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May 30, 2014, 7:03 PM
Post #102551 of 105309 (5291 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Nathan and I are going to go to Canada's Wonderland this weekend!

I managed to avoid those kinds of places until now. I hope you have fun! (I guess...)

Not your cup of tea I take it?


I know they say, don't knock it until you try it. and I was actually cautiously open to the idea when Banz wanted to go to Cedar Point a couple of years back. But we never made those plans, and I really don't want to pay a lot of money to stand in long lines under hot sun for a chance to ride for 2 minutes on the thing that drops you from heights.

So here's the crazy part....we bought a seson's pass!

Idea being that a season's pass wasn't that much more than a single day's ticket and we won't feel bad when we decide to leave instead of standing in those lines for 2 hours.



May 30, 2014, 7:08 PM
Post #102552 of 105309 (5291 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [cracklover] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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And if it get too hot to stand in line for rollercoasters.......



May 30, 2014, 7:11 PM
Post #102553 of 105309 (5288 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [cracklover] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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May 30, 2014, 9:38 PM
Post #102554 of 105309 (5274 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [cracklover] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Power line is nasty. I got like 8 feet on that thing on toprope.

Power Line is cool as shit. Just really fucking hard. I'm at the point in my climbing where I can pretty much ringlock on tight green camalots on a vertical splitter till the cows come home. But when it drops to .5s or .4s, I'm screwed unless there's something for my feet.

In reply to:
3 strikes was hard too, although I remember doing it end of the day. Desert corners are more work than fun I think.

Depends - if you try to layback the whole thing, yeah. If you can work the feet and get halfway decent jams, it's pretty damn fun. Though I will admit that after Allison led Quarter of a Man, I thought it wise to let her clean it on the way down, rather than following it. 120 feet of greens and reds, whether in a corner or straight in, is definitely a lot of work. I've sent it before, and I wanted to save my strength for something else. Great line, though.

In reply to:
Nice going on way Rambo. I think it only has like 12 feet of hard climbing. I would have liked a second go on it but a big crew showed up and wanted to do it.

Totally agree on the 12 feet of hard climbing. And yeah, the trouble is it's by far the best route at the crag, and the only good hard route there, so it does get gangbanged a lot.

While you were there, did you get on Chest Full of Kind? Short, but super-fun.


I can't remember much about 3 strikes. I think I jammed most of it and laid it back between hand jam spots.

Never did the chest full of kind. Did the warmup, that blue sun, the fun one with the overhanging golds finish, and then the Host (maybe the hostess?) wicked overhanging reds for 20 feet or so into standard issue .10 corner.

Partner camhead

May 31, 2014, 12:00 AM
Post #102555 of 105309 (5265 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [cracklover] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Lena, glad to hear your finger's doing so much better. Now good luck with your knee!

Quick report from me: We found a realtor, and our house should be going on the market as early as tomorrow. Allison sent on Sunday. First 12(-) for her. Woo! We're heading to a good friend's thesis defense party tonight, and then heading to the Creek first thing tomorrow AM, for most of a week. Psyched! So long, suckas!

That is awl.


Didn't know you were moving? How far and how soon?

Congrats to Alison for teh s3nd!

Okay, now I can reply - the site's been fucked up all day, and only now lets me post.

Yeah, we're moving (as I mentioned on FB) to Connecticut. Sucks for climbing aside from The Gunks. Allison got a really good postdoc at Yale, so... off we go. Moving in around three weeks.

Allison also crushed in the Creek. Sending three 11s - Scarface, Three Strikes You're Out, and Power Play. Go her!

In udder news from the Creek, I finally got my big mitts to stick well enough in Way Rambo to let me send. Going tapeless was key. Got totally crushed by Power Line, though. What a sweet climb. Got a bit closer when I went with bare feet and taped toes, but still nowhere near strong enough for that shit. A lot closer on Digital Readout. But holy hell that destroys my fingers on the parts where they'll actually fit.


Rumney is 3.5 hours from Yale, I don't know what you are whining about.

Go move to the Front Range for a few years and then you'll see what I'm whining about. 3.5 hours away is a fucking pain in the ass compared to getting in a half-dozen pitches in the afternoon.

