Dave B. making short work of Cotter's Corner 5.6 at Little Falls NY. As you can tell, it was a beautiful sunny day that was much appreciated after the freakish winter that was cast upon us in 2006.
Submitted by: Adk on 2007-04-26 | Last Modified: 2007-04-30 Views: 3751 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Me leading "The Devil Won't Care" a must do
Submitted by: grinspoon on 2006-03-16 Views: 2298 | Comments: 3
The bottom of the Dihedrals in Little Falls in April '05, after the "clean up" of the fall train wreck and all vegetation and trees being razed.
Submitted by: adamd on 2005-04-27 Views: 2086 | Comments: 3
Full of smiles and a contagious laugh, Lisa's company was the most memorable part of this trip.
At heart she loves to boulder. So I give her credit for coming out and doing some trad with us. Next time it's your call Lisa.
Greg (grinspoon) rapping down from his climb. Greg invented the 2 word combination of Climbing Dirtbag. Haha.
Submitted by: usmc_2tothetop on 2004-12-06 Views: 2573 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Ben setting up to pull Satan's Ceiling. More like 5.8 than 5.9 I think. The roof and flake above take great gear on lead...it's the right facing corner in the middle of the route where pro is suprisingly funky. Taken Fall 03. The crack out the roof to his right (with the big seemingly loose but amazingly solid chockstone) is "The Devil May Care" and is slightly easier.
Submitted by: adamd on 2004-11-04 Views: 1200 | Comment: 1
Here's Avery coming out of the chimney start to Cotter's Corner 5.6 Freight Train Blues (5.7) goes up the left side of the triangular roof. Taken Fall 03.
Submitted by: adamd on 2004-11-04 Views: 871 | Comments: 0
We take this sport very seriously. In fact one is scolded if they are caught smiling.
George Orwell was off by 20 years. The Thought Police sensed that Greg was having fun..........they beat him to the ground. Although we could not manage to capture them on film.
Oh my god....he is still alive. Being that I was on the other end I appreciated that he held on to the rope. Thanks Greg.
Here I am after leading The Devil Wont Care. Greg(Grinspoon) cleaned the route and brought up the camera, a classic Little Falls Route route...
Submitted by: backspace on 2004-09-20 Views: 1048 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
I finally made a lead attempt on this beautiful, thin, sustained corner and took a fall shortly after this picture was taken. Maybe next time I'll get it clean.
Submitted by: jackflash on 2006-11-23 Views: 2181 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Justin on the low crux
Submitted by: James_Otey on 2010-11-11 Views: 4750 | Votes: 14 | Comments: 14
My friend seconding the upper crux of Devil Won't Care.
Submitted by: bmyers427 on 2012-06-05 Views: 2493 | Comments: 0