Forums : Profile : shorty

Registered: Apr 28, 2003, 2:41 PM
Last Logon: Jul 7, 2011, 6:02 PM
Posts: 1266 (0.2 per day)
Local Time: Jun 3, 2024, 6:18 AM

Personal Profile

Name: Brad Short
Email: No email entered.
More Info:
I was introduced to the outdoors at an early age, probably soon after I could walk and chew bubblegum (in other words, my late 20's). Family hikes led to camping, fishing, and backpacking. Proving a lack of common sense, I began venturing on extended backpacking trips, often in the San Juan mountains of southwestern Colorado, usually solo. Somewhere along the line I developed the urge to stand on top of Colorado's high peaks. This went well until I realized my fear of heights and lack of technical climbing skills would keep me off some of the better summits.<P> One fall while hiking and shooting pictures in Teton National Park, I saw the local guide services training a small herd of less-than-svelte, graying executives how to rock climb in preparation to be hauled up the Grand Teton. At that moment, pride of youth dictated that I would not be outdone by a desk jockey sporting a bad toupee. My sister and I made personal pacts to learn to climb the following spring, much to the chagrin of our parents.<P> A relatively brief stint in the local climbing gyms gave us the basics for going outside -- or so I thought. My introduction to real rock was on Memorial Day 1991 in Eldorado Canyon, which seemed like nirvana. I doubt I will ever forget my first muti-pitch climb, the Bastille Crack. Midway on the climb I was shivering from a chilly breeze and fear on an exposed, sloping belay ledge, wondering if those tiny wedges of aluminum would hold a fall. Timing being everything, the first stopper on the next pitch slipped out of the crack, slid down the rope, and jammed into my belay device. I made a mental note that a pair of Depends may be an important piece of climbing gear.<P> But I stuck with it, learned to deal with the exposure, and now really enjoy multi-pitch routes. So far I've done long routes at Rocky Mountain National Park, Red Rocks, El Potrero Chico (Mexico), and Briancon (France). To date my favorite route probably is Epinephrine (Red Rocks), but the Casual Route (Longs Peak) and Eagle Dance (Red Rocks) are not far behind. Future goals include Yosemite, California's Sierras, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, the Tetons, Verdon Gorge, and the Dolomites.<P> Second only to climbing, skiing is my interest for the colder months. Although a good portion of the winter is dedicated to racing giant slalom, my true love is the steep and deep. Other pursuits include biking (more road than mountain), a little softball for the Company team, and the inevitable corporate-image-required round of golf. I may be one of the few idiots willing to admit that on this website.<P> On really low-gravity days I'm currently leading lower 5.10 trad and upper 5.10 sport, which means I shouldn't quit my day job. Over the years I've seen enough accidents to be choosy about climbing partners. I value a strong sense of safety, a good head on your shoulders, and the ability to shake off setbacks with your sense of humor relatively intact. Although I sometimes get caught up in the ratings game, it's really the quality of the route and the climbing partnership that matters most to me. Holler if you value the same.

Climbing Profile

Lead | Follow
City: Saudi Aurora
State: Colorado
Country: United States


Crimson Chrysalis #3 Crimson Chrysalis #2 Crimson Chrysalis #1 Pawnee Pass, Colorado Torreys Peak summit Kelso Ridge, Colorado descending from Popocatapetl, Mexico

Ascent Log Go View Full Log (43) The 5 most recent ascents recorded by a user in our Routes Database are shown on the user Profile.

Date Level Grade Route Rating
2007-08-17 Second Second 5.10c The Three Roofs 4 out of 5 stars
2007-08-14 Second Second 5.7 NE Ridge 5 out of 5 stars
2007-08-13 Second Second 5.4 West Ridge 5 out of 5 stars
2007-08-13 Second Second 5.10a McTech Arete 5 out of 5 stars
2005-07-10 Onsight Onsight 5.10d Grilled Trout 0 out of 5 stars
2005-04-02 Onsight Onsight 5.10c Drop Zone 0 out of 5 stars
2004-08-22 Red Point Red Point 5.11a Silver Glide 0 out of 5 stars

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