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This is one of the main letdowns of this 'sensitive' area: anything close to parking is littered heavily in busted beer bottles, trash and smashed glass on low angled faces, plus, the worst, 'outdoorsman' whom can't seem to bury his feces and toilet paper creating pooh flags.
Luckily i saw very little graffitti, the Conglomerate Boulder is a environmental disaster. When we were there, we saw a group of local frisbee golfers using the boulders for a weekend course, we came back the next day, they were gone but left lots of trash-shame on you!
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2005-06-03 Views: 796 | Comments: 0
This fun line is between Burnt and Conglomerate Areas. Bring a GPS!
That road in the far background on the upper left is coming down from Boise, one hour away. The dam is seen low down.
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2005-06-02 Views: 617 | Comments: 0
Crazy SS up a horizontal hand crack that twists up and right with bad feet, 5 minutes from Burnt Boulder Area.
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2005-06-02 Views: 1017 | Comments: 2
Big boulder in Scott Area , maybe it is Scott boulder?! Dedication Point overlook is up and right.
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2005-06-02 Views: 727 | Comment: 1
Just a fun little route near the Burnt Boulder. Be very careful of broken glass. The further you get from the cars the better, less trash and there is lots here, especially at Conglomerate Area. Also watch out for idiots who can't burry their own feces and TP! Climb on!
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2005-06-02 Views: 565 | Comment: 1
From a SS this unknown line is hard even after grabbing the monster right jug.
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2005-06-02 Views: 504 | Comments: 0
This route?? had the only loose holds I saw at Swan, well, actually there's a scarey flake described on the online topo(thanks to the author) that is scarey indeed.
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2005-06-02 Views: 589 | Comment: 1