Your search returned 0 categories and 11 photos
Top view picture of Nick doing his first sport climb route. The rope next to him is the rope of the photographer sitting at the top. Photograph of Nick Sorrentino taken by Matt Schrapp.
Submitted by: teleguitar4 on 2006-05-30 | Last Modified: 2008-01-01 Views: 1976 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Katja finishes the mantel on Frequent Flatulence in Red Wing, Minnesota. This is a fun 5.10b on the shady side of the bluff. Photo by christopher mitchell
Submitted by: shadoweyes on 2005-06-23 Views: 1044 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Mantels always look easier than they feel, but Katja comes out of this one looking fairly classy. Frequent Flatulence (5.10b) can be found in Redwing, Minnesota. Photo by christopher mitchell
Submitted by: shadoweyes on 2005-06-22 Views: 1077 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
This was the first trip to barns bluff ever. we had a good time.
Submitted by: blee on 2004-01-18 Views: 1028 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Here's Matt working up Pleasant Summer Absence at Red Wing, in the nice cool shade of the New Vice Area.
Submitted by: brianthew on 2003-10-12 Views: 981 | Comments: 0
Mat bedard on a fun 5.8 out at red wing, MN. Our first trip outdoors.
Submitted by: jreinan on 2003-05-19 Views: 783 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Dave Slovick on Syncopation a fun 5.8 on our first trip outdoors
Submitted by: jreinan on 2003-05-19 Views: 699 | Comments: 0
Basically a chimney in red wing, mn. A very easy climb at 5.5 but still very cool for my first time outdoors. A friend of mine Mat Bedard took the photo
Submitted by: jreinan on 2003-05-19 Views: 910 | Comments: 0
This route starts in a right facing corner then traverses left to a chock stone, up and over the chock stone straight to the chains, this route is a 5.8- and it's a lot o fun. the hardest moves are topping out from the inside corner and going over the cho
Submitted by: fo_d on 2001-11-22 Views: 483 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Goofed on skunkweed is fun 5.8- mostly crack climb on an inside corner, its mostly easier than 5.8- but the start is a bit tricky but after that its easy.
Submitted by: fo_d on 2001-11-22 Views: 551 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Red Wing, MN - Eggs and Darts and Shit - 5.12b
Climber: Jason Hedlund
Belayer: Jeff Cook
Photographer: Laura Knauff
Submitted by: prana04 on 2007-09-25 Views: 4549 | Comments: 0