This pic is on the approach of my third visit to this spire. I love it!
Submitted by: grampacharlie on 2006-06-03 Views: 1413 | Comments: 0
Mark relaxes after pulling the strenous crux off the start of Pitch 2, on Oak Creek Spire, Sedona, Arizona. A true variety pack, this climb has got cracks, chimneys, jumps and sketchy rappels making it my favorite Sedona spire, a true gem of a rock climb. The jump across was enough to question my sanity...I'm glad I did it...
Submitted by: cragb on 2006-04-16 Views: 1739 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Oak Creek Spire as seen from the approach to the East, the blue seen thru the chimney gives the great void you have to leap a REAL sense of it's magnitude.
Submitted by: markguycan on 2005-09-29 Views: 1165 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is my friend John requesting a number 3 camalot be lowered to him because he was scared to take the 20 foot death fall. I made him ask politly, then spoiler that i am, I was stopped short by my anchor so that the cam was just out of his reach.
Submitted by: msbrenne on 2005-09-26 Views: 1257 | Comments: 0
I took this picture from the summit of the Courthouse.Only if I could have found the summit register.
Submitted by: joshklingbeil on 2004-06-17 Views: 956 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 2
This pic was taken at the base of Oakcreek Spire as we were packing the gear up.
The mailbox at the top of Oak Creek Spire. It contains the summit registry.
The rappel anchors at the second rap station.
Another great view from the summit of Oak Creek Spire
At least the top of the north summit. You can see the packs on the ground. And there is still the jump and more climbing before the top of the south tower.
This is a great view of the two summits. The climb goes up the right (North) summit then you leap across a 140 foot chasm to the face of the south wall then climb up.
The North Face route goes up just around the corner on the right then up the obvious chimney system.
Kole contemplating the jump across the 7x140 foot chasm between the north and south summits.
This is the instant of greatest suspense.....will the hands hold, remember ladies and gentlemen there is no feet or net :)
Kole after the jump...collecting his gonads and thoughts.....