Dogwall... The climber was either Wes or Tim from the Gunks. We climbed the same wall with them and this is the picture on the way out. A side note, Wes traded us a t-shirt for a bottle of wine. Good times.
Submitted by: mped on 2006-03-16 Views: 1632 | Comments: 0
Congrats Andy! Andy sets up for a sick toss on this sweet looking route at Red Rocks - his hardest tick yet.
Submitted by: ecocliffchick on 2006-01-11 Views: 1192 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Shannon climbing this fun climb. Another sunny winter day!
Submitted by: greenheron on 2006-01-10 Views: 1136 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
The crux proved to be rather challenging for him but he kept pushing till his fingertips were sore.
Submitted by: gamehendge on 2005-11-10 Views: 975 | Comments: 0
A snapshot to give some scale to the formations at the first pullout. They really don't look that big from far away.
Submitted by: kungfuclimber on 2005-05-03 Views: 722 | Comments: 0
On my first attempt, I fell hard before clipping the second bolt. Only the sure-handed belay of a friendly French Canadian fella named Ben (and the fact that I picked my feet up just in time) saved me from broken ankles. This is me on my second -- and thankfully successful -- attempt of Here Kitty, Kitty, a Dog Wall classic. Photo by punkin.
Submitted by: j_ung on 2005-03-31 Views: 720 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 4
Isabela tries a classic at Dog Wall and finds that It's a Bitch. Photo by j_ung.
Submitted by: j_ung on 2005-03-29 Views: 1059 | Votes: 19 | Comments: 9
My last day in Red Rocks - the snow melted and we had beautiful clear skies. A lot of fun climbing at Dog Wall - I must say it was my best day on the entire trip - no pictures of me though, here's one of Damian warming up. you can see edward the chalkbag in action there as well...
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-09-07 Views: 907 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Damian leading Here Kitty Kitty. You can see my nose in the bottom of the pic as I look up to belay him. More importantly, you can see the chalkbag I made for him in action!
Submitted by: missedyno on 2004-09-07 Views: 826 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is a picture of the very classic Dog Wall in the Red Rocks.
Easily accessible from the road, well bolted, and moderate climbing.
This picture of me climbing Cat Walk (5.10a) was taken in January 1998.
Submitted by: butofcourse on 2004-06-27 Views: 751 | Comments: 0
Just a shot of the route, some of the holds are ticked, along with others that aren't part of the climb...Fun climb, though!
Submitted by: braxtron on 2004-03-23 Views: 1256 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This is Trang pulling at Red Rocks. It was quite a fight.
Submitted by: jenfu on 2004-01-07 Views: 1275 | Votes: 26 | Comments: 15
Here just passed the second quickdraw of K-9, starting to see how difficult this is!
Submitted by: triptothesun on 2004-01-06 Views: 780 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 3
Jonathan sending an excellent crimpfest at Dog Wall. Possibly one of the coolest 11d's I've done.
Submitted by: vagabulla on 2003-12-30 Views: 683 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
Jonathan warming up in December before working the rest of the wall.
Submitted by: vagabulla on 2003-12-29 Views: 689 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Jonathan enjoying a send. The crux of this route is in the first 3-4 moves. After that keep cool and walk it.
Submitted by: vagabulla on 2003-12-29 Views: 776 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
This is the view you have as you walk down the path into the wash of the first pullout. The walls here have a cool texture to them.
Submitted by: phlyfisher on 2003-01-21 Views: 733 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Submitted by: ironman on 2007-03-23 Views: 1817 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
A digital sequence of Eli climbing Cujo on the Dog Wall.
Submitted by: nightrunner on 2007-05-23 Views: 1367 | Comments: 0
Digital Sequence of Chris sending Poodle Chainsaw Massacre on the Dog Wall. www.lucasmarshall.com
Submitted by: nightrunner on 2007-05-23 Views: 1397 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Submitted by: jefe on 2008-04-20 Views: 1232 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
me climbing It's a Bitch on the Dog Wall
Submitted by: jefe on 2008-12-03 Views: 1174 | Comments: 0