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We're next in line, finally, to climb Luna Nascente.
Submitted by: booger on 2006-05-29 Views: 1497 | Comments: 0
Heiko and I getting ready to cross the waterfall on the ascent. Picture by Paolo75
Submitted by: booger on 2006-05-29 Views: 1611 | Comments: 0
The last of a German party ahead of us tops out on the 9th and last pitch of Luna Nascente. After 8 solid pitches of lie-backing, this 50-metre unprotectable and featureless slab comes as quite a shock.
Submitted by: booger on 2006-05-29 Views: 956 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Heiko following Pitch 3 on Luna Nascente.
Submitted by: booger on 2006-05-29 Views: 2330 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 4
Heiko on the beautiful 7th pitch, well worth the wait for both the perfect climbing and the view.
Submitted by: booger on 2006-05-29 Views: 2316 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Cold, miserable, hungry climbers waiting for daylight...
Submitted by: booger on 2006-05-29 Views: 1431 | Comments: 5
The decent from Luna Nascente is pretty straight forward with only one tricky spot where different paths intersect. The Val Dimello valley, as you can see is absolutely beautiful while providing a great view of the route.
Yosemite-esq quality granite cracks that went on and on. There were several cruiser pitches that looked just like this.
Submitted by: clippedclimbing on 2005-04-28 Views: 1014 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
A full value 5.8 pitch. after working 15/20 feet higher, there is a 5.6 wildly exposed 30 foot traverse with very sparse pro.
A really long and fun crack/layback pitch, mostly 5.8 with one 5.9 move
Submitted by: clippedclimbing on 2005-04-28 Views: 827 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Italian Alpine Guide Jacopo Merizzi on the first move of the first pitch of Luna Nascente. (photographer: marco vegetti)
Submitted by: vegio on 2005-04-07 Views: 726 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Jacob Cold starting the out-there 7th pitch of the amazing Italian classic La Luna Nascente. A dicey traverse across an exposed face leads to a hidden crack around the corner. The climb follows Yosemite like features on a steep wall high above the valley floor.
see also my website:
Submitted by: kullaberg on 2004-11-06 Views: 1927 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 11