But we don't actually need to go as far as Rumney for moderately decent sport - it's around two hours to Farley.

In reply to:
Congrats to Alison, Yale postdoc is an impressive achievement. Hopefully it turns out to be every bit as good as it sounds.

Yeah, she's the smart and motivated one of the two of us.


Well, we should definitely meet up at the Gunks this fall.


Jun 1, 2014, 11:59 PM
Post #102556 of 105309 (5217 views)

Registered: Mar 19, 2003
Posts: 9679

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Partner cracklover

Jun 2, 2014, 3:20 AM
Post #102557 of 105309 (5203 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
Posts: 10162

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Lena, glad to hear your finger's doing so much better. Now good luck with your knee!

Quick report from me: We found a realtor, and our house should be going on the market as early as tomorrow. Allison sent on Sunday. First 12(-) for her. Woo! We're heading to a good friend's thesis defense party tonight, and then heading to the Creek first thing tomorrow AM, for most of a week. Psyched! So long, suckas!

That is awl.


Didn't know you were moving? How far and how soon?

Congrats to Alison for teh s3nd!

Okay, now I can reply - the site's been fucked up all day, and only now lets me post.

Yeah, we're moving (as I mentioned on FB) to Connecticut. Sucks for climbing aside from The Gunks. Allison got a really good postdoc at Yale, so... off we go. Moving in around three weeks.

Allison also crushed in the Creek. Sending three 11s - Scarface, Three Strikes You're Out, and Power Play. Go her!

In udder news from the Creek, I finally got my big mitts to stick well enough in Way Rambo to let me send. Going tapeless was key. Got totally crushed by Power Line, though. What a sweet climb. Got a bit closer when I went with bare feet and taped toes, but still nowhere near strong enough for that shit. A lot closer on Digital Readout. But holy hell that destroys my fingers on the parts where they'll actually fit.


Rumney is 3.5 hours from Yale, I don't know what you are whining about.

Go move to the Front Range for a few years and then you'll see what I'm whining about. 3.5 hours away is a fucking pain in the ass compared to getting in a half-dozen pitches in the afternoon.

But we don't actually need to go as far as Rumney for moderately decent sport - it's around two hours to Farley.

In reply to:
Congrats to Alison, Yale postdoc is an impressive achievement. Hopefully it turns out to be every bit as good as it sounds.

Yeah, she's the smart and motivated one of the two of us.


Well, we should definitely meet up at the Gunks this fall.

I'd be down with that.



Jun 2, 2014, 8:58 AM
Post #102558 of 105309 (5185 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [cracklover] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Lena, glad to hear your finger's doing so much better. Now good luck with your knee!

Quick report from me: We found a realtor, and our house should be going on the market as early as tomorrow. Allison sent on Sunday. First 12(-) for her. Woo! We're heading to a good friend's thesis defense party tonight, and then heading to the Creek first thing tomorrow AM, for most of a week. Psyched! So long, suckas!

That is awl.


Didn't know you were moving? How far and how soon?

Congrats to Alison for teh s3nd!

Okay, now I can reply - the site's been fucked up all day, and only now lets me post.

Yeah, we're moving (as I mentioned on FB) to Connecticut. Sucks for climbing aside from The Gunks. Allison got a really good postdoc at Yale, so... off we go. Moving in around three weeks.

Allison also crushed in the Creek. Sending three 11s - Scarface, Three Strikes You're Out, and Power Play. Go her!

In udder news from the Creek, I finally got my big mitts to stick well enough in Way Rambo to let me send. Going tapeless was key. Got totally crushed by Power Line, though. What a sweet climb. Got a bit closer when I went with bare feet and taped toes, but still nowhere near strong enough for that shit. A lot closer on Digital Readout. But holy hell that destroys my fingers on the parts where they'll actually fit.


Rumney is 3.5 hours from Yale, I don't know what you are whining about.

Go move to the Front Range for a few years and then you'll see what I'm whining about. 3.5 hours away is a fucking pain in the ass compared to getting in a half-dozen pitches in the afternoon.

But we don't actually need to go as far as Rumney for moderately decent sport - it's around two hours to Farley.

