.
Submitted by: the_alpine on 2004-03-17 Views: 842 | Votes: 21 | Comments: 10
Josh Adams working Bismark (V10?) along the trapps road in the Gunks.
Submitted by: jonf on 2004-02-29 Views: 1475 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Phil Schaal on Even Lovely (V9) in the Sleepy Hollow section of the trapps at the Gunks.
Submitted by: jonf on 2004-02-29 Views: 1177 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Mike Malakian attempting Yikes, Trapps NY.
Submitted by: boulderpaul on 2003-12-15 Views: 1712 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1