Dreamberry Wine - 5.7

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (5)
Premier Sponsor:
Straight up a crack to a dimond shapped hole. Go either way (left is easier).
Submitted by: gilthanass on 2002-10-25
Views: 801
Route ID: 26107
5 Ascents Recorded
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Added: 2004-05-23
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Added: 2004-04-25
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Safety Rating | G |
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Added: 2003-07-10
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Another worthy route. Gets the PG rating from the wide crack at the start but if you dont have big gear, hang in there because there are placements for smaller stuff a bit higher. After the start, the pro is good and the climbing is fun.
Witnessed by: gilthanass
Added: 2002-10-18
Added: 2002-10-18
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Ascent Note
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Added: 2002-10-18