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russels aid line - A3+

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right):
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
Premier Sponsor:
russel mitrovich
bugaboo at start, std hooks, bat hooks, cams to 1 inch
Consensus Ratings
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  Rock Quality (Not Rated)
  Scenery (Not Rated)
  Fun Factor (Not Rated)


starts with a traverse into an expanding flake, then bat hooks to a rivet and more bat hooks to the top. 5 or 6 hooks in a row. located between 'bull in a china closet' and 'ten pin'

Descent Options:

rappel 'ten pin'

Submitted by: lightrack on 2007-12-07
Views: 1422
Route ID: 91108

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