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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Your search returned 0 categories and 19 photos


Beautiful Kamou

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Beautiful Kamou

As winter approaches, we miss Kamou... Photo taken on June 27th, 2005, with a Canon PowerShot A75, from the Moby Dick section.
Submitted by: carioca on 2005-11-16
Views: 1547 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
jessica in kamouraska

Average Rating = 0.00/5 jessica in kamouraska

jessica speaks of herself in the third person as she leads a 10a in Kamouraska, Quebec. it was a very fun route with a bit of everything - crimpers, jugs, a crackline and don't forget the crappy undercling.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2005-09-22
Views: 1615 | Comments: 0
Go find the key pass for Moby dick!

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Go find the key pass for Moby dick!

In the overhang of the most photgraphic place of Kamouraska, I'm arrive to check where is the key on the slab after the overhang ? To everyone who's pass there don't say to anybody, it's really a part of the fun to find it after few fall !
Submitted by: everbee on 2005-09-10
Views: 1673 | Comments: 0
Un départ légèrement déversant...

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Un départ légèrement déversant...

Sorry, for english speaking... In Quebec we speak french... So, Un départ légèrement déversant avec des mouvements tenant davantage du bloc. Cette voie est parfaite pour ceux qui commence à l'extérieur avec de la technique, elle se grimpe bien et comprend quelques mouvements en force.
Submitted by: everbee on 2004-12-04
Views: 860 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Bonzai

Steep and safe, but not easy for it's grade.
Submitted by: thomash on 2007-07-11
Views: 2421 | Comments: 0
Crazy GGC!

Average Rating = 3.62/5 Crazy GGC!

Here's a shot of my friend Ingo Leonard, visiting from Swiss Country. Enough said on this route, Moby Dick,
Submitted by: snorro on 2004-08-31
Views: 1316 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 8
Simon's machination.

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Simon's machination.

Another great shot by my friend Simon Duhamel. You can really get a good idea of St Andre de Kamouraska with this little panoramic view!
Submitted by: snorro on 2004-08-27
Views: 703 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Prise aerienne.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Prise aerienne.

Orthoquartzite climbing at it's best in Quebec! Awesome rock, incredible view (apparently voted as having one of the best sun-set anywhere, by National Geographic), great people, really nice and classical village; and a wicked bakery! It's really, to my opinion, the best sport crag in Quebec. Simon Duhamel, a good friend, took the pic. I could tell you how, but you know what happens after.
Submitted by: snorro on 2004-08-27
Views: 855 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Prestation Aerienne

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Prestation Aerienne

This photograph was taken in the route called "Prestation aerienne" (5.11a) at St-Andre de Kamouraska in Quebec,Canada. The climber is Jean-Michel Lussier and the photographer is Simon Duhamel.
Submitted by: thadius on 2004-07-19
Views: 1689 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Brown skin on white rock

Average Rating = 3.57/5 Brown skin on white rock

This is me in Moby Dick just before the overhang, I like the contrast with the white rock and the angle. Thanks to Dan for taking the pic.
Submitted by: jack_lasportiva on 2003-07-16
Views: 980 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 4
Francois in Moby Dick

Average Rating = 3.40/5 Francois in Moby Dick

This is Francois clipping in the overhang of Moby Dick. I like the landscape, on the other side, this is the huge St-Lawrence River, almost the ocean. I'll try to find another angle to show you.
Submitted by: jack_lasportiva on 2003-07-11
Views: 1633 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Clipping in Moby Dick

Average Rating = 3.20/5 Clipping in Moby Dick

This is me clipping in the overhang of Moby Dick. The crux is at the exit of the roof. Nice route with big jugs. I like the witheness of the rock. Thanks to Dan for taking the picture.
Submitted by: jack_lasportiva on 2003-07-07
Views: 1033 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Semi-dyno in the crux of Pierre Volante (5.12a)

Average Rating = 3.60/5 Semi-dyno in the crux of Pierre Volante (5.12a)

This is me in the crux of Pierre Volante, the left hand on a good side pull, the right hand reach a crimp, the next step is to crank on this crimp to reach the liberating jug. Anne took the picture.
Submitted by: jack_lasportiva on 2003-06-02
Views: 935 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
Flying in Pierre Volante

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Flying in Pierre Volante

This is a real nice easy 5.12, just above the crux, there are jugs that implore : "please, crank on me !" This is what I was doing with pleasure !
Submitted by: jack_lasportiva on 2003-05-28
Views: 684 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Prestation aerienne... au repos

Average Rating = 2.71/5 Prestation aerienne... au repos

Pat climbing in Prestation Aerienne in June 2002.
Submitted by: e_wire on 2003-05-25
Views: 918 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
Eco_Phil in

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Eco_Phil in "tintin au tibet"

That's me on a classic route in kamouraska. The best sport climb area in Quebec. This is the overhang on "Tintin in Tibet". Picture taken by Martin.
Submitted by: eco_phil on 2002-01-13
Views: 935 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 0
Me in Kamouraska

Average Rating = 3.22/5 Me in Kamouraska

This was in Kamouraska in mid-october 2001! It was a pretty cold week-end for climbing but the sun was there so can't complain! My dear friend Audrey was taking the picture while my buddy Phil (eco_phil) was belaying. The rock is very cool (quartzite) w
Submitted by: quebecfly on 2002-01-11
Views: 659 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 0
What a view in Kamou (St-Lawrence River)

Average Rating = 3.89/5 What a view in Kamou (St-Lawrence River)

Here is a picture I took on the camping site in Kamouraska. It was Saturday morning, day after we arrived, but it was too cold and wet to climb so we hiked a little on this beautiful shore and took this "postcard" picture!
Submitted by: quebecfly on 2002-01-11
Views: 584 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 0
Moby Dick

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Moby Dick

Je me souviens!
Submitted by: SANTACLAUS on 2007-08-01
Views: 3857 | Comment: 1