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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Your search returned 0 categories and 11 photos


what's my line?

Average Rating = 2.50/5 what's my line?

a little ways up the second pitch of What's My Line. you can see where the route name comes from. photo by amir.
Submitted by: sixleggedinsect on 2006-01-05
Views: 1866 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Cochise Classic!

Average Rating = 3.14/5 Cochise Classic!

This photo shows "Team UW-L" stylin' their way up Whats My Line? in Cochise Stronghold. Three pitches of 5.6 (A0). Photo taken by Gabe Neely.
Submitted by: laxclmr on 2005-01-29
Views: 1387 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 4
waiting in line...

Average Rating = 3.33/5 waiting in line...

5 parties took their turn finding their own line up the sea of granite chickenheads this wintery day.
Submitted by: markguycan on 2004-11-30
Views: 812 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 3
Jamie pauses atop P1 WML

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Jamie pauses atop P1 WML

P1 starts off exposed as you slot canyoneer 100+ vertical ft approach to the pendulum. Then it's 2 pitches of sweet succulent chickenheads! followed by P3: an 'airey traverse" pitch and a short summit pitch to the raps.
Submitted by: markguycan on 2004-11-30
Views: 794 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Jason Schrack on What's My Line, 5.6 A0

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Jason Schrack on What's My Line, 5.6 A0

Jason Schrack on What's My Line, 5.6 A0, Cochise Dome, Cochise Stronghold.
Submitted by: foresthill on 2004-10-28
Views: 1511 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
The land that time forgot

Average Rating = 3.83/5 The land that time forgot

When I finally hiked into the area of Cocise Dome I felt like this sight marked the valley of some wonderful climbing utopia where female climbers are waiting for you at the base of the rocks with cold beer. You can see the dots of two tiny climbers smack dab in the middle of Cochise Dome to the right. Kevin and I were soon to become two dots ourselves.
Submitted by: jacobkosker on 2004-06-09
Views: 855 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Big pretty rocks

Average Rating = 3.40/5 Big pretty rocks

I took this photo from Cochise Dome after Christmas 2003. Maybe somebody out there can tell me about these rocks.
Submitted by: jacobkosker on 2004-06-08
Views: 748 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Kevin Bogdan on chickenhead belay station.

Average Rating = 3.60/5 Kevin Bogdan on chickenhead belay station.

This in one fun friggin climb. It begins with a search to the approach. The first portion of the climb is really fun if you aid it by lowering off a bolt and pendelum across the face till you can latch onto some chickenheads or scales. Almost the entire climb is protectable only by slinging off big fat chikenheads! Even the belay used these big weathered plates! I have to thanks Kevin for talking me into "driving all the way" to Cochise. We just cames from the Superstitions. What was I thinking? Cochise rocks!
Submitted by: jacobkosker on 2004-06-08
Views: 2370 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Choking the Granite Chickens

Average Rating = 2.80/5 Choking the Granite Chickens

Beatriz amongst a flock of chickens in the stellar granite of What's My Line on Cochise Dome
Submitted by: hand_sandwich on 2004-05-15
Views: 961 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 3.85/5 "What's My Line", Classic Cochise

Myself seconding Jake Kosker (photographer) on the classic "What's My Line" (5.6 A0) at Cochise Stronghold, Az. Despite the ease of the climb, it was an experience not to be forgotten. There is nothing like slinging a granite chicken head for protection. Anyone's trip to Arizona is not complete without climbing this marvelous route.
Submitted by: rockseeker on 2003-01-12
Views: 2209 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 0
Sweet in the Afternoon

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Sweet in the Afternoon

January 2007--check the snow patches still lurking in the shadow of Rockfellow behind me!
Submitted by: aerili on 2007-02-06
Views: 3301 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1