Snapped this photo from near the base of Pigeon Spire, looking back towards Bugaboo Spire.
Submitted by: lhwang on 2006-10-03 Views: 1068 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This picture was taken on the South Summit of the Bugaboo Spire after climing the northeast ridge. The Howser Towers and Pigeon are seen in the background
traversing from the North summit to the South summit on the descent
Submitted by: cchas on 2006-09-14 Views: 2104 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is a pic of us decending the Kain Route that a guy from Montana took, who roped up with us from the Gendarme to the summit. I'm sitting 'just' to the left of the guy standing and Chris is the next to the left. Kind of reminds you why we get out there.
Submitted by: the_climber on 2006-09-11 Views: 1930 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 3
Unknown climbers working through the crux of the Gendarme on the Kain route, Bugaboo Spire.
Submitted by: toloco on 2006-07-29 Views: 1469 | Comments: 0
Sam scoping out the 4th or 5th pitch of the route on this amazingly warm August day.
Submitted by: bc2planker on 2006-04-06 Views: 1089 | Comments: 0
theres this one belay on pitch 2 or something on bug spire that i swear- everyone who's ever climbed the thing has the same picture of their second.
2nd or 3rd pitch bugaboo spire
Submitted by: bneumann on 2007-12-03 Views: 2198 | Comment: 1
NE aspect Bugaboo Spire
Submitted by: bneumann on 2007-12-03 Views: 1718 | Comments: 0
Tom and Steve having a quick look at the guide book on the Kain Route on Bugaboo Spire. Checking out the traverse in from the NE Ridge.
Submitted by: graniteavenger on 2005-12-28 Views: 996 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Jensen approaching the bergschrund in the Snowpatch-Bugaboo Col while breaking trail after a fresh snowfall in August.
Submitted by: giza on 2005-11-02 Views: 1032 | Comments: 0
Having just led the gendarme pitch, this photo was taken while I was getting ready to belay Chris on the final pitch.
Submitted by: giza on 2005-11-02 | Last Modified: 2006-11-26 Views: 1609 | Comments: 0
Chris and I finished the trip with the Kain Route. The weather was awesome and the climbing was a blast.
Submitted by: giza on 2005-11-02 Views: 980 | Comments: 0
snowpatch spire in the background...weather was good heading up, then it clouded over, started to snow and poor maja had crappy gloves and hikers and got mildy hypothermic so we bailed. very rapidly!
Submitted by: froman on 2005-10-12 Views: 845 | Comments: 0
Me leading the third pitch of the NE ridge on bugaboo, which starts with a short downclimb move and goes up and right.
Submitted by: weinstsb on 2005-09-28 Views: 988 | Comments: 0
The first pitch up the NE Ridge is just the beginning of some of the best alpine climbing. perfect granite cracks lead up every pitch of this route. if it wasn't so damn crowded it would have to be one of the most enjoyable alpine routes i've done.
Submitted by: weinstsb on 2005-09-28 Views: 933 | Comments: 0
Cory belaying on a ledge en route on the NE ridge of Bugaboo Spire. Couldn't ask for a better view!
Submitted by: weinstsb on 2005-09-28 Views: 937 | Comments: 0
Cory and scott both peering in the flake together looking for some nuts the guys above dropped off the 1st pitch of NE Ridge.
Submitted by: weinstsb on 2005-09-28 Views: 1117 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
Tom Murray on the 5.4 pitch on the Kain Route, Bugaboo Spire. Taken by Graniteavenger on Fuji Sensia 100asa.
Submitted by: graniteavenger on 2005-09-11 Views: 931 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Steve and Tom on the easy 4th class on the Kain Route Bugaboo Spire. Taken by Graniteavenger on Fuji Sensia 100asa.
Submitted by: graniteavenger on 2005-09-11 Views: 1174 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Tom Murray en-rappell on the Kain Route, Bugaboo Spire. Taken By Graniteavenger, Fuji Sensia 100asa.
Submitted by: graniteavenger on 2005-09-11 Views: 724 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Giza just leaving the Gendarme on the Kain route. Snowpatch Spire in the background.
Submitted by: wetrocks on 2005-09-10 Views: 946 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 2
This is a panorama I stitched together from 10 photos taken at the end of Pitch 5 on the Northeast Ridge of Bugaboo Spire. You can easily make out (from right to left) Eastpost Spire, Crescent Towers, Crescent Spire, Brenta Spire, and the Vowell Group. Pretty hard to beat a view like this!
Submitted by: tradclimbinfool on 2005-08-29 Views: 1469 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 3
Here is Nelson on his way up to the rope-up ledge at the base of the NE Ridge. 5am sunshine beating down on us. Click
HERE to see a slideshow of the latest 3 day trip to the bugs!
Submitted by: bc2planker on 2005-08-17 Views: 963 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 2
Here I am coming up the 4th pitch of the NE Ridge on 2'nd. We are pretty sure this is the 5.9 varation to the right of the chimney section. What a day! Click
HERE to see a slideshow of the latest 3 day trip to the bugs!
Submitted by: bc2planker on 2005-08-17 Views: 816 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 2