In reply to:
Congrats to Alison, Yale postdoc is an impressive achievement. Hopefully it turns out to be every bit as good as it sounds.

Yeah, she's the smart and motivated one of the two of us.


Well, we should definitely meet up at the Gunks this fall.

I'd be down with that.


I would lurve to get to the Gunks again, but hate how much more money it costs for a day pass and that they're getting rid of Slime. Unsure

Partner cracklover

Jun 2, 2014, 7:37 PM
Post #102559 of 105309 (5151 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
Posts: 10162

Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Lena, glad to hear your finger's doing so much better. Now good luck with your knee!

Quick report from me: We found a realtor, and our house should be going on the market as early as tomorrow. Allison sent on Sunday. First 12(-) for her. Woo! We're heading to a good friend's thesis defense party tonight, and then heading to the Creek first thing tomorrow AM, for most of a week. Psyched! So long, suckas!

That is awl.


Didn't know you were moving? How far and how soon?

Congrats to Alison for teh s3nd!

Okay, now I can reply - the site's been fucked up all day, and only now lets me post.

Yeah, we're moving (as I mentioned on FB) to Connecticut. Sucks for climbing aside from The Gunks. Allison got a really good postdoc at Yale, so... off we go. Moving in around three weeks.

Allison also crushed in the Creek. Sending three 11s - Scarface, Three Strikes You're Out, and Power Play. Go her!

In udder news from the Creek, I finally got my big mitts to stick well enough in Way Rambo to let me send. Going tapeless was key. Got totally crushed by Power Line, though. What a sweet climb. Got a bit closer when I went with bare feet and taped toes, but still nowhere near strong enough for that shit. A lot closer on Digital Readout. But holy hell that destroys my fingers on the parts where they'll actually fit.


Rumney is 3.5 hours from Yale, I don't know what you are whining about.

Go move to the Front Range for a few years and then you'll see what I'm whining about. 3.5 hours away is a fucking pain in the ass compared to getting in a half-dozen pitches in the afternoon.

But we don't actually need to go as far as Rumney for moderately decent sport - it's around two hours to Farley.

In reply to:
Congrats to Alison, Yale postdoc is an impressive achievement. Hopefully it turns out to be every bit as good as it sounds.

Yeah, she's the smart and motivated one of the two of us.


Well, we should definitely meet up at the Gunks this fall.

I'd be down with that.


I would lurve to get to the Gunks again, but hate how much more money it costs for a day pass and that they're getting rid of Slime. Unsure

I hate that they're getting rid of Slime, too. I actually really like that place. To me, there's nothing like waking up, quietely leaving the tent, walking ten paces in the peaceful wee hours of the morning to the cliff. And looking over to watch the fog moving over the valley floor from atop the Trapps.

Regarding the fees - Allison bought me/us an annual membership for my birthday, but I don't think that gets any guest passes or anything like that. Looks like you only get free guest passes for a lifetime membership (at like 3 grand). That ain't happening, so I guess anyone we go with from out of town will have to pay full price. Bummer. :/



Jun 2, 2014, 8:08 PM
Post #102560 of 105309 (5144 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [cracklover] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Lena, glad to hear your finger's doing so much better. Now good luck with your knee!

Quick report from me: We found a realtor, and our house should be going on the market as early as tomorrow. Allison sent on Sunday. First 12(-) for her. Woo! We're heading to a good friend's thesis defense party tonight, and then heading to the Creek first thing tomorrow AM, for most of a week. Psyched! So long, suckas!

That is awl.


Didn't know you were moving? How far and how soon?

Congrats to Alison for teh s3nd!

Okay, now I can reply - the site's been fucked up all day, and only now lets me post.

Yeah, we're moving (as I mentioned on FB) to Connecticut. Sucks for climbing aside from The Gunks. Allison got a really good postdoc at Yale, so... off we go. Moving in around three weeks.

Allison also crushed in the Creek. Sending three 11s - Scarface, Three Strikes You're Out, and Power Play. Go her!

