THis airy traverse off the belay on the last pitch is a great finish to Bonanza...until you hit the scree at the top - bombs away!
Submitted by: scallywag on 2005-04-28 Views: 1326 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
C. Zubris among one of many, many pitches! Good fun, more of an alpine ramble than a true ice route. Better ice near summit. I actually retreated just below summit due to flimsy leather boots= reaggrivating prior cold damage to my toes. I will giver a go next season. Dont worry I have invested in good foot wear!
Great climb!
Submitted by: zoob on 2004-04-25 Views: 1169 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 8
This picture was taken on the way back down from This House of Sky. Climber is Justin Gullickson picture was taken by Heather McCulloch. Fun day of Ice climbing if you are ever in the Ghost Valley and looking for a day of easy climbing.
Submitted by: qpang on 2004-04-12 Views: 973 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
The first 2 pitches were so fun. There is one more step above the picture to finish the crux.
Submitted by: gabe on 2004-03-05 Views: 1079 | Votes: 19 | Comments: 8
Fang & Fist is at the end of North Ghost Valley. 400 m, WI 5. This route was awsome.
Submitted by: gabe on 2004-03-05 Views: 761 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Beowulf, 670 meters, WI 4. Great 1st pitch, awsome scramble through narrows and fun 100 meter grade 3 finish.
Submitted by: gabe on 2004-03-02 Views: 1104 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
670 m, WI 4. 250 m vertical gain, 625 m horizontal. Tons of short roping and soloing. Partner Sarah ahead on the narrows!
Submitted by: gabe on 2004-03-02 Views: 759 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Lots of good, blue plastic, ice made for quick climbing over 100's of meters of WI 2/3 soloing. Sarah below
Submitted by: gabe on 2004-03-02 Views: 557 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
On the descent, Sarah rappeling the first pitch. 25 meters, WI 4.
Submitted by: gabe on 2004-03-02 Views: 580 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Dave M. boulders on the massive flow named The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2004-01-05 Views: 396 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Tony D. of Calgary leading the warm-up 5.9 Recky Route left of Alberta Jam in the north Ghost.
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2003-10-19 Views: 1684 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Alberta Jam is one of the Ghost's classic routes. Fully gear protected which is rare on Rockie's limestone. Unfortunately, I think I look fat. Do you think I look fat?
Submitted by: shocker on 2003-10-11 Views: 950 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Calgarian Tony Devonshire cranks up Alberta Jam in the North Ghost. The first 15m is the crux then gets one grade easier to the top. A wierd formation for Alberta.
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2003-10-05 Views: 830 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Cruising on THOS (This House of Sky) November 2008.
Submitted by: the_climber on 2009-09-21 | Last Modified: 2009-10-20 Views: 2893 | Votes: 20 | Comments: 11