Taken by Khoan on my first lead up Bear's reach, I'm posing at the start of pitch 2.
Submitted by: harmonydoc on 2006-09-09 Views: 2429 | Comments: 0
This is me nearing the end of the 2nd pitch of Haystack. Looking closely you can see the beautiful horizontal dikes that define climbing at the Leap.
Submitted by: bluering on 2006-06-28 Views: 2018 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
I had not yet climbed Scimitar, but on a nice June morning drove up from Berkeley and attached its ascent to that of a few other fine routes in the vicinity.
Submitted by: slobmonster on 2006-06-05 Views: 1723 | Comments: 0
Mike Yokell studies the overhang while leading the last pitch of The Line, 1969. No harness, no cams, no belay devices. Just a waist swami, blue jeans, and old climbing boots. The Line is rated 5.9. I rapped down to get this unusual camera angle on black and white film. -Mark Haymond
Submitted by: ropeboy on 2006-04-15 Views: 1880 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Kim cruising Bears Reach at The Leap. To be honest neither of us could find the "reach" crux.
Submitted by: nthusiastj on 2006-04-01 Views: 2558 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Starting up the first pitch of Haystack. My first big-boy trad lead (the first was Gutenberg Direct at Cosumnes).
Submitted by: TheDullEnd on 2006-11-17 Views: 1819 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
APB beginning on what was to be known as his last climbing trip.
Submitted by: chilldog on 2005-12-19 Views: 1442 | Comment: 1
This is me leading the first pitch of Popbottle. After this lttle crux section, its an easy, two more pitch, hike to the top.
Submitted by: jon06 on 2005-06-14 Views: 927 | Comments: 0
This is rcwallrat guiding his first 2 clients ever on The Bears Reach, Lovers Leap, CA-circa 1977. Copyright R. Camp.
Submitted by: rcwallrat on 2005-02-21 Views: 868 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
1st day multi-pitch climbing, 3rd climb of day (after Surrelistic Pillar and Bear's Reach). Fun!
Submitted by: jay07 on 2004-09-24 Views: 808 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
a quick jaunt up to lover's leap gave us some perfect weather for a first visit... which will certainly not be the last.
Submitted by: slobmonster on 2004-08-08 Views: 1012 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
The Line is the obvious and classic route up the center of the East Wall of Lover's Leap. The first pitch is steep and sustained 5.9 climbing. Here I am resting during the first pitch. As you can tell it protects easy (and my case often). Photo by Angels E.
Submitted by: jhull on 2004-07-29 Views: 1465 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Here's a belay you don't want to use on pitch 2 of Pop Bottle, Lover's Leap. Use a 60M rope and belay from as close to the first bolt at the start of pitch two. This will give you enough rope to make it to the regular belay anchors and then 4th class it to the top.
Submitted by: desertgranite on 2004-06-04 Views: 1289 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
This is a pic of me on Bear's Reach (5.7 trad) at Lover's Leap near Tahoe in CA. The crux of the climb is right at the top where an easy lieback is required to pull youself up onto a large block. That is the Bear's Reach.
Submitted by: josephgdawson on 2004-05-31 Views: 1581 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
exposed first move on the second pitch and then its pretty basic to the top
Submitted by: lightrack on 2003-04-26 Views: 1056 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Happy to report, the Line's Ugly Sister had a facejob. No more loose blocks with "unclear attachment" or potential "life threatening ginsu flake chop" on the first pitch. All gone. In its place a lovely section of stemming opportunity that protects bomber. Now your beloved belayer can stand directly below you with greater peace of mind. Now nothing prevents this route from becoming as popular if not more popular than the Line. P.S. Definitely two pitches, in my opinion, not three, first all the way to the ledge, second to the top.
Submitted by: Lifecrafter on 2008-05-15 Views: 3230 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
Elron on his last climb before heading to Paris
Submitted by: Gmburns2000 on 2008-06-17 Views: 2000 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
leading into the sun! P2 The Line
Submitted by: mtnjohn on 2009-01-03 | Last Modified: 2009-04-13 Views: 2166 | Comments: 0
This is Pitch 2 and the roof crux of Haystack.
Submitted by: plantmandan on 2009-06-17 Views: 2413 | Comments: 0
I was on Pop Bottle and caught my friend going up East Wall - or was it East Corner...
Submitted by: chugar on 2009-10-21 Views: 2134 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Top of first pitch of Pop Bottle April 2011
Submitted by: retro67 on 2011-04-11 Views: 2532 | Comments: 0
THIS is a loyal crag dog!
Submitted by: retro67 on 2011-04-12 Views: 1997 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0