Routes : North America : United States : Texas : South Central Texas : Barton Creek Greenbelt : New Wall : Girly Man
Girly Man - 5.10d

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
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6 bolts and anchores.
From the second bolt on Mandingo, traverse left to the big hold just left of the Hysteria bolt, but avoid clipping this. Move up and right to the holds under the roof, traverse back right to the Mandingo bolt, then finish directly up the Mandingo line. This is a bold variation, which could result in a potential grounder if the climber falls on the traverse.
Submitted by: duracellbunny on 2005-10-06
Views: 1803
Route ID: 63014
1 Ascent Recorded
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Added: 2004-03-20