This is Ulises killing the bees in the clasic "ataque a las abejas"("atack to the bees).
Submitted by: charman on 2006-08-07 Views: 1470 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Ulises sending the super classic todá.photo by Martinflas Rozenberger.
Submitted by: charman on 2006-08-07 Views: 1487 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
This is a route first climbed by Dario Chef and it is really cool......starts in gregaria and climbs the whole roof to the end of ensamblador.
Submitted by: martiney50 on 2006-08-03 Views: 1489 | Comment: 1
Nice picture by Charlie Barradas, lots of support from the team for this
Submitted by: jorgin on 2006-07-12 Views: 1260 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 6
This is one of my first 11b done in my life, very nice zone
Submitted by: jorgin on 2006-07-12 Views: 1021 | Comment: 1
Ulises Falcon into the Rue des courcelles, Tepoz,México.
Submitted by: charman on 2005-12-21 Views: 811 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Lots of cutting flakes , lots of pain.............
Submitted by: james_climber on 2005-12-12 Views: 746 | Comments: 3
Travesia por el ultimo bolt de 'El ataque de las abejas''ruta llena de lanzes que hicieron añicos mis dedos.
Submitted by: james_climber on 2005-12-12 Views: 771 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
Daryus climbing the new route at Tepoz, "Charly Brown" in a beautifull day.
Submitted by: martiney50 on 2005-11-04 Views: 1022 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
My friend Edi on the first crux of Todá, after this you have a section of hidden holds and the last slopper.
Submitted by: martiney50 on 2005-11-04 Views: 820 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Jimmy sending this nice route at Tepoz. The crux is on the beginning and the rest is just endurance.
Submitted by: martiney50 on 2005-11-04 Views: 922 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
this is the first route in las abejas. is and 11.b whit a great dyno just in the middle
Submitted by: tmdario on 2005-07-26 Views: 885 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Dario just before the crux of this classic Todá 5.12 in Tepoz.
A lot of people falls here cause the holds are kind of hidden.
Submitted by: martiney50 on 2005-07-25 Views: 750 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Cyrus sending this classic 5.12 Todá at Tepoz. After the dyno just need to reach the sloper and clip.
Submitted by: martiney50 on 2005-07-25 Views: 618 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
My funky friend Daryus cliping the anchors at this Tepoz's classic Todá 5.12.
Submitted by: martiney50 on 2005-07-25 Views: 812 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Lindo desplome lleno d lajas, la salida es un techito con agarres grandes
Submitted by: Fili on 2011-04-28 Views: 1852 | Comments: 0