In udder news from the Creek, I finally got my big mitts to stick well enough in Way Rambo to let me send. Going tapeless was key. Got totally crushed by Power Line, though. What a sweet climb. Got a bit closer when I went with bare feet and taped toes, but still nowhere near strong enough for that shit. A lot closer on Digital Readout. But holy hell that destroys my fingers on the parts where they'll actually fit.


Rumney is 3.5 hours from Yale, I don't know what you are whining about.

Go move to the Front Range for a few years and then you'll see what I'm whining about. 3.5 hours away is a fucking pain in the ass compared to getting in a half-dozen pitches in the afternoon.

But we don't actually need to go as far as Rumney for moderately decent sport - it's around two hours to Farley.

In reply to:
Congrats to Alison, Yale postdoc is an impressive achievement. Hopefully it turns out to be every bit as good as it sounds.

Yeah, she's the smart and motivated one of the two of us.


Well, we should definitely meet up at the Gunks this fall.

I'd be down with that.


I would lurve to get to the Gunks again, but hate how much more money it costs for a day pass and that they're getting rid of Slime. Unsure

I hate that they're getting rid of Slime, too. I actually really like that place. To me, there's nothing like waking up, quietely leaving the tent, walking ten paces in the peaceful wee hours of the morning to the cliff. And looking over to watch the fog moving over the valley floor from atop the Trapps.

Regarding the fees - Allison bought me/us an annual membership for my birthday, but I don't think that gets any guest passes or anything like that. Looks like you only get free guest passes for a lifetime membership (at like 3 grand). That ain't happening, so I guess anyone we go with from out of town will have to pay full price. Bummer. :/


I've always bought season's passes, seeing as the Gunks is less than 6 hours from St. Catharines. It has never been too bad to get a few weekends in to make the pass worth while. But I'm always selective when I get the pass, making sure I have time to get those weekends in.

I also love Slime for the same reason. I love that you don't have a car there. Last time Nathan and I met the Gerks down there we were up earlier than anyone. So we racked up, quick darted down to the Nears and climbed Disneyland. The top of the Nears is right by Slime, so it was a quick hop back to the tent and breakfast.

Partner camhead

Jun 3, 2014, 2:39 PM
Post #102561 of 105309 (5119 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Once again, my only full day off of the week rolls around, and once again it is the only day that it is raining all week. Fortunately, I just got the first three seasons of Gheyme of Throwns, and a fully charged ipad. #thuglife.


Jun 3, 2014, 3:02 PM
Post #102562 of 105309 (5117 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Made it out to the local project yesterday and put together some good links. Improved beta on both cruxes so now the thing feels sendable.

Partner brought along a super strong young guy who got an FA on the neighboring route, and made it look effortless. Sick to watch. He got the 3rd of too big to flail last winter, super talented.


Jun 3, 2014, 3:09 PM
Post #102563 of 105309 (5114 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
Once again, my only full day off of the week rolls around, and once again it is the only day that it is raining all week. Fortunately, I just got the first three seasons of Gheyme of Throwns, and a fully charged ipad. #thuglife.

That should keep you busy for a little while!


Jun 3, 2014, 4:52 PM
Post #102564 of 105309 (5101 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
The graveyard is fully functioning. Gerks are dead. Long live the gerks? Maybe?


Oh good! I thought everyone succumbed to the heat wave, or something. how could it be 90F this weekend at the Red? NOT FAIR!!!!

Banz is now officially starting the new cycle of starvation and hanging bored.

I guess the positive side of it is that I will catch up on my garden and house chores, go dancing, and maybe find out what my non-climbing friends are doing. It is a bit of a stretch, admittedly, but it could happen.

Need to set another route at the gym on Friday, too.

I was in new jersey at teh Reunions, drinking beerz and not climbing.


Jun 3, 2014, 4:54 PM
Post #102565 of 105309 (5099 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Lena, glad to hear your finger's doing so much better. Now good luck with your knee!

Quick report from me: We found a realtor, and our house should be going on the market as early as tomorrow. Allison sent on Sunday. First 12(-) for her. Woo! We're heading to a good friend's thesis defense party tonight, and then heading to the Creek first thing tomorrow AM, for most of a week. Psyched! So long, suckas!

That is awl.


Didn't know you were moving? How far and how soon?

Congrats to Alison for teh s3nd!

Okay, now I can reply - the site's been fucked up all day, and only now lets me post.

Yeah, we're moving (as I mentioned on FB) to Connecticut. Sucks for climbing aside from The Gunks. Allison got a really good postdoc at Yale, so... off we go. Moving in around three weeks.

Allison also crushed in the Creek. Sending three 11s - Scarface, Three Strikes You're Out, and Power Play. Go her!

In udder news from the Creek, I finally got my big mitts to stick well enough in Way Rambo to let me send. Going tapeless was key. Got totally crushed by Power Line, though. What a sweet climb. Got a bit closer when I went with bare feet and taped toes, but still nowhere near strong enough for that shit. A lot closer on Digital Readout. But holy hell that destroys my fingers on the parts where they'll actually fit.


Rumney is 3.5 hours from Yale, I don't know what you are whining about.

Congrats to Alison, Yale postdoc is an impressive achievement. Hopefully it turns out to be every bit as good as it sounds.

Rumney is a glorified bouldering ledgy chosspile.


Jun 3, 2014, 4:54 PM
Post #102566 of 105309 (5098 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
Made it out to the local project yesterday and put together some good links. Improved beta on both cruxes so now the thing feels sendable.

Partner brought along a super strong young guy who got an FA on the neighboring route, and made it look effortless. Sick to watch. He got the 3rd of too big to flail last winter, super talented.

If figured out the crux of my lastest quasi project. The entire crux is only about 4-5 moves long and then only 11c (or maybe easier?) to the anchors.

A couple of hard moves though on this micro crimp. finally have to give up on Nathan's beta, which consists of pulling hard and moving through the crux as quickly as you can because his hands don't actually fit on the holds, and find my own. I fortunatly have the luxery of being able to hold onto the holds a second or two longer and place my feet in a more optimal position.


Jun 3, 2014, 5:02 PM
Post #102567 of 105309 (5095 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
New fan coming from Hong Kong.

Doc's HUGE in Asia! Fans all over the place!

They love me long time!


Jun 3, 2014, 5:05 PM
Post #102568 of 105309 (5093 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
The graveyard is fully functioning. Gerks are dead. Long live the gerks? Maybe?

My fans in Hong Kong aren't helping.

Nor was a brief famvasion and a trip to the city of rAwks. The good news is I got a well-paying, easy temp jorb for the summer that will keep me out of the dole line.


Jun 3, 2014, 5:12 PM
Post #102569 of 105309 (5091 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Nathan and I are going to go to Canada's Wonderland this weekend!

I managed to avoid those kinds of places until now. I hope you have fun! (I guess...)

Not your cup of tea I take it?


I know they say, don't knock it until you try it. and I was actually cautiously open to the idea when Banz wanted to go to Cedar Point a couple of years back. But we never made those plans, and I really don't want to pay a lot of money to stand in long lines under hot sun for a chance to ride for 2 minutes on the thing that drops you from heights.

So here's the crazy part....we bought a seson's pass!

Idea being that a season's pass wasn't that much more than a single day's ticket and we won't feel bad when we decide to leave instead of standing in those lines for 2 hours.




Jun 3, 2014, 5:13 PM
Post #102570 of 105309 (5090 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
cracklover wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Power line is nasty. I got like 8 feet on that thing on toprope.

Power Line is cool as shit. Just really fucking hard. I'm at the point in my climbing where I can pretty much ringlock on tight green camalots on a vertical splitter till the cows come home. But when it drops to .5s or .4s, I'm screwed unless there's something for my feet.

In reply to:
3 strikes was hard too, although I remember doing it end of the day. Desert corners are more work than fun I think.

Depends - if you try to layback the whole thing, yeah. If you can work the feet and get halfway decent jams, it's pretty damn fun. Though I will admit that after Allison led Quarter of a Man, I thought it wise to let her clean it on the way down, rather than following it. 120 feet of greens and reds, whether in a corner or straight in, is definitely a lot of work. I've sent it before, and I wanted to save my strength for something else. Great line, though.

In reply to:
Nice going on way Rambo. I think it only has like 12 feet of hard climbing. I would have liked a second go on it but a big crew showed up and wanted to do it.

Totally agree on the 12 feet of hard climbing. And yeah, the trouble is it's by far the best route at the crag, and the only good hard route there, so it does get gangbanged a lot.

While you were there, did you get on Chest Full of Kind? Short, but super-fun.


I can't remember much about 3 strikes. I think I jammed most of it and laid it back between hand jam spots.

Never did the chest full of kind. Did the warmup, that blue sun, the fun one with the overhanging golds finish, and then the Host (maybe the hostess?) wicked overhanging reds for 20 feet or so into standard issue .10 corner.

I <3 way rambo wall.

The monk is quite good as well. I think the fuzz(overhanging golds) is easier than chest full of kind, but that mini roof is on reds and me no likey.


Jun 3, 2014, 5:13 PM
Post #102571 of 105309 (5088 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

Re: [climbs4fun] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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climbs4fun wrote:


Jun 3, 2014, 5:14 PM
Post #102572 of 105309 (5087 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Lena, glad to hear your finger's doing so much better. Now good luck with your knee!

Quick report from me: We found a realtor, and our house should be going on the market as early as tomorrow. Allison sent on Sunday. First 12(-) for her. Woo! We're heading to a good friend's thesis defense party tonight, and then heading to the Creek first thing tomorrow AM, for most of a week. Psyched! So long, suckas!

That is awl.


Didn't know you were moving? How far and how soon?

Congrats to Alison for teh s3nd!

Okay, now I can reply - the site's been fucked up all day, and only now lets me post.

Yeah, we're moving (as I mentioned on FB) to Connecticut. Sucks for climbing aside from The Gunks. Allison got a really good postdoc at Yale, so... off we go. Moving in around three weeks.

Allison also crushed in the Creek. Sending three 11s - Scarface, Three Strikes You're Out, and Power Play. Go her!

In udder news from the Creek, I finally got my big mitts to stick well enough in Way Rambo to let me send. Going tapeless was key. Got totally crushed by Power Line, though. What a sweet climb. Got a bit closer when I went with bare feet and taped toes, but still nowhere near strong enough for that shit. A lot closer on Digital Readout. But holy hell that destroys my fingers on the parts where they'll actually fit.


Rumney is 3.5 hours from Yale, I don't know what you are whining about.

Go move to the Front Range for a few years and then you'll see what I'm whining about. 3.5 hours away is a fucking pain in the ass compared to getting in a half-dozen pitches in the afternoon.

But we don't actually need to go as far as Rumney for moderately decent sport - it's around two hours to Farley.

In reply to:
Congrats to Alison, Yale postdoc is an impressive achievement. Hopefully it turns out to be every bit as good as it sounds.

Yeah, she's the smart and motivated one of the two of us.


Well, we should definitely meet up at the Gunks this fall.

I'd be down with that.


I would lurve to get to the Gunks again, but hate how much more money it costs for a day pass and that they're getting rid of Slime. Unsure
They're getting rid of slime?


Jun 3, 2014, 5:33 PM
Post #102573 of 105309 (5081 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
Nathan and I are going to go to Canada's Wonderland this weekend!

I managed to avoid those kinds of places until now. I hope you have fun! (I guess...)

Not your cup of tea I take it?


I know they say, don't knock it until you try it. and I was actually cautiously open to the idea when Banz wanted to go to Cedar Point a couple of years back. But we never made those plans, and I really don't want to pay a lot of money to stand in long lines under hot sun for a chance to ride for 2 minutes on the thing that drops you from heights.

So here's the crazy part....we bought a seson's pass!

Idea being that a season's pass wasn't that much more than a single day's ticket and we won't feel bad when we decide to leave instead of standing in those lines for 2 hours.



So we went on the one in the above photo. That one is a hyper coaster. Nathan didn't get to sit in the front because I jumped the line when they came around looking for two people.

So we then went on their giga coaster, which is taller than a hyper coaster. We sat in the front. The first drop is 80 fucking degrees and we're over 300 ft up. Nathan says, make sure you put your arms up. The girl next to me says, if you put your arms up you won't get them back down because you're going too fast.....the internet tells me 93 miles/hr. Sweet shit.

It was getting fun by the end of the night, but the engineer in me took a while to trust any of their safties.

Partner camhead

Jun 3, 2014, 6:00 PM
Post #102574 of 105309 (5071 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [dr_feelgood] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
cracklover wrote:
camhead wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Lena, glad to hear your finger's doing so much better. Now good luck with your knee!

Quick report from me: We found a realtor, and our house should be going on the market as early as tomorrow. Allison sent on Sunday. First 12(-) for her. Woo! We're heading to a good friend's thesis defense party tonight, and then heading to the Creek first thing tomorrow AM, for most of a week. Psyched! So long, suckas!

That is awl.


Didn't know you were moving? How far and how soon?

Congrats to Alison for teh s3nd!

Okay, now I can reply - the site's been fucked up all day, and only now lets me post.

Yeah, we're moving (as I mentioned on FB) to Connecticut. Sucks for climbing aside from The Gunks. Allison got a really good postdoc at Yale, so... off we go. Moving in around three weeks.

Allison also crushed in the Creek. Sending three 11s - Scarface, Three Strikes You're Out, and Power Play. Go her!

In udder news from the Creek, I finally got my big mitts to stick well enough in Way Rambo to let me send. Going tapeless was key. Got totally crushed by Power Line, though. What a sweet climb. Got a bit closer when I went with bare feet and taped toes, but still nowhere near strong enough for that shit. A lot closer on Digital Readout. But holy hell that destroys my fingers on the parts where they'll actually fit.


Rumney is 3.5 hours from Yale, I don't know what you are whining about.

Go move to the Front Range for a few years and then you'll see what I'm whining about. 3.5 hours away is a fucking pain in the ass compared to getting in a half-dozen pitches in the afternoon.

But we don't actually need to go as far as Rumney for moderately decent sport - it's around two hours to Farley.

In reply to:
Congrats to Alison, Yale postdoc is an impressive achievement. Hopefully it turns out to be every bit as good as it sounds.

Yeah, she's the smart and motivated one of the two of us.


Well, we should definitely meet up at the Gunks this fall.

I'd be down with that.


I would lurve to get to the Gunks again, but hate how much more money it costs for a day pass and that they're getting rid of Slime. Unsure
They're getting rid of slime?

As a jackbooted fascist and Tool of the AAC, I think that all y'all entitled bourgeois with your jorbs should just abandon your false pseudo Turnerian romantic idealism about the freedom of climbing, realize that nothing is free, and start paying for the valued commodity that is Gunks climbzing.



Jun 3, 2014, 8:37 PM
Post #102575 of 105309 (5058 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Lena, glad to hear your finger's doing so much better. Now good luck with your knee!

Quick report from me: We found a realtor, and our house should be going on the market as early as tomorrow. Allison sent on Sunday. First 12(-) for her. Woo! We're heading to a good friend's thesis defense party tonight, and then heading to the Creek first thing tomorrow AM, for most of a week. Psyched! So long, suckas!

That is awl.


Didn't know you were moving? How far and how soon?

Congrats to Alison for teh s3nd!

Okay, now I can reply - the site's been fucked up all day, and only now lets me post.

Yeah, we're moving (as I mentioned on FB) to Connecticut. Sucks for climbing aside from The Gunks. Allison got a really good postdoc at Yale, so... off we go. Moving in around three weeks.

Allison also crushed in the Creek. Sending three 11s - Scarface, Three Strikes You're Out, and Power Play. Go her!

In udder news from the Creek, I finally got my big mitts to stick well enough in Way Rambo to let me send. Going tapeless was key. Got totally crushed by Power Line, though. What a sweet climb. Got a bit closer when I went with bare feet and taped toes, but still nowhere near strong enough for that shit. A lot closer on Digital Readout. But holy hell that destroys my fingers on the parts where they'll actually fit.


Rumney is 3.5 hours from Yale, I don't know what you are whining about.

Congrats to Alison, Yale postdoc is an impressive achievement. Hopefully it turns out to be every bit as good as it sounds.

Rumney is a glorified bouldering ledgy chosspile.

We covered that already! It's all a matter of perspective. Living where I am, I wouldn't mind to have that sort of chosspile within 2.5 hours.

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