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Off-width. Laybacks. Hands. Fingers. Laybacks. Hands. Face. This route has it all! Andy enjoys the start to Beeline, a stellar route!
Submitted by: hand_sandwich on 2004-05-15 Views: 974 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Beatriz making a "Beeline" for the anchors before her knuckles swell and she's left as fixed gear. Just kidding. We both enjoyed this superb, thin, low-angle crack on stellar granite.
Submitted by: hand_sandwich on 2004-05-15 Views: 1037 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This is Beeline, start up the large flake then go up and under the roof. Exit the roof to the right for the 2nd pitch.
Some really cool Alligator Rock just behind the belay station for Beeline. A belayer has to do something during those long climbing sessions.
Kole looking for the first big chicken head to lasso.....
Kole continues on after getting a chicken head tied off.
This is the Stronghold Dome as seen from the start of the approach. Beeline is under the large roof on the left side.
This is what you LOVE to see at the top of a 5.8 R pitch.
Me on the start to was a bit on the cool side but a fun climb.
Wow... overhung offwidth?!?! Okay, I confess, I played with the angles a bit, though it really was an offwidth.
Submitted by: cragchica on 2002-08-28 Views: 984 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 0
Here's Ben leading an offwidth at the End Chimneys at Cochise Stronghold last fall on the weekend of my very first Beanfest. This climb also marked my very first encounter with trad climbing.
Submitted by: cragchica on 2002-08-28 Views: 846 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
My brother hobbs024. Carrying a giant pack on lead for a 2-pitch route makes him feel hardy and immune to effort, like the stoic Norwegian Viking descendent that he is. The day this was taken was cold, gray and overcast (one of those 15%-of-the-year kind of days in unfortunate!), so I "posterized" it in Photoshop and not only made it look sunnier, but got this trippy-looking effect in the sky! December 2006
Submitted by: aerili on 2007-04-26 | Last Modified: 2007-05-08 Views: 2519 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3