As winter approaches, we miss Kamou... Photo taken on June 27th, 2005, with a Canon PowerShot A75, from the Moby Dick section.
Submitted by: carioca on 2005-11-16 Views: 1547 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
jessica speaks of herself in the third person as she leads a 10a in Kamouraska, Quebec. it was a very fun route with a bit of everything - crimpers, jugs, a crackline and don't forget the crappy undercling.
Submitted by: missedyno on 2005-09-22 Views: 1615 | Comments: 0
In the overhang of the most photgraphic place of Kamouraska, I'm arrive to check where is the key on the slab after the overhang ? To everyone who's pass there don't say to anybody, it's really a part of the fun to find it after few fall !
Submitted by: everbee on 2005-09-10 Views: 1673 | Comments: 0
Sorry, for english speaking... In Quebec we speak french... So, Un départ légèrement déversant avec des mouvements tenant davantage du bloc. Cette voie est parfaite pour ceux qui commence à l'extérieur avec de la technique, elle se grimpe bien et comprend quelques mouvements en force.
Submitted by: everbee on 2004-12-04 Views: 860 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Steep and safe, but not easy for it's grade.
Submitted by: thomash on 2007-07-11 Views: 2421 | Comments: 0
Here's a shot of my friend Ingo Leonard, visiting from Swiss Country. Enough said on this route, Moby Dick, 5.fun.
Submitted by: snorro on 2004-08-31 Views: 1316 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 8
Another great shot by my friend Simon Duhamel. You can really get a good idea of St Andre de Kamouraska with this little panoramic view!
Submitted by: snorro on 2004-08-27 Views: 703 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Orthoquartzite climbing at it's best in Quebec! Awesome rock, incredible view (apparently voted as having one of the best sun-set anywhere, by National Geographic), great people, really nice and classical village; and a wicked bakery! It's really, to my opinion, the best sport crag in Quebec.
Simon Duhamel, a good friend, took the pic. I could tell you how, but you know what happens after.
Submitted by: snorro on 2004-08-27 Views: 855 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This photograph was taken in the route called "Prestation aerienne" (5.11a) at St-Andre de Kamouraska in Quebec,Canada.
The climber is Jean-Michel Lussier and the photographer is Simon Duhamel.
Submitted by: thadius on 2004-07-19 Views: 1689 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This is me in Moby Dick just before the overhang, I like the contrast with the white rock and the angle. Thanks to Dan for taking the pic.
Submitted by: jack_lasportiva on 2003-07-16 Views: 980 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 4
This is Francois clipping in the overhang of Moby Dick. I like the landscape, on the other side, this is the huge St-Lawrence River, almost the ocean. I'll try to find another angle to show you.
Submitted by: jack_lasportiva on 2003-07-11 Views: 1633 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
This is me clipping in the overhang of Moby Dick. The crux is at the exit of the roof. Nice route with big jugs. I like the witheness of the rock. Thanks to Dan for taking the picture.
Submitted by: jack_lasportiva on 2003-07-07 Views: 1033 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
This is me in the crux of Pierre Volante, the left hand on a good side pull, the right hand reach a crimp, the next step is to crank on this crimp to reach the liberating jug. Anne took the picture.
Submitted by: jack_lasportiva on 2003-06-02 Views: 935 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
This is a real nice easy 5.12, just above the crux, there are jugs that implore : "please, crank on me !" This is what I was doing with pleasure !
Submitted by: jack_lasportiva on 2003-05-28 Views: 684 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Pat climbing in Prestation Aerienne in June 2002.
Submitted by: e_wire on 2003-05-25 Views: 918 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
That's me on a classic route in kamouraska. The best sport climb area in Quebec. This is the overhang on "Tintin in Tibet". Picture taken by Martin.
Submitted by: eco_phil on 2002-01-13 Views: 935 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 0
This was in Kamouraska in mid-october 2001! It was a pretty cold week-end for climbing but the sun was there so can't complain! My dear friend Audrey was taking the picture while my buddy Phil (eco_phil) was belaying. The rock is very cool (quartzite) w
Submitted by: quebecfly on 2002-01-11 Views: 659 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 0
Here is a picture I took on the camping site in Kamouraska. It was Saturday morning, day after we arrived, but it was too cold and wet to climb so we hiked a little on this beautiful shore and took this "postcard" picture!
Submitted by: quebecfly on 2002-01-11 Views: 584 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 0
Je me souviens!
Submitted by: SANTACLAUS on 2007-08-01 Views: 3857 | Comment: 1