Forums : Profile : lextalion

Registered: Apr 28, 2005, 1:50 AM
Last Logon: Oct 15, 2011, 5:37 AM
Posts: 216 (0.0 per day)
Local Time: Jun 6, 2024, 12:05 PM

Personal Profile

Occupation: Custom Home Builder
Interests: Climbing, Mountaineering, Backpacking & Camp, Flyfishing When it comes to climbing. I like Trad climbing better than Sport climbing. When not enough time to do either or there isn't any Trad climbing to be had. I don't mind bouldering. I've also found that my bouldering is a lot harder than long routes trad climbing. I ought to do more of it, to make me stronger for the trad climbs.
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More Info:
I have been climbing seriously for about five years now. However I have climbed and bouldered since I was a kid. I free soloed Mt Lyell in Yosemite in 2004. Not that I would recommend doing that to anyone, or that was a huge accomplishment. Non-the-less it still is a bit of a feat for which I am very proud of. I have done a lot of day hike summits in the past. And enjoy the pain of long pack trips into the back country. Climbing wise, I've not done as much as I wish, but hey one has responsibilities as well as climbing. Hope to get out more now though. I am divorced from my wife, and have two little boys so I have to remember not to be selfish with my time. Climbing has been blamed for part of the split, although I know that it's total BS and there are other underlying things like her being a losser white trash. Anyway, I want not only good kids but I want them to love the outdoors and be great climbers in their own right. Mostly, I work at building fine custom homes, which I could never afford personally. My definition of custom: - money is no object but helps make the world go round. Need a house built? Let me know. I enjoy gourmet food and great drink. Love a good cigar occasionally as well. I believe in slow cooking. Hate fast food, unless it is IN AND Out burgers animal style. Just your basic adrenline junky in search of stress relief. Always looking for new climbing partners to help fit the gaps of my busy work schedule with quality time climbing.

Climbing Profile

Lead | Follow
Trad: 5.8 5.10c
Sport: 5.10d 5.10a
Boulder: V4  
City: Glen Ellen
State: California
Country: United States
Hostel: Contact


Dike Hiking for your Life Just acquaintance Work'in the Moves pull'n my fat ass up Dor crank'n yosemite 06 trip Buffalo Wall

Ascent Log Go View Full Log (54) The 5 most recent ascents recorded by a user in our Routes Database are shown on the user Profile.

Date Level Grade Route Rating
2011-05-24 Red Point Red Point 5.7 Face 5.7 4 out of 5 stars
2010-09-27 Onsight Onsight V4 Monk rock, east face over roof. 4 out of 5 stars
2010-09-25 Onsight Onsight 5.7 Harvey's Wallbanger Right 5 out of 5 stars
2010-09-25 Onsight Onsight 5.8 It's Better With Bacon 5 out of 5 stars
2010-09-25 Flash Flash V0 Monk rock, northwest face. 4 out of 5 stars
2010-08-17 Onsight Onsight 5.8 It's Better With Bacon 4 out of 5 stars
2010-07-18 Hang Dog Hang Dog 5.9 Corn Flakes 5 out of 5 stars

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