Your search returned 0 categories and 9 photos
Submitted by: superbumbly on 2008-09-07 Views: 2449 | Comments: 0
Kate Dooley, Cruising up one of the mounts most infamous Off Width Cracks.
Photo: Shaggy (Shaun Kratzer)
Submitted by: shaggette on 2006-02-10 Views: 968 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Kate Dooley, Cruising up one of the mounts most infamous Off Width Cracks.
Photo: Shaggy (Shaun Kratzer)
Submitted by: shaggette on 2006-02-10 Views: 1108 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Kate Dooley, Cruising up one of the mounts most infamous Off Width Cracks.
Photo: Shaggy (Shaun Kratzer)
Submitted by: shaggette on 2006-02-10 Views: 989 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Kate Dooley, Cruising up one of the mounts most infamous Off Width Cracks.
Photo: Shaggy (Shaun Kratzer)
Submitted by: shaggette on 2006-02-10 Views: 1603 | Votes: 16 | Comments: 7
Agamemnon, in the Atridea Area, Mount Arapilies. Almost all of this climb involves bridging, at grade 10 it's easy, fun and great for taking first timers on!! Cleaning this Araps Megaclassic was an absolute pleasure.
Submitted by: sabu on 2005-01-14 Views: 1170 | Comments: 0
Taken late morning, this photo shows Megan climbing the Arapiles Classic Agamemnon with the beautiful wheat and canola fields in the distance providing some great colours.
Submitted by: ajkclay on 2004-11-28 Views: 2091 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 4
The fun cross over at the top of the second pitch of agamenmon, Arapalies Australia. Last piece of gear is about 50cm below me on the left side, run out about 6m up from here.
Submitted by: waggas on 2003-10-01 Views: 1208 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 4
Here the cliff is sliced by a deep chimney which offers a rather internal experience. As on many Arapiles climbs, the holds are plentiful and positive. But don't count on as much pro... (photo by Yann Troutet)
Submitted by: yeti on 2003-01-01 Views: 625 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1