Videos by yapher
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yapher on 2009-02-16 | Views: 2369 | Votes: 0 | Comments: 0
Here is my friend Guy Keesee leading a fun 5.10a climb on Echo Cliffs' Left Flank. This was on April 19, 2009 in the late afternoon.
yapher on 2009-04-22 | Views: 1835 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Here is Barbara Taylor doing a 5.9 at Holcolm Valley Pinacles, SanBernardino Mts., California
yapher on 2013-01-01 | Views: 1160 | Votes: 0 | Comments: 0
labor Day Weekend 2008
yapher on 2009-02-18 | Views: 2922 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Here is Steve leading Touch and Go a Joshua Tree classic.
yapher on 2009-04-03 | Views: 2718 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Here is Larry Cody on Betty 5.9 Tahquitz Rock, Idyllwild Ca,
yapher on 2013-01-01 | Views: 1557 | Votes: 0 | Comments